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2� 1 �� 1975 <br /> 11. ENVIR�NN�NTAL LAWS AND HAZARD�]US SUB�TANCES. As used in this section, <br /> �I} Enviranm�ntal Law m�ans, without Iimitation, �he Comprehen�xve Env�ronmental Response, <br /> Compensation and Liability Act ��ER�LA, 42 [3.S.C. 96�1 et seq.}, and a.11 other federal, state and Iocal <br /> laws, regulations, ordinances, court orders, attorney general opin�ons or xnterpr�tive Ietters �oncernxng the <br /> public health, safety, we�fare, �nvironment or a hazardous substanc�; and��} Hazardous Substance m�ans any <br /> t�x�c, radioactive ar hazardaus material, waste, po��utant ar contaminan� which has characteristics v�hich <br /> r�nder the substance dang�raus or potentialXy dangerous to the pu��ic heatth, safety, welfare ar enviranment. <br /> Th� term inc�udes, vv�thout limitation, any substan��s defin�d as "hazardous material," "taxic substances," <br /> �'hazardous vvaste" or "hazardous substance" under any Environmental Law. <br /> Trustor r�presents, warrants and agrees that: <br /> A.Ex�ept as previnusly dxsclos�d and a�knowiedged in writing �o Beneficiary, na Hazardous 5ubs�ance is <br /> ar will be lacated, stored ar released on or in the Fraperty. This r�stric�ion daes not apply to small <br /> quantiti�s af Hazardous Substances that are g�nerally recagniz�d to b� appropriate for the normaX use <br /> and maintenan�e of the Proper�y. <br /> B. Except as previously d�sclosed and acknflwledged in wrxting to Beneficiary, Trustor and every t�nant <br /> have been, are, and shall rema�n xn fu11 �flmpliance with any applicab�e Env�ronmental Law. <br /> C.Trustor shali immediately natify Benefi�iary if a release or threatened release af a Hazardous Substance <br /> occurs on, under or about the Praperty or�here is a viaXat�on of any En�xranmental Lav�concernrng the <br /> Pr�perfiy. In such an event, Trus�or shall take a11 necessary remed'za.l a��xan in accordance wYth any <br /> Envrranmental Law. <br /> D.Trustor shalx immediately notify Beneficiary in writing as soon as Trustor has reason to belie�e there �s <br /> any pending ar threatened investigat�on, claxm, or pro�eeding relating ta �he release �r threaten�d <br /> release of any Hazardous Substance or the vifllation of any Environm�nta� Law. <br /> 12. ESCR.�W F�R TAXES AND INSURAN�E. Unless o�herwise provided in a separate agreement, Trustor <br /> v�ill not be r�quired to pay to Bene�ciary funds for taxe� and insuran�e in�scra�. <br /> 13. J�INT AND INDIVIDUAL LIA►BILITY; CQ--SIGI�RS; SU�CESSC]RS AND ASSIGNS B(]UNI3. All <br /> duties under this S�curxty �nstrument are�oint and indivxdua.�. Tf Trustor signs this Secur�ty �nstrument �ut <br /> daes not sign an evid�nce of debt, Trustor does sa on.1y �o mortgage Trustor's interest in the Proper�y �o <br /> secure payment of the Secured D�bt and Trustar does not agre�to b�personally�iable�n�he Secured Deb�. If <br /> this S��ur�ty Ynstrumen� secur�s a guaranty between Beneficiary and Trustor, Trustflr agr�es to waive any <br /> r�ghts that may pre�ent Beneficiary from brxnging any action or c1aYm against Trustar or any par�y indebted <br /> under the�bl�gation. These rights may include, �ut are not limxted ta, any anti�d�fxciency or one�a�txon Iaws. <br /> The du�ies and benef��s af this Security Znstrumen�shall bxnd and benefit the successors and assigns of Trustor <br /> and Beneficiary. <br /> 14. S�VERA�3ILITY; INTERPRETATI�N. This S��urit~y Instrument �s c�mp�ete and fully �n�egrated. This <br /> S��urzty Instrumen� may not be am�nded ar modified by aral agre�ment. Any section in this Security <br /> Ins�rument, attachments, or any agreement re�ated to the �ecured Deb�that conflicts with appXacable lavv will <br /> not be effect��e, unless that lavv expres�ly ar impliedly perm�ts the varxa�zans by writ�en agreem�nt. If any <br /> section af thxs S��ur�ty Ins�rumen�cannot be enforced accordYng to its �erms, that section will be se�ered and <br /> will not affe�� the enfarcea�ility of the remaainder of thYs Security �ns�rument. Whene�er used, the s�ngular <br /> sha�X �n�lud�the plural and the plural the singular. Th��aptions and headings of the sections of this Security <br /> �nstrument axe for c�n�enienc� only and are not ta be used �o interpret ar defxne the terms of this Security <br /> �nstrument. Time is of th�essence�n this Security Instrument. <br /> 15. SlU�CESS�R TRUSTEE, Beneficiary, at Benef�ciary's optzan, may from trme to time remove Trus��e and <br /> appaxnt a su�cessar trustee withou� any❑ther formal�ty than the designatxon in writing. The su�cessar trustee, <br /> with�ut con��yan�e af the Proper�y, sha�i succe�d ta all the title, pawer and dutaes canferred upon Truste�by <br /> th�s Security�nstrument and app��cable 1aw. <br /> 1�. N�TI�E. LTnless otherv�rise requxred by law, any n�t�ce shall be g��en by deliverxng it or by ma�l�ng it by <br /> first class mail �o the apprapriate party's address on page I of �his �ecurxty �nstrument, or to any ather <br /> address des�gnated in wr��ing. No��ce to ane trustor wi11 be d�emed to be notic� t� a.l.i trustors. Trus�or and <br /> Benefxciary hereby reques� a copy of any notxce of defau�t, and a capy of any natice af saxe �hereunder, be <br /> mailed�o ea�h par�y at the address far such party set forth an page 1 of�his S�curi�y�ns�rument. <br /> 17. WAIVERS. Except to the extent prohibited by law, Trustar vvaives a.�I apprai.sement and homestead <br /> exemption rights r�lat�ng to the Property. <br /> 18. LINE �F �REI3IT. The Secur�d Debt includes a r��o�vxng Xine of�re�i�. Althaugh the S�cured Debt may <br /> be reduced to a zero balance, this Security Instrument wili remain in effect until released. <br /> Security Instrument-Q�en-�nd-Consumer-N� pCP-R��T-NE 71�1��11 <br /> VMPD 6ankers Systemsz"'+ VMP-C4fi5�N�} [�1 D7].OQ <br /> Walters Kluwer Financiaf Ser�ices 01994,ZD�1 Pag�a of 6 <br />