2� 1 ��2� 12
<br /> Transf�r�f the Praperty or a Bene�cial InterQ�t�.n Borro��ver.If a�l or any par�of�he Proper�y�r a.ny interest
<br /> in zt is so1�i ar transferred �or if a beneficial �nteres� zn Bar�ow�r is sold or �ransferred and Borro�v�r is na� a
<br /> natural person} ,wi�hou� Lender's prior wr��ten consent, Lend��r rr�ay, a� its op��on, require imrnedia�e payment in
<br /> full of a�I sums secured by this Security �nstrumen�. Ho,wev�r, this option sha�X not be exerc�sed by� Lender if
<br /> exercise is pr�hi�ited by federa�lav�as of the date of this Se��r��r Ins�rument.
<br /> If Lender exercises �his op�ion, Lender sha�x gz�e Borrower nfltice of acceleratian. The no�ice shall provide a
<br /> period of no� less than �he min�mum num]�er of days e��abli��hed by Applicab�e Lavv fram the date �he notice is
<br /> deXivered or ma�led �tri�hin v�rhich Borro�xrer must pay all sun�s secured by th�s 5ecur��r �ns�rurnent. If BorroWer
<br /> fails �o pay these s�ms priar �o �he expira�ion of this peri�d, Lender may �nvoke any remedies permit�ed by this
<br /> Securi�y�ns�rumen�vvithout further n�tice or demand�n Bon c�W��-.
<br /> Borrfl�ver�s Itight to Re�nstate. If Borrower mee�s certain cQndi�ions, BorrQwer shal� have the right �o have
<br /> enforcement flf this 5ecur��y �r�strumen� d�scQn�inued at any��m�pri�r to �he earlier af: �a} 5 days ��r such other
<br /> period as Applicable Law may specify for reinstatemen��before sa�e of the Proper�y pursuan�ta any pfl��rer�f sale
<br /> can�azned in this Securi� �ns�rumen�; or �b} ent�y af a judgmen� enfnr�ing th�s Security Instrum�n�. Thase
<br /> �orid��ions are that Borrativer: �a} pays L�nder aIl sums whicll�hen would be due under this 5ecur�ty Ins�ru.m.en�
<br /> and�he�on�rac�as if na accelera�ion had occurred;�b} cures��ny def�.ul�of any other covenan�s or agre�ments; �c}
<br /> pays a�I expenses�ncurred in enforcing this S�curity 7nstrumer�t, �nclud�ng,�ut no��imited to,reasnnable a�tarneys'
<br /> fees to �he ex�ent p�rmi.tted by�avv; and �d) �akes such action as Lender may reasonab�y requ�r�to assure that the
<br /> Iien of�his Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Pr�pert��and Bflrr�wer's ab��gation to pay the sums secured
<br /> b�this Security�ns�rument sha�1 ctin�inue unchanged. Upon�-eins�a�ement by Barrower, �his Security Ins�rumen�
<br /> and the obligatians secured hereby sha�� rerna�n fu.��y effectiv�e as if nfl accelera��ox�had occurred. Ha�rever, �his
<br /> rig�t t�reinstate sha11 not apply ir�the case of a�celeratian unt�er�he secti�n titled Transfer vf the Pro;perty�r a
<br /> Benefic�ai Interest in Borroyver.
<br /> Hazardous Substances.Bflrrower sha��not cause ar permit�]ze presence,use, d�sposal, starage, or re��ase af any
<br /> Ha�ardaus Substances on ar in�he Property.B�rrawer sha1�nc3t do,nor allovv anyone e�se�o da,any�hing affecting
<br /> �he Properfiy tha� is in violatian of any Enviranmental Lavv. 'The pr�ceding tv�o sen�ences shal� not app�y�to �he
<br /> presence,1�5�y ar storage�n the Prflper�y�f small quan����es of Ha�arc�ous Subs�ances�ha�are ge�.eral�y X�ecogniz�d
<br /> to be appr�priate�o narmal res�de�tia�uses and to maintenanc���f�he Property.
<br /> Barro�ver sha��prornptly give Lender written notice of any inves�igation,claim, demand,lav�su��or�the-r act�on by
<br /> any governmenta� or r�gulatary agency or priva�e party inval:vzn� the Proper�y and any Hazar�flus 5u.bstance or
<br /> Env�ronmenta.l Law of �xrh��h Borrou�er has ac�ual knotivledge. If Borr�vt�er �earns, or is x�o��f�d by any
<br /> gQvernmental or regula�ory author�ty, that any r�moval or a�h�;r r�mediat�on�f any Ha�ardous Sub�tance affecting
<br /> the Property is necessary, B�rrovver shall prarnptly take a.11 necessary re�ned�al actians in accor��ance vvi�h
<br /> Enviranmen�al Lavv.
<br /> As used in th�s paragraph, "Hazardaus Substances" are�h�se �ubs�ances def ned as�oxic or hazardous substances
<br /> ]�y Enviranmental Law and �h.e fo�laWing substances: gaso�:ine, kertisene, other flamumab�e or tax�c petxo�eum
<br /> products, toxic pesticides and he�bicides, volat�le s�lvents, �na�erials c�n�aining asbes�os or fflrma�dehyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive materzals. As used in th�s paragraph, "Environmen�al Lavv" m�ans federa�la�vs and laWs of�he s�a�e af
<br /> Nebraska tha�relate�o health,safety or enviranmential pra�ectian.
<br /> A�ce�eration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice �v B�rr�wer przor fo acce�erati�n fo�Iowing BarroYver's
<br /> breach�f any covenant ar agre�ment�n this Se�urity Inst�°ument or the Contract under wh�ch acceleration
<br /> �s perm�tted�but not pri�r to aCeelera��on under the se�tiR�n t��l�d Transfer�f the Property tir a Beneficial
<br /> In�erest in Barrower, unless Applicabie Lav�v�rav�des o�hervv�se�. The nflti��e shai� specffy: �a� t�� defauX�;
<br /> �b� th� ac�ian required to cure the defau�t; ��} �. date, n�t Iess than �he minimum numben �f days
<br /> established by Appl��abie Law frvrn the date�he notice�s ���em tv Borr�wer,by which the defau�[t must be
<br /> cured; an�l �d) that fa��ure to cure �he defau�t vn ar before �he date spec��ed �n the notice may resul� in
<br /> ac�elera�ian �f the sums secur�d by thi�s Se�uri�y Instr�irr��nt and sa�e of �he Property. Tv the ex�en�
<br /> permitted by la,w, the not�ce shall fur�her�nf�rm Barrow�:r �f the r�ght�� reYnsta�e after a�ce�er�atzon. and
<br /> the right t4 bring a caurt action tv assert�he n�n-ex�5tence�of a defau�t or any other defense of B�rr�wer�o
<br /> acce�erati�n and sale.If th e defau���s nvt cur�d an or b ef�re th� date specified�n �he n��ce,Lender at its
<br /> ap�ion may requ�re immediate payment in fu�l of a�.l sur�s secured by th�s S�curity Ins�rum�rnt yvithou�
<br /> fur�her demand and may invnk� the power Qf sa�e and a��y �ther remed�es permitted by Appl.�c�bie Lavv.
<br /> To the exten� perm�tted by la�, Lender �hall be ent�tled to c�Il�c� ali expenses incurred in pursu�ng the
<br /> remed�es provided in�hi.s Sect��n,in��uditng,but not�inutfhd t�,r�asona�le att�rneys' f�es and cv�ts of�itle
<br /> evfdence.
<br /> If the power of sale is invoked,Truste� shall re�ord a noti�ce �f default in each county in�vhfch a��y part of
<br /> the Prvperty i��a�ated and shall ma��copies�f su�h not�c��ir� the manner prescrib�d by Appli�ab�e Law�o
<br /> Borrower and tv the other persons prescribed by Appiic��bl� Law. After the tim� requ�red by �ipplicab�e
<br /> Law, T`ruste� shal� giv� public �otic� vf sale t� the pers�ns and in the mamner pre5cribed by A�pp��Cable
<br /> Law.Trus�ee,with�ut demand vn Borrower, shall�ell the Prvperty at pub�i� auct�on�o the h�ghPst hidder
<br /> at�he t�me and pla�e and under the terms designated in th{e notiee of sa�e�n�n�or mvre parce�s and in any
<br /> arder Trustee determ�nes. Trust�e may post�one sa�e of all or any parcel of the PrQpert� 1by puh�ic
<br /> announ�ement at the��me and place�f any previousiy s�hr�du�ed�a�e.Lend�r vr its designeQ may purchase
<br /> the Pr�perty at any sale.
<br /> Upon re�e�pt of payment of the price b�d, Trustee sha�l d�nliver to the�urchaser Trustee's deed ronveyfng
<br /> the Pr�perty. The rec�ta�s xn the Tru��ee's deed shall be pr�irr�a fa�ie evidenc� of�h�tru�h of the�tatements
<br /> �24�4-2�15 Comptian�e 5ystems,Inc.8C54-ODSA-2415.�I.3,1098
<br /> C�nsumer Real Estate-Se�urity Instrumer�t DL2fl36 Pa�e�€of S www.compIiancesystems.ca�n
<br />