2� 1 �� 1823
<br /> Transfer of the Pr�pQrty or a�en��cia�In�ere��im Barrower.�f a�l vr any par�of�he Property ar an�y in�eres�
<br /> in �t is sold or transferred �or if a �enef cial in�erest in �3�rrovsrer is sold or transf�rred and B�rrower is nat a
<br /> natural persan} u�thaut Lender's prior wri�en consen�, Lend�r may, at iics op�ion, require immedia�e payrn�n� in
<br /> fu1� of al� sums secured by �his Security �nstrt�men�. Hourever, �his aptior� sha11 no� be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exercise�s prohibited by federal Ia�vv as��the da�e af this Secwrity�nstrument.
<br /> If Lender exercises this aptzon, Lender shall give Borr�vver notice of ac�elerat�on. Th� no�ice sha11 pr�vide a
<br /> period of not less �than�he minirnum number �f da�rs es�abli�hed by AppliGable Lavv fram�he date the no�ice �s
<br /> de�ivered or mailed v�i�h�n �rhich B�rrflwer mus� pa�r all sur�s secured by �his Securi�r Yr�s�rument. �f BarrQvver
<br /> fails t� pay these sums prior �� the �xpirat��n of thxs per�ad, Lend�r rnay invoke any remedies perm��ted by�his
<br /> 5ecurzty Instrumen�without further no�ice or dernand�n B�r�-o�ver.
<br /> BQrrawer's R�ght �o Re�nstate. �f B�rrower meets cer�azn �ondzt��ns, Barr�wer sha11 have the righ� �o have
<br /> enf�rcemen�af th�s Secur�ty Inst�txm�nt discoz�t�nued at any t�me prior tQ �he earl�er of: �a} 5 days t�r such��her
<br /> period as Applicab�e Law may specify for reinsta�ement}}�efflre sale af�he Prapert�pursuan��o any power�f sale
<br /> conta�ned in �his Securi�y Ins�rument; �r tb} �n�ry of a judgmen�t enfar�ing th�s Securi�y Ins�rumen�. "�"hose
<br /> c�nditions are that B�rr�v�rer: �a� pays Lerider a1� sums uhich �hen vUou�.d be due ur�der this Security Ins�rument
<br /> and the�on�ract as if n�acceleration had o�curred; �b�cures any defau�t of any a�her c�venan�s or agreena.en�s; �c}
<br /> pays alI expenses incurred u�enfarc��.g this 5ecur�ty Ins�rument, including,bu�xzat liz�i�ed to,reasonable attarneys'
<br /> fees �o �he ex�ent perna�tted by Iavv; a.nd �d} tak�s such act�on as Lender ma�reasflnably require�o assur��ha��he
<br /> ��en of this Security Instrumen�, Lender's righ�s in�he Pr�pert�r and Borrovver's nbligatian to pay�he sums secured
<br /> by this Security Instrument shall con�inue unchanged. Upnn�e�nstatemen�by B�rrovver, this 5ecurity Ins�urien�
<br /> and�he obligations s�cu.red hereby shall remain fully effe�tive as if na acc�l�ration had accurred. Ho�vever, this
<br /> r�gh��o reinstate shall no�app�y�n�h�case af a�ce�eratian under the s�ction t'it�ed Transfer of the Pr�perty vr a
<br /> Beneficial In�erest�n B�rr�v�ver.
<br /> Hazardous SubstanCes.Boxr��ver sha1l not ca�se ❑r perm�it��ie presence,use, d�spasa�, st�rage, or r��ease�f any
<br /> Hazardous 5ubstances an or in�he Property.B�rrflwer sha11 not do,nor a�1ov�anyflne e�se�o do,any�hing affecting
<br /> �he Property that �s in violation of any E�viro�mental Lavv. The preceding two sen�enc�s shal� no� apply ta �he
<br /> presen�e,use,or s�orage on�he Prop�rty�f small quanti��es flf�3a�ardous Subs�an�es tha�are general�y recognized
<br /> to be appropriate to norma�reside�.tial uses and to maintenanc�of t.�ie Pr�per�y. �
<br /> B�rrovver shal�pr�mptly give Lender written notice af any inves�igat�on,claim,demand,Iawsui�or❑ther ac�i�n by
<br /> any governmental �r regula��ry agency or priv�t� party inv��ving the Prnperty and any Hazardous Sul�s�ance �r
<br /> Environmen�a� Lavv af which Borrov�er has ac�ual 1�nnw�edge. If Borrotiver 1�arns, or is �o�if��d by any
<br /> governmenta�ar regula�o�-y au�hori�y,that any removal or oth�r remediation of any Ha2ardous Substance affec��ng
<br /> the Property is necessary, Borrovver shall pramp�ly �ake a�I necessary remedia� ac�ti�ns in ac�ordan�e v�i�h
<br /> �nvironmenta�Lavv.
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are thflse substances def ned as�oxic or hazardous substances
<br /> b}� Environmen�a� Lavv and �he fallav�ing substances: gasoline, k�rosene, fl�her flammab�e ar toxic pe�raleum
<br /> products, ��xic pes�icides and herbicides, vala�i�e solven�s, ma�er�a�s contain�ng asbestos �r f�rmaldehyde, and
<br /> radioact�ve materials. As use�l in�his paragraph, "Envir�nmen�a� La�r" means federal lavvs and�avas af the stat�af
<br /> Nebraska that rela��to health,safety�r envir�nmenta�protectian.
<br /> A��e�eration; l�err�edies. Lender sha�� gfve no��ce to B�arr�ower pr�or to accelerat�on follawing �arro�►ver's
<br /> brea�h of any c�venant or agreemen�in this Se�urity I�Strurnent nr the Contract under vvhi�h accelerat�on
<br /> is permit�ed �but not prior�o a��e�erat�on under the se�tian ti��ed Transfer of the Property ar a$ene�ci�a�
<br /> Interest fn Barrower, u�Ie�s Appli�abie Law provides otherwis�]. The �otice sha�i specify: �a� the defau�t;
<br /> �b} the act�an r�quired to cure th� default; t�} a da�e, no� less than the minimum number �f days
<br /> �stablished by Applica�le Law fro�the date�he notice is given �o B�rrvwer,by which the default�nust be
<br /> cured; and (d) that fai�ur� to cure the default �n or before the date specif�ed in the not�c� may resuit �n
<br /> acceieration of �h� sums secured by th�s S�curity Instrument and sale af the Praperty. T� the ex�ent
<br /> per�rutted by Iaw, �he n��ice sha��further inform�orr�nwer vf the right to re�nstate after a��eieratior� and
<br /> �he r�ght to bring a c�urt ac�ion to assert�he n�n-ex�sten���f a defaul�or any o�her d�fense of B�rrower to
<br /> acce�era�ion a�d sale. If the default is r�ot cured on or b�f�re the da�e spe�ified in the noti��,Lend�r�t�its
<br /> option may requir� �mmedia�e payment �n fu�l of ai� sums secur�d b� this Secur�ty Instrume�.t w�thout
<br /> further demand and may invoke the pawer �f sai� and any �thEr rem�dies perm��ted by Applicab�e �aw,
<br /> Tv the exten� permitted by �aw, L�nder shall be entitled to ��llect alI e�penses in�u�red in pur�uing the
<br /> re�edies prQvided in�h�s Se�tion,inc�uding,but n�t�imuted to,reasonable a�torneys' �e�s a�d cost�of title
<br /> evid�nce.
<br /> If the power nf sal�is invQked,Truste� shall record a noti�� of default in each caunty�n yvhi�h any part of
<br /> �h�Property�s�oc�ted and sha��mai� �vp�es �f such nvtic�in the manner prescr�b�d�y Appi�ca�i�La�v to
<br /> Borr�wQr and �o the other persQns pr�scrib�d �y ApplYc�ble Law. After the tim� requ�red by Appli�ab�e
<br /> La�v, Trustee sha�l give pub�xc not�c� �f sa�e to �he persons and �n the manner prescribed by �►ppli�ab�e
<br /> Lavv. Trus�ee,vvi�hout demand on Bflrrower,shall seil the Frop�rty a��ub��c auction �o �he high�st bidder
<br /> a��he time and p�ace and under the t�rms de�ignat�d ir��h�nat��e flf sa��in one vr mflre parce�s and in any
<br /> order Trus�ee determ�nes. Trustee may p��tpone sa�Q of all or any parce� of the Prop�rty by public
<br /> ann�uncement at the�ime and p�a���f any previausly sch�duled saxe.L�nder or its de��gne�may purchase
<br /> �h�Property at an�salee
<br /> Upon recexpt �f payment af the pric� bid, Tx°u��ee sha�i de��ver �o the purchaser Trustee's deed �onv�y�ng
<br /> the Property. The recitals in the Tru�tee's de�d shall be prima f�c�e eva�dence �f�h�tru�h of th�statements
<br /> C�2044-2D 15 Compliance Systems,Inc.SC54-958F-20�5.]�.3.I Q98
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2fl36 Pa�e�af 5 www.campfiancesystezns.corr�
<br />