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<br /> Home Federal Savings&Laan AssacYation of Hvme Federal Saving�&Laan AssQc�at�on af
<br /> �rand Isiand �rand Island
<br /> Z�1 South Locust Street �21 South Lacust Street
<br /> GRAND ISLAND,NE G8�41 Gi�AND ISLANI3,NE 685�1
<br /> �Space Above Thzs Line Fo�r Reco�-ding Da�a}
<br /> L�AN�RIGINAT�R C�MPANY NAME:Home Federal.Sav�ings&L�an Associat�on af�rand Is�and
<br /> NMLS ��MPANY�DENTIF�ER: 446443
<br /> LflAN�RIGINAT�R NAME: �hr�s I�askie
<br /> NMLS �RI��NA.TC]R�DENTIFIER:494668
<br /> BY TI3IS DE�D ��`TRUST}
<br /> TH�S DEED 4F TRUST ��'Security Ins�rum.ent"} is mad� on March 31, 2�16. The grantor �s GL�RIA E
<br /> 1VICH�JG�-I, A SINGLE PERS�N, whose address zs 19474 �V�VILI3W��I] DR, Shel��n, Nebraska 68876�
<br /> �714 {"Barrov�rer"�. Borrower is n�t necessar�ly �he same as the F'erson or Persons Who sign th� H�rne Equity
<br /> L�ne af Credit Agreement, dated Mar�h 31,2�1� �''�an�ract"}. The ab��gations of Barrovvers wha did nat sign
<br /> the ��ntrac� are explained fi�r�her in �he se��ion t�t�ed Successors and Assigns Bo�nd; Joint and Several
<br /> L�ability; Accommodati�n Signers. The trus�ee is Arend li. Baack,At�orney whose address is P.�. Box 790,
<br /> Grand Is�and, Nebraska 68SU2 �"Trust��'t}. The benefciary is Home Federai Savxngs & Loan As�vc�ation of
<br /> Grand Is�and,�vh�ch is orgaz�i�ed and exis�ing under�he laws af�he Un�ted State��f America and whose address
<br /> �s 221 South Locust 5tre�t, Grand Island, Nebraska 688D1 �"Lender"}. GL�RIA E MCHUGII has entered
<br /> in�a a Cantrac��vi�h Lender as of Mar�h 31, 2U16, ur�der�he terms of�vhich $�rrower may, from tzme �a �ime,
<br /> abtain ad�ances n�t �o exceed, a� any time, a �*�MAXI�VIUM PRIN�IPAL ANI�UNT �EX�LUDING
<br /> PR�TECTIVE ADVANCES}*�* of Twenty Thousand and 4�I1�U Dollars �U.S. $Z4,U40.��} ("Credi�
<br /> Limit"}. Any paz-ty interes�ed�n the detai�s related to Lender's canti�auing obl�gati�n�o make advances to Borra�wer
<br /> is advised �� c�nsult direc��� �with L�nder. �f no� pazd earlier, the sums owing under B orrower's Con�ract vvzth
<br /> Lender Wi1�be due an Apri� 15, 2�21. This Security Ins�rument secures�o Lender: �a} �he repayment of the debt
<br /> under th� �antract, w��h in�erest, ��.c�uding future advances, and all renevva�s, extenszans and mad�fications af the
<br /> Contract; (b) �he paymen� of a�� o�her sums, w��h interes�, advanced ta pro�ec� the securi�y af th�s Se�uri�ty
<br /> �ns�rumen�under the pravisions af�he sect�an titled Protection of Lend�r's R�ights �n t�e Property; and (c} the
<br /> perfarmance of BarroWer's covena�.ts and agr�emen�s under �his Security �ns�rum�n� and �he Con�rac�. Far thzs
<br /> purpase, Barrower, �n ca�siderat�o� af�he debt and the �rus� here�n crea�ed, irre�ro�ably gran�s and con�reys to
<br /> Trustee, �n trus�,�t7vi�h povaer�f sale,the followzng described property Ioca�ed in the C�UNTY of HALL, 5�ate of
<br /> Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 19474�V WILDW��D I3R,She�t�n,Nebraska 6�$76�-9714
<br /> T�GETHER �ITH a�I the zxnprovemen�s now or her�after erec�ed on �he prflper�y, and a�� easemen�s,
<br /> appur�enar�ces, and f xtures novt�ar hereafter a part af�he praperty. A11 repla�ements and additions sha�l a�so be
<br /> cavered by this S�curity �ns�rumen�. �.� af �he forego�ng is referred to zn �his Secur�ty Instru�rnent as th�
<br /> «Praperty:"
<br /> Bt�RR�WER CDVENANTS tha�Borrower is lawful�y seised of�he �s�a�e hereby conveyed and has �he rzght to
<br /> gran� and convey the Praper�y and �ha� the Praper�y �s unencumbered, excepti for encumbrances of re�ord.
<br /> B�rrovver warrants and vvill defend generally the �i�le �o �he Property against al� claims and demands, subj ect�.o
<br /> any en�umbrances af rec�rd.
<br /> Borrav�er and Le�der cavenant and agree as follovvs:
<br /> Payment�f Prin��pa�and Int�rest; �ther Charges.B�rrower shall prompt��pay vvhen due�he princzpal�f and
<br /> �nter�s�an�he de�t�wed under�he Gvn�rac�and Iate charges or any v�her fees a�.d charges due under�he�an�rac�.
<br /> C�2aD4-2�T5 Cornpliance Systems,inc.8C54-1d58-2015.I 1.3.i4�8
<br /> Cansurner Real Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL2036 Page 1 af 5 www.campliancesystems.cam
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