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<br /> deeds, cvllatera� mor�gages, and a1I other instruments, agreements and documen�s, whether no��r or he�eafter
<br /> exis�ing, executed in connec�ian with�the indebtedness.
<br /> Rea�ts. The wvrd "Rents" means ali present and fu�ure �rent�, re�enues, incflme, issues, royalties, profi�s� and
<br /> other benefits der��ed �rflm�the Property.
<br /> Trustee. The ward "Trustee" means Heartland Banl�, whose address is P.D. Box 7, Riv�rdaIe, NE 6887� and any
<br /> substitu�e ar suc�ess�r trustees.
<br /> Trus�ar. The word "Trustar" means V11i#Iiam �. Munsterman Revo�ab�e Trust Dated March 18� �0�4.
<br /> AGR�ES TU 1TS TER�S.
<br /> TRUSTDR:
<br /> WILLIAM 0_ MUNSTER�i1fA� REV�C�LSLE TRUST DATE❑ �ARCI-� '1 S, ��3�4
<br /> � -�,� �
<br /> By: f���� �° - .�.�� ����3�% �.�: ���`'��
<br /> 1ltri�Iiam �. M uns#erman, Co-Trustee of 111I i�Iiam �. IVl unsterman
<br /> Revo�ab��Trust Dated ar�h '#S, ���4
<br /> �-
<br /> B � ��� . � - � -
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<br /> i1�i�hae� A. �uns�erman, Cv-Trustee vf V�TiIliam O. IIl�unsterrr�an
<br /> Reva�ab�e Trus�f�a�ed March '[8. ���}�
<br /> �,r � � "�` � � � f�'
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<br /> 1Vliche�e R. i11larnke, Co-Trustee of 1111i[liam �. Munsterrnan F�evocab�e
<br /> Trust �ted arch '�8� ���4
<br /> �� � � ��� �
<br /> �r�a' � ��� g F����.
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<br /> � �'' �� �a Q� �-• ��� �� , �4 ��.�" , be�ore me, the undersigned
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<br /> Notary Pub�iG, pe�'sona��y appear�d 1l11iiliarr� �. unsterman, Go-Truste� af VIliffiam �. �unsterr�an Revvcabie Trus�
<br /> Dated March '�8, 2�D�: I1��Chael A. i1l�unsterman, Co-Trust�e �f 1N��iiam fl. �uns�erman l�e�ocah[e Trust Da�ed March
<br /> '�S, ����; and I1![ichele �. Warnke, Co-Trustee of W���iam �. �1J�unsterman Rev�cable Trus� �ated 1Vlarch 'I8, 2��4, and
<br /> known t❑ me to be autharized �rustee or agents ❑f the trus� that executed the �eed of Trus�t and acknawledged �he
<br /> Deed ❑t Trus�to be th�free and Woluntary act and deed af the�rust, by autharity set forth in the trust documents or, hy
<br /> autharity ❑f sta�ute, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on ❑ath sta�ed that they are au'�hori�ed to
<br /> execute this Deed af Trust and in�act executed�he Deed o�Trust an behal ��the trus�.
<br /> � 3
<br /> �}I � � d �f R
<br /> � F
<br /> Pr�nte�Namie-.���� �. ��.��' ��f
<br /> Notary Pub�ic in and for�he 5tate of��� ��.;��(��,��
<br /> ����R��.���`��'�-S#at�g�����ska Residing a# �.,��f; ����
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<br /> RE��J��T F�� FLJLL RE���VO�EI���V�E
<br /> �To be used only when ob��gations ha�e been paid in ful!}
<br /> To: ,Trustee
<br /> Th� undersigned is the lega� awner and holder o�a!I indeb�edness s�c�red by this Deed of Trust. A!1 sums secured by
<br /> �h�s fleed of Trust have been fully pa�d and sa�isfied. You a�e hereby directed, upon payment t�yau o�any sums ovWing
<br /> to y�u under�he terms a�this Deed o�Trus� or pursuant to any applicable sta�ute, t❑ cancel the Note secured by this
<br /> L7eed of Trus� �which is del��ered to you �oge�her with this Deed of Trus�}, and �❑ re�on�ey, withou� warranty, ta the
<br /> parties designated by the terms af this fleed of Trust, the es�a�e novv heId by you under this Deed o�Trust. Pl�ase mail
<br /> the reconveyance and Re�ated Do�uments t�:
<br /> Date: Beneficiary:
<br /> B�:
<br /> its:
<br /> LaserPro, Ver. 15.5.�fl.�D� Copr. D+H �SA Carpora�ion �997, �0��. AI� Rights Reser�ed. - NE
<br />