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<br /> 2� 1 ��2� 11
<br />; DEED �F TRUST
<br /> � L❑an N�: �D��943�� �Cantinued} Page 6
<br />{ Trust in �he real prop�rty records, Lender may, a� any �ime and wi�hout further au�horization �rom Trustor, �ile
<br />� executed �ounterparts, copies v�- reproductians o�F �his Deed ❑f Trust as a financing statement. Trustor shall
<br /> reimburse Lender for afl expenses incurred in perfecting ar cantinuing this security inte�-es�. Upon defau�t, T�us�ar
<br />'i sha�i nv� remo�e, sever or de�ach the P�rsonal Proper�y �rom �he Praperty. Upon defau�t, Trustor shall assemb[e
<br /> any Persona� Property nat aff�xed to the Prvperty in a manner and at a place reasanab[y convenien�ta Trus�or and
<br />' Lender and make �t a�ailable �❑ Lender wi�hin three �3� days after receipt ofi written demand from Lender ta fihe
<br /> extent permi�ted by applicable law.
<br />; Addresses, The mailing addresses v� Trustar �deb�ar� and Lend�r �secured par�y} -�r�m which information
<br /> �vn�erning th� securi�y €n�erest gran�ed by this Deed v�Trust may 1�e abtain�d {each as required by the L]niform
<br />� Cvmmercia� Code} are as stated ❑n the firs�page a#this ❑eed�fi Trust.
<br />, FURTHER A55URANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The faliowing pro�isians relating t❑ further assurances and
<br />' at�orney--in--fact are a part v�fihis Deed of Trust:
<br />� Fur�her Assurances. At any time, and firom �ime t❑ tim�, upon reques� ❑�f Lender, Trus�or will make, execute and
<br /> de�i�er, ar will �ause�o be made, execu�ed ar delivered, tv Lender or to Lender`s d�signee, and when requested by
<br />' Lender, cause �o be filed, �-ecarded, re�i�ed, or r�recorded, as the case may be, at such times and in such v�fices
<br />: and places as Lender may deem appropria�e, any and all such mvrtgages, deeds of trus�, security deeds, secur�ty
<br />' agreem�n�s, �financing statements, continuation s�a�ernen�s, instruments �� �urther assurance, certi�ica�fies, and
<br />�
<br /> ❑the�-dvcuments as may, in�he sole opinivn v� Lenderr be ne�essary or desirable in arder tv effectuate, compl��e,
<br />� perfect, c�n�inue, or preser�e ��} Borrower's and Trus�or's obligations under the Nofie, this Deed a�Trust, and
<br /> �he Reiated Documents, and {�� �he liens and securi�y in�erests created by�his Deed of Trust �n the Proper�y,
<br />, whether now owned ❑r hereafter acquired by Trus�or. Unless prohibited by law ❑r Lender agre�s to th�con�trary in
<br />� writing, Trustor shall reimburse Lender fvr afl cvsts and expens�s incurred in cannec�ion wi�h the matters referred
<br /> �❑ in�khis paragraph.
<br /> At�orney-in-Fac�. If Trusfior fai�s to da any of�he �hings referred tv in the preced�ng para�raph, Lender may d❑ so
<br />; far and in the name o�Trustvr and at Trustar's �xpense. Far such purposes, Trustor hereby irre�o�al��y appoints
<br />' Lender as Trus�or's attorney-in-fac�fo��he purp�se❑t rnaking, executin�, d�li�erin�, filing, recording, and doing all
<br />� a�her things as may be n�cessary �r desirable, in Lender`s sole apinion, ta accvmplish the matters re�erred fio in
<br /> the pre�ed'€ng paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERFORMANCE. If Barrower and Trustor pay all the Indebtedness, inc�uding wi�hou�k fimitatian all �u�ure
<br />� advances, when due, and Trusto�-o�herwise perfarms all the❑bligations imp�sed upon Trus�or under fihis ❑eed ❑fi Trusfi,
<br />' Lender shall execute and del�ver t❑ Trustee a request �or fiull recon�eyance and shaI� execu�e and deli�er �❑ Trustor
<br />� suitable statemen�s v�termination v� any financing statemen� ❑n file eWidencing Lender's security interesfi in the Rents
<br /> and the Persona� Praperty. Any recon�eyance fee �-equired by law shall be paid by Trustor, i� permitted by applicable
<br />. law. .
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each ❑�the �ollowing, at Lender's opti�n, sha�� cvnstitute an EWent o� ❑e�ault under this D�ed
<br /> of Trust:
<br />; Paymenf Defaul�. Barrower-�ai[s t❑ make any paymen�when due under�he lnd�btedness.
<br />� �ther Defaulfs. gorrawer or Trus�ar fails t❑ c�mply wi�h ❑r �o per�orm any other �erm, ohligation, ca�enant ❑r
<br />� condition contained in this ❑eed �f Trus� or in any of the Rela�ed Documen�s or�o c�mply wi�h or to perform any
<br />� term, obligation, ca�enan�❑r condit�on con�ained in any ather agreement between Lend�r and gorrower ar-Trustor.
<br />' Compliance De�au[t, Failure �❑ comply wi�h any o�her �erm, obligat�on, coWenan� or condi�ian con�ained in �his
<br /> Deed of Trust,the Note�r in any❑f the Related ❑ocuments.
<br /> ❑efault on D�her Paymen�s. Failure v�Trustor within the time required by this Deed ❑�Trust�❑ make any paymen�
<br /> far taxes or insurance, �r any other payment n�cessary ta pre�ent�iling��or�o e��ecfi discharge o�any lien.
<br /> Fa[se Sta�emen�s. Any warranty, r�presen�a�ion ❑r statemen�made or�urnished to Lender by 6orrower❑r Trusto�-
<br /> or on Borrower's or Trus�or's behalf under this ❑eed o�Trus� or �he Rela�ed Dacumen�s is fialse ar misleading in
<br />� any material respect, e�ther now or a� the time made or furnished ar becomes �alse or mis�eading at any �ime
<br /> the�eafter.
<br />; ❑efec��ve Colla�eralization. This Deed of Trus� or any of the Related Documen�s ceases �a b� in �uil �arce and
<br /> efFect �inc(uding �failure of any calla�keral d��cument to crea�e a valid and per�e��ed security in�kerest vr lien} a� any
<br /> time and�ar any reasvn.
<br /> Death ar Insalvency. The dissolu�ion o� Trus�ar's �regardfess o�f whe�her ele�tion to cvn�inue is made}, any
<br /> member withdraws fram�fihe fimified �iabili�y company, or any other terminat�on o�F gar-rower's ar Trustor's existence
<br /> as a going business or the dea�h ❑f any member, �he insalWency ❑f garrower or Trustor, �he appaintmen� ❑f a
<br />. reGei�er for any part❑� gorrvwer's ar Trus�or's pr�per�y, any assignment for the laenefi� o� credi�ors, any type of
<br />; creditor work�u�, �r�he commencement of any proceeding under any bankruptcy vr insol�ency laws by or againsfi
<br /> Borrower ar Trustor.
<br /> Cred"rtvr or Fvrfiei�ure Praceedings. Commenc�ment a-� �oreclosure ❑� -�orfeiture prviceedings, whe�he�- hy judicial
<br /> proceeding, sel�--help, repossession ❑r any o�her methad, by any credi�ar ❑f Borrawer ❑r Trusto�r ❑r by any
<br /> gv�ernmental agency against any praperty securing �he Indeb�edness. Th�s in�ludes a garnishment af any ❑f
<br />