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2� 1 �� 1841 <br /> DEED DF TRUST <br /> ���3nt�nu�dj Page 4 <br /> Taxes. The fafiovving shall canstitute taxes to which this section applies: �1� a specifi� tax upon �his type of <br /> Deed of Trus� or upvn al� vr any part of th� Indeb�edness secured �ry this Deed of Trust; ��� a specifi� tax an <br /> Trus�or which Trus'�vr is au�hori�ed or required to deduc#from paym�nts vn the ln�lek�tedness secured by this type <br /> o#De�d of Trus�; �3� a taa�on this type vf Deed��Trust chargea�fe against�he Ler�d�r vr th� holder��the �redit <br /> Agre�ment; and {4� a specific tax an al! ar any portian af the Indek�t�dness ar on payments o# principa� an�i <br /> interest rnade t�y Tru�t�r. <br /> Subsequent faxes. I� �ny tax r❑ which this sec�ion app�ies is enacted subsequent to th� date ot this L�eed of <br /> Trus�, this e�ent shall ha�e the same effie�t as an Event of Defau�t, and Lender rnay exerci�e any or ail ❑f its <br /> avai��ble remedies far an E�ent vf Default as pr��id�d belaw uniess Trustor either ��y pays the tax before i� <br /> becom�s delinquentr or (�� �ontests the tax as pro�ided a�flWe in th� Taxes and Liens sec�ivn and depasits with <br /> Lender cash or a suf�i�ient corpara��e surety bond or�ther secur�ty satisfactory�❑ LendEr. <br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The fvllowing pro�isions relating ta �his Deed of Trust as a <br /> se�urity agreemenfi are a par�of this Deed a€Trust: <br /> Security Agreement. This instrument shall canstitut� a 5ecurity Agreement to the �xtent any of �he Prflperty <br /> constitu�es fix#ur�s, and Lender shall ha�e all o�the rights of a secur�;d party under the Uniform Gommercial God� <br /> as am�nded from�ime�o time. <br /> Security Interest. Upt�n reques't by Lender, Trus�or shali �ake wh�te�er action is req��sted by Lender �a perfect <br /> and c�ntinue Lender's �ecurity in��:r�5t in the Persvnal Property. �n addition to reco�ding this ❑eed vf Trust in �he <br /> reaf prap�rty recvrds, l��nder ma�y, at any time and wi�hou� fiurth�r authvri�ation from Trus�ar, file executed <br /> counterparts, Gvpies vr repr�ductions o� this Deed af TruSt as a financing statemen�. Trust�r shall reimburs� <br /> Lender �or all expens�s Encu�red in per��cting o� continuing this security in#erest. UpQn defauft, Trustar shail nQt <br /> r�mo�e, se�er or de�ach #he Persona� Pr�perty from the Property. Upon defau[t, Trustor sha(I assemble any <br /> Pe�sona� Property not affixed to the Property in a manner and a# a pla�e re�svnably cnn�enient ta T�ustor and <br /> Lender and make it a�aila�le ta LE.nder �rv�thin thre� {33 days atter receipt of written demand from L�nder to �he <br /> ex�en�permi��ed by applicable larrv. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of 7rustar f debtor} and Lender �s��ured part�� #ram which ir�formativn <br /> con�erning the security interest granted by this deed of Trust may be obtainEd �ea�h as required by the lJnifarrn <br /> CommerGial �ode� are as��ated an the first page af this Deed afi Trus�. <br /> FURTHER A55URANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The following pro�isians r�la�ing �o fur#h�r assuran�es and <br /> attorney-in-�act are a part of this ❑eed of Trusx: <br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and from ��me���ime, upon request Qf Lend�r, Trus�r�r wii� make, ex�cute and <br /> deli�er, or will cause�v be made, �xecuted or deli��red, to Lender or to Lender's design�e, and when requ�s�ed by <br /> Lender, cause �a he �iled, re�orded, refiled, �r rereGorded, as the C�se may be, at such times and in such otfices <br /> and pl�Ge� as Lender may d�em appropria�e, any and al� such mortga�es, deeds ��trust, se��r�ty deeds, 5e�ur"ity <br /> agreements, '�inancing statern�nts, �ontinuatian sta�ements, instruments of further assurance, certificates, �nd <br /> ather d�Cument5 a5 may, in �he sc�l� Qpinivn of �ender, be neGessary Qr desirable in order to eff��tuate, complete, <br /> per�ectr continue, or prese��e �1 y Trus#ar's vbliga�ivns under the �redit A�r�emen�, this Deed Qf Trust, and th� <br /> R��ated D�cuments, and ��f the liens and securixy interests created by this ❑eed of Trust on the PropertY, <br /> whether now owned or hereafter��quir�d by Trustor. Unless prahibi�ed by law or Lender agrees to the cantrary in <br /> wri�ing, Trustor shali reim�urse Le��der fior al! costs and expenses incurred in cann�cticn with �he matters re#erred <br /> to in�his paragraph. <br /> Attvrney-in-Fact. ff Trustor fails tr�do any❑f th�things referred to in the pce�ed�ng paragraph, Lender may da sc� <br /> for and in the r��rne a�Trustar ar�d a�Trus�tQr`s expense. For such purposes, Tr�stor hereby irre�ocably appoints <br /> Lender as Trustvr's attorney-in-�a�t for the purpase of making, ��eGu�ing, d�li�ering, filing, r��arding, and daing all <br /> othe� things as may be n�cessary or desirab�e. in Lender's sole ❑pinivn. �o accornplish the rnatte�s re�erred t❑ in <br /> the pr��eding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERFORMANGE. If Trus�or pays �ll the Indebtedness when du�, terminates the credit�ine ac�ount, and other�wi�e <br /> performs all the o�ligations irnposed up�n Trustcar under�his ❑e�d of Trust, Lender sha��execute and d��iver ta Trus�tee <br /> a r�quest for fu[[ re��n�eyan�e and �.hall ex�cu�e and deli�er to Trustar sui�able sta�ements �f termination of any <br /> #inan�ing statement on tile ��idencing Lender's securi�y interes� in the Rents and the Persanal Property. Any <br /> recon��yan�e�ee required by �aw shaii be paid by Trustor, if p�rmitted �y appli�able law, <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Trustor will be in defau�t und��this De�d of Trust it any ot�he foll�wing happen: �A� Tru�tor <br /> cammits �raud or mak�s a ma�erial miarepre�en�ation at any time in connect�on with the C�edit Agreemen�. This can <br /> include, for exampl�, a false s'tatement abaut Trustvr's in�ome, assets, �iabil�ties, or any oth�r aspe�ts of 7rus�or's <br /> �inancial condition. [�� Trustor does r�o� meet the repa}tment t�rms o�#he �redit Agreemen�. 4G} Trus�or's act�on or <br /> inactivn ad�ersely a��e�ts �he collater�l ar Lender's rigl��s in the �olla�eral. This can include, #or examp�e, faE�ure to <br /> maintain r�quired insurance, waste o�c�estruc�i�e use❑f the dwelling, fai�ure t❑ pay taxes, death Qf all persons liable on <br /> the account, transfer Qt ���le ar sa�� of the dwelfing, creation af a s�ni�� I�en an the dw�tling without Lender's <br /> permissian, #arecl�sure by the holder�f ana�her lien, or the use�f�unds or the dw�ffing#or prohibited purposes. <br /> RIGHTS AN❑ REMEDIES C]N DEFAULT. !f an E�en�of ❑efaul�accurs under this ❑eed of Trust, at �ny tim� therea�ter, <br /> Trustee❑r Lender rnay ex�rcis� any❑n�or more vf the�allawing rights and remedies: <br /> A�ceiera�ivn Upvn ❑efau�t;Add�t�ona[ RemedEes. 1f any E�en�of Default occurs as p�r the terms o'�the Credi� <br /> Agr�emen�se�ured here�y, Lender may dec�are a!� lndebt�dness secur�d by this Deed ❑f Trust t� �e due �r�d <br /> payable and the same shall�hereupon be�ome du� and payab�e without any presentment, demand, prvt�s�c�r <br /> na#i�e af any kind. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> �a} �i�her in pe�san or by agent, with or without bringing any ���ion or ��roceeding, or by � recei��r <br /> appoin�ed by a caurt anc� withvut regard to the adequa�y af its security, enter upon and take possession <br /> o�the Prvperty, Qr any par�thereaf, in its vwn name or in the name c��Tr�st��, �nd dca any acts whi�h it <br /> deems necessa�y or de�irable ta p�eser�E the �alue, rnarketability vr rentabili:y of the Pr�perty, or part of <br /> the Property vr interest �n the Property; in�rease the income �rvm the Property ar protect the s��urity o� <br /> the Prflperty; and, w�th or with�ut �akEng possession af the Property, sue #or or vtherwise collect �he <br /> rents, issues and profi�s of the Property, includ�ng �h�se past due and unpa�d, and app�y th� same, less <br /> costs and expenses of❑pera�ion and cvl�ection attorn�ys' ��es, ta any indeh��dness secured by this ❑eed <br /> o� Trust, afl in su�h order as Lender rnay de�ermine. Th� entering upon and taking pvssessivn of th� <br /> Prop�rty, �he calle�t�on Qf such ren�s, issues and prv�its, and the appli���i�n thereaf shall nat cure ❑� <br /> wai�e any defiault❑� not:ice ❑f default under this Qe�d a€Trust or in�alidate any aGt done in respvnse to <br /> such d�fault or pursuant tv such natice Qf de#au�t, and, n�tw�thstanding the�ontinuance in possession of <br /> �he Property or the �ollE�tion, ��ceipt and application of rents, issu�s ❑r prafits, Trustee ❑r Lender shall <br /> be enti�led to exer�ise every righ� p�a�Eded for in �he C�edi� Agreement or the Related Documents or by <br /> la�rv upon the occurren�e af any e�en�o�de�ault, in�luding rh�right�a ex�rc�se the power of sale; <br /> �b� Commence an action to�arec�ose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appoint a re�ei�er ar speci'�ically <br /> en�orce any v#the caW�r�ants hereo�; and <br /> 4c� l�eli�er ta Trus�ee a written d�claratian v�default and d�mand for sale and a written notice of defiauit <br /> � <br /> r <br /> � <br /> �� � � , <br />