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2� 1 ��2��4 <br /> Inspect�on. Lender or its ager��may make reasonable en�ries upon a�.d xnspec��ons of the Praperty. Lender sha�� <br /> give Borrawer notzce at the tirne af or pr�or�o a�.ir�specti�n spec�fying reas�nable�ause for�he znspect�an. <br /> Gandemnation. The proceeds of any award ar claam for damages, dzrect or c�nsequen�ia�, in connec���n w��h any <br /> c�ndemna�ion ar other taking af any par��f�he Propertiy, or far canveyance in Iieu af cond�mna��on, are hereby <br /> assigr�ed and sha�l be paid ta Lender. <br /> In�he eventi of a tata� ta�ing af the Property, the praceeds sha�� be app�zed to �he sums secured by this Se�ur�� <br /> �ns�rument, vt�he�her or not tihen due, �with any exGess pa�d �o Borrower. In �he even� of a par�xa� ta��ng of the <br /> Praper�y �n wh�Gh#he fazr marke�va�ue of�he Proper�y immedia�ely before �he taking is equa�to ar gr�ater�han <br /> �he amoun��f the sums secured by �h�s Secur��y �ns�rument immediafely bef�re the taking, un�ess Borr�wer and <br /> Lender flth�rw�.se agree�n wr�tzng,the sums secured by�his Security Ins�rumen�shall be reduced by�h�amount af <br /> �he proceeds mul�iplied hy�he follovv�ng frac��on: �a}the to�a�amoun�of�he sums secured immediately bef�re�he <br /> �ak�ng, d�v�ded by �b} �he fair marke�va�ue of�he Propez-�y xmmed�a�ely before �he takzr�g. Any balan�e shall b� <br /> pa�d �� Barrawer. �n the even� of a partial taking of�he Praper�y in which �he fair market va�ue �f the Propert� <br /> immedia��Iy b�fore the tak�ng �s less �han �he amoun� of the sums secured immedzately bef�re �he xaking, unless <br /> Borrnwer and Lender a�herw�se agree �n writixng or�.ua�ess Appl�cable La,w otherwise prnvides, �he proceeds shall <br /> be applied�o the sums secu�ed by�his 5ecurity Ins�rumen�vvhe�her or not the sums are then due. <br /> If the Proper�y is abanc�oned by Borrnwer, ar if, aft�r no��ce by Lender�� Borrower tha�the condemnor offers to <br /> make an award ar sett�e a claim far damages, Borro�ver fa��s to respond�v Lender vvith�n�he m�nimum number of <br /> days estab��shed by Applicab�e Lavv after�he da�e�h.e n�t�ce zs gzver�,Lender is authorized�a collecx and apply�he <br /> prac�eds, a� �ts optian, either to restoratio�. or repazr flf�he Property ar �o �he sums secured by th�s S��ur�ty <br /> Zns�rumen�.,whe�her or n�t�hen due. <br /> IJn�ess Lender and Barrou�er a�herwise agree in wr��ir�g, any applicatifln of proceeds�o pr�ncipa�sha��nati ex��nd <br /> or postpone the due date of�he payments due under the C�ntrac��r change�he amount of such paymen�s. <br /> B�rrower Nat Re�eased; F�rbearan�e �y Lender Not a �aiver. Extension �f �he �ime for paymen� ar <br /> mod�f ca��an of amor�izatian �f�he sums secured b� �his Secur�ty �ns�rumen� gran��d by Lender to Borrawer or <br /> any successor zn znteres� �f Borravver sha�� nat opera�� ta release �he liabz�ity of �he origznal Borrower ar <br /> Ba��r��ver's successars ��.�n�eres�. Lender sha��n��be re�uired�a commence praceedings agains�any successor in <br /> interest or refuse to ex�end�ime for paymen�ar otherwise mod�fy amar�iza�ion of the sums secured by�h�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrurnen� by reasan af any demand made by the or�g�na� B�rrovver ar Borrov�er's successors in �nteres�. Any <br /> forbearance b�Lender in exer����ng any righ�or remedy sha11 no�be a wa�ver of or preclude �he exercise of any <br /> rzght flr remedy. <br /> Suc�essors and Assigns B�und; Jo�nt and SeveraZ Liabili��; A�commodation Signer�. The covenants and <br /> agreemen�s af�his Secur��y�ns�rument sha�I bind and benef�t�he successors ax�.d assigns af Lender and Borrower, <br /> sub�ect t� the pr�visior�s of sect�ar� �i�led Transfer of the Prap�rty or a Benef c�ai Interes� �n B�rr�vver. <br /> Ba��rovver's covenan�s and agr�emen�s sha1l�e join�and several. ,A..�i�person v�rho co-s�gns this Secur�t�Instrumen� <br /> but has na persor�al liability uxzder the Contrac� �"Accammadatzan Signer"}: �a} is co-sign�ng #his Security <br /> �ns�rument �n�y to mor�gage, gran� and canvey �hat Accomm�datiQn Signer's �nteres� in �he Prop�rfiy under �he <br /> �erms of �he S��l�.r1� IriS�].111.17.��1.�; �b} is not personal�y ob�zgated �a pay the sums secured by this Securi�y <br /> �ns�rument; and��} agrees�ha�Lender and any�ther BorroWer may agree�o ex�end,modify, forbear ar make any <br /> accommadati�ons vvzth.regard�o�he terms of�his Secur�ty�ns�rument or the �an�ract vv��hout tha�Accammoda�i�n <br /> Signer's c�nsen�. <br /> L�an Charges. �f the l�an secured by th�s SeCuri�y �ns�rurn.�n� is subjec� tfl a la�v v►rhich se�s max�mum laan <br /> charges, and tha�law�s fina�Iy�nterpreted sa�ha�t�he in�erest or other loan charges cfll�ec�ed or to be ca��ected in <br /> �o�.nec��an v�th the �oan �xceed the permitted ��mits, then: �a� any su�h laan charg� sha�X be reduced by the <br /> arnoun�necessary�o redu�e the �harge�a�he permz�ted limits and �b} ar�y sum.s a�ready Go��ec�ed fr�m.Borrower <br /> vtrhich exceeded permztted �imi�s Wz11 b� refunded �a B arrawer. Ler�der may choose to make th�s refund by <br /> re�u�ing �he�rznc�pal owed under �he C�ntract ar by making a direG�payment�o Borrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> principa�,�he reductian w���be treated as a pa.r�ial prepaymen�und�r�he��n�ra�t. <br /> Notices. Any no�ice to Barrawer prav�ded f�r in th�s 5ecuri�ty �nstrument sha�� be give� by delivering �� or by <br /> ma�l�ng i�by f�r�t class ma��unless App�xcable Law requires use of another methad. The not�ce shal�be d�rected to <br /> �h� Pr�per�y Address or any other address Borrov�rer des�gnates by not�ce �o Lerider. Borrower agre�s tio prav�de <br /> Lender vvith B�rrawer's mos�curren�mailing address, as i� may change fr�m�ime-��-t�me. Any no�ice ta Lender <br /> sha�l be given by first class mail to Lender's address s�ated herein or any o�her address Lender des�gr�ates by no�ice <br /> �o Borrovaer. Any no�ice prov�ded f�r iri�his Securi�y�ns�rumen�sha11 be deemed�o ha�e been given to Borro,wer <br /> ar Lender�ren as pr��r�ded�n th�s paragraph. <br /> Gav�rning Law; Severabiiity.Th�s Security�nstrument shall be governed by federal Iaw and the�aws af�he��a.�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n the eveza�that any pr�vis�on. �r clause of�his Security Instrumen� or the ��n#xac� c�nflicts vvi�h <br /> App��cab�e Lau�, such confl�c� shall xzo� affect o�her provxsions of thzs Se�uri�y Instrument or�he Con�rac�wh�Gh <br /> can be gxven effec�vv��haut the canflicting pravision. T�this end the prov�sions nf thzs Secur��y�nstrumen�a�d tihe <br /> Con�.rac�are deC�ared ta be severab�e. <br /> Bnrrovver's Capy.Borr�vver sha�l be g�v�n one c�py af th�s Security�ns�rumen�. <br /> Transfer�f the Property or a Beneficiai Interest in Borrower.�f a11 or any pa�t af��.�Property ar any interes� <br /> �n it �s snld or transferred �ar if a benef�c�al �nteres� �n Barra�ver is so�d ar �ransferred and B�rroWer zs n�� a <br /> natura� pers�n� �vithau� Lender's prior�vrztten consent, Lender may, a� ��s aption, r�quire immediate paymen� zn <br /> Q 2044-2Q15 Complia�ce Systems,Tnc.8C54-1658-�a]S.t 1.3,1�98 <br /> Cvnsumer ReaI Estate-5ecurity Instrument DL2035 Page 3 of 5� <br />