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2� 1 �� 1974 <br /> TranSfer of the Prope��y vr a Beneficial Interest in Borro�ver.If al� or any part�f the Propert�or�z�y interes� <br /> in �t is sfl�d nr transferred �ar zf a �eneficial interest in Barra�ver is sold or �ransferred and B�rrowr�r is no� a <br /> natural person} withou� L�nder's priar writ�en cflnsent, Lend�r may, at i�s opt�fln, require immediate payment in <br /> full af a�� sums secured by this Securit� Ins��. However, �his ap�ion shall no� be �xercised b}r Lender �f <br /> exercise is pr�hibited by federallaw as of the da�e of this 5ecurity Instrumen�. <br /> Zf Lender exercises this �p�i�n, Lender sha�� g�ve BarroWer no�ice af accelerat�an. The no�ice sha�l pr�vide a <br /> periad of no� Iess than �he m�.n�mum number of days estab�ished by Applicab�e Lavv from the date �he not�ce is <br /> delivered or mailed �thin vvhich Borrovver must pay alI sum.s secured l�y �his Securi�}r Ins�rumen�. �f. B�rro,wer <br /> fai�s to pay the�e sums prior �o �he expiration of this period, Lender may invoke an�r remed�es perrnitted by this <br /> Secur��y�nstrument w��hout further na�ice�r dernand on Borrovver. <br /> �orrovver's Right to Reinsta�e. �f Borrav�er mee�s cer�a�n c�nditions, Borrower shal� have �he right �o have <br /> enf�rcement of�his Securi�y Znstrument discontinue�i at an�r�ime prior to �he earlrer of: �a} 5 da�s ��r such o�her <br /> p�riod as Appl�cable Law rnay specify for reinsta�ement�before sale of the Proper�y pursuant�o an�po�rer af sale <br /> con�ained in this Securi�y ��s�rument; or �b} entry af a judgment �nforcing this Securi�y �nstrum�nt. Those <br /> conditi�ns are �hat Barrawer: �a} pays Len�er aIl sums whicl� �hen vv�uld be due under this Se�ur��.y�ns�rumen� <br /> a�.d�he�on�ra�t as�f no acce��rati�n had occurre�i;�b}cures�ny default of a�y other covenants or agreements;�c} <br /> pays alI expenses incurre��n enforcing�his Security�nstrument,�nclud�ng,bu�no�limi�ed to,reasonabl�att�rneys' <br /> fees �a the extent permi.�ted by lavv; and�d} takes such ac��an as Lender may reasonably re�uire�o assure �ha��he <br /> �ien af this Secur�ty�ns�rumen�,Lender's rights zn the Proper�and Barrovver's obliga�ion to pay f�he sums secured <br /> by this Security Ins�rument shall c�n�inue unchanged. Up�n reinstatement by Borrov�er, th�s Securi�.y Instruxnent <br /> and �he obl�gat�Qns secured here�y shal� rema�n fu��y effec�ive as �f na acceleration had occurred. Ho�vever, this <br /> righ�ta re�.nstate sha�I nat app�y in�he case of a�ce�era�ian under the sec��on t�t�ed Transfer of the Pro�perty�r a � <br /> Benef�cial InterQst in�orrower. <br /> I3azardous Substanees.�3orrov�rer shal�not�ause ar permi��he presence,115ey disposai, storage, or re�ease af an� <br /> Hazardous 5u�s�ances on or in�he Praperty.BarroWer sha��no�do,nor ali�vv an��ne e�se ta do,any�hing affect�ng <br /> �he Proper�y tha� is in �riolatian of any Environmen�al Layv. The preceding tw� sen�ences shal� r�ot app�y �o �he <br /> presence,use,�r storage on the Property of sma��quant��ies af Hazardous 5ubs�a.nces that are genera�ly recagnized <br /> �n�e apprapria�e to n�rmal residen�ia�uses and�o rnaxn�enanc��f the Pr�per�y. <br /> B�rro�t�ver sha�1 pramptly g�ve Lender v�rit�en notice of any inv�stiga�ian,claim, demand,�awsuit Qr othe��ac�ian by <br /> any governmental or regulatory agency or pr�vate party inv�lving the Praperty and any Hazardous 5ubstance �r <br /> Environmentai Lavv flf vvhich Barrovver has ac�ua� kno�w��dge. If Barrower learns, or is notif�d by any <br /> go�ernmental ar regu�atory authority,�hat an�r removal or oth�r remediat��n�f any Hazardous Subs�ance affecting <br /> �he Prflper�y �s necessary, Borrovver shall prompt�� �ak� a�� necessary remed�al ac�ians in accordan�e vv�th <br /> Environmental Law. <br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Ha�ardous Substances" are those substances def ned as toxic or hazardous substanc�s <br /> lay Environmen�al Lativ and the fo���wing substances: gasoline, kerosene, o�her flammable or toxic petxoleum <br /> products, �oxic pestic�des and herbicides, v�Ia�ile solvents, materzals can�aining asbestos ar farmaldehyd�, and <br /> rad�oactive mater�als. As used�n�his paragraph, "En�iranmen�a�Lativ" means federaX Iaws and la,ws of the�tate of <br /> Nebraska t�iat rela�e�a heal�h,safety or enviranmenta�pra�ec�i�n. <br /> Acceierat�on; Remedie5. Lend�r shal� g�ve natic� �v Borr�wer prx�r �� acceierati�n fo���wing B�rr�yver's <br /> breach�f any co�venant�r agreement in this Securxty Instrument vr the��n�ract under vvh�ch a��e�era��on <br /> is permit�ed �but not pr�or to a��e�erat�on under the sect��n �ftled Transfer of the Property or a�ene�c�al <br /> Interest in Borrower, unles� Ap�lica��e Lavv pr�vides �th�rwise}. The no�ice shall spec�fy: �a} the defaul�; <br /> ��} the ac�ion required to cure �he default; tc} a date� no� les� �han the minimum num�er of days <br /> esta�lished by App��cabie La�v from the date�he notice is�i�en to Borrflwer,by vvhich the default rr�ust be <br /> cured; and �d} that fai�ure to �ure �he default on or bef�re the date speci�ed in �he notice may resuZt in <br /> acce��ra�ion �f �he sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. To the extent <br /> permit�ed by Iaw, the �v�Yce sha��furth�r infarrni Borrovv�r of the right to r�instate af�er acc��er��i�n and <br /> the r�ght to br�ng a c�ur�a��ion to asser�the non-ex�.stence flf a defau���r an�ather defense of Bvrrower�o <br /> acce��ra��on and sa�e. Yf the defauit is nvt cured �n ar before the date spec�fied in �he no�ice,Ler�der at�ts <br /> opt�.an may re�uire immed�ate payment �n fuli of a�� sums s�cured by this Secur�ty Instrument w�thau� <br /> further demand and may�nvake the powver of s�le and any other remedies perm�tted by App�icab�� Lavv. <br /> T� the ex�en� per�rutted by Iaws Lender shal� be ent�tled to colle�t all expenses i�curred in the <br /> remed�es pro��ded in this Section,inc�uding,but not Iim��ed�to,reas�nab�e attflrneys' fees and c��ts�f t�tle <br /> evidence. <br /> If the paYver of sale�s invoked,Trust�e shall record a noti�� �f default in each county�n whi�h any�art of <br /> the Praperty xs lvcated and sha�l rna�l copi�s �f such notice in the mann�r prescribed by App�icab�e Law to <br /> Borrower and �o the �the� person5 pre5cr�bed by Applicable Law. After the tune required by App�i�abXe <br /> Layv, Trustee sha�� give public noti�e of sa�e to �he per5vr�s and �n �he rnanner prescrxbed by Applicable <br /> Law.Trustee,vv�thou�demand�n Borr�wer, shall s�ll�he Property at publ�c auction to �he hfghest b�dd�er <br /> at the time and place and under�he terms designa�ed in the n��fce of sale�n one flr more parcels amd in any <br /> �rder Trus�ee determines. Trustee ma� postpo�.e sa�e o� all or any par�el af the Proper�y by public <br /> a�nouncement at the�ime and p�ace vf any previ�usly sch�dul�d sale.Lender vr its designee may pur�hase <br /> the Property at any sal.�. <br /> Upon receipt vf payment of the pr�ce bid, Trustee sha�l de�iver �o the purcha�er TruStee's de�d cvnvey�ng <br /> �he Property. Th�rec�tals fn the Truste�'s deed �hall be pr�ma fa�ie�vi.c�ence of�he tru�h of the stat�ments <br /> C�2Q�4-2D15 Cflmpliance Systems,Inc.8C54-438E-24T5.1 I.3.Ifl98 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL2436 Pa�e 4 vf S www,cvmpliancesystems.ctim <br />