- 2� 1 ��2117
<br /> Return to: P�rkins Pr�perties,60S N. 114 5t.,Qmaha,NE 68�54
<br /> S'PE�''I.�L T�Tl14RR�4NT�D�.�D
<br /> KN�W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Bever�y Sommer, a s�ng�e person,
<br /> �"�rant�r"� in consideratinn of�ne Dollar in hand paid by Perk�ns Delaware II, LLC, a
<br /> Nebraska Iimited i�ability campany, ["�ran�ee"� of Dauglas Caunty and State �f
<br /> Nebraska, does hereby grant, bargain, sell ar�d con�ey unta the said �rantee, the
<br /> fo�lowing described premises s�tuated�n the �our��y of Ha�� and S�ate of Nebraska, �o--
<br /> W��:
<br /> Lot 1, �a�-Mart Subd�visi�n in the �ity of Grand Island, Hall �ounty, Nebraska;
<br /> E��EPT that part c�nveyed tn th� �ity of�rand Island, Nebraska, by Warranty Deed for
<br /> Right of�V'ay, re��rded Ju�y 11, 199Q as Instrument Na. 9�-��4��9, Re�ords, Ha1I
<br /> �ounty, Nebras�a.
<br /> T�gether w�th all the �enements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunta belong�ng,
<br /> and a�Z the estate, right, title, �n�erest, c�aim or deinand whats�ever�f the said Bever�y
<br /> Sommer, (�rantor} of, in, or t� the same, �r any par�thereof:
<br /> T� HAVE AND T� HQLI� th� above describ�d premises unta the said gran�ees and
<br /> to their heirs forever; and the said Grant�r hereby covenants that said prem�ses are free
<br /> and c��ar�f aI� liens and encurnbrar�ces, ex�ept those easemen�s, re�trictions and
<br /> covenants of re��rd and it does h�reby covenant�o WARRANT AND DEFEND the said
<br /> premis�s against the Iawful c�aims and demands of all persons claiming�y, through, or
<br /> under it, and against no �ther c�aims or demands.
<br /> . �
<br /> IN'�ITNE S S �]VHE �F we have hereunta se�our hand t��i s �� da of A ri 1 2�15.
<br /> Y � �
<br /> �
<br /> Be�erly Sommer, by Frank J. S�e�la,
<br /> her A�torney-in-Fact
<br /> STATE �F �
<br /> }ss.
<br /> C�UNTY �F �
<br /> The f�regoing instrument was ac�nowledged before me or�April�, ��1� by Frank
<br /> J. St��Ia, Attorney-in-Fact for Bever�y S�mmer, kn�wn t� be the identi�a� pers�n whose
<br /> name xs affixed to �he foregoing instrument and ackn�wledged the executian�here�f to be
<br /> ���s voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Registration Na.D2MQ17748� N a t ary Pub��c
<br /> �ifed in Nassau Caunty My commission expires �i� ?•i� �
<br /> � Cranm�on E,xp:res Fe�ruary�$,I�t�' .
<br />