� � 2� 1 �� 18�7
<br /> '
<br /> ����w#��a�����o��ss��s
<br /> J�ei#h�r Bvrra�r�T no�L�nde�'may�omm�r���,��in, o�����in����any��di��a���t�an ��� �i�f�er�n
<br /> ir�d�vidu�! lifii��r���r t�e �n�m be�af� ����s} that ari��s from �h��ther �art�r}� a�#«ns pursuant t�t�Ns
<br /> - ����rit�Instru�n�nt�r tha��Ileg�s that the�fih�r p�rty has k�r�aG���any�r�vis�or��f� �r a���u�y���d
<br /> by re�s�n �f, thi� ��c�ri�y I�strurr�en�, �rrt�l�uch R�rro�r�r�r L.�nder ha� n�tifi�d#h� o�h�r��r#� ��ri�h
<br /> su��floti���iue�n in compl��nce����the r��uir�Tn�nfs�f�e����n 1��of suc��Ile�ed b���eh and�fford��
<br /> �i�e a�i��� p��y �er�to � r�asona��� p���d af�e��h� g��in� of such n����� �� fake ��rr��t��e act���. If
<br /> Ap��Rca�l� �aw���vid�s a t�me p�r�ic�d�hi�h mUs��i�ps���f�r����t��n �c�ion can b��a��n, tha�fim�
<br /> ��r�o�will b�d��me�to ��re�s�nable far��r�os�s of tf�is par��r�ph. T�e no�i��Qf��c��eration a�d
<br /> oppor��ni�y t� �u�� ��v�r� f� B�rr��er pursu�nt t� ��ct«r� �� ��d tF�� n�#i�e af����lera�ion ���en ��
<br /> �a�ra�r���ursu�nf�a�ectian 1�sh��1 be���rt��d to sati.�fy th�r�o�i�e�nd����rtur�it���#ake�arr���i��
<br /> a�tian pr��ri�i�ns of fhiS S�CfiiOn�4.
<br /> �'1, H�ar��us ��bs���c��.,�� ���� in #h�� ���ti�n ��: {a} `+Hazard�us Sub�tanc��" are th�s�
<br /> s�bs��n��s ��fined as #axi� �r hszard�us substances, p�ll�tar�f�, or ►������ �y Er��i�onm�nt�l La},nr
<br /> ar�� the fa��o�rin� s�b�ta���s: �as�l�n�, kervsene, ��h�r flamrrtable ar�oxic p��r����rn products, ��xl�
<br /> ��stic��e�ar�d h�r�i�ides,�r����i��S4laent�,rfl�te�ials containin�a�best���rf�rr��l�e��de,�nd r�d�oa�tiv�
<br /> m�t�rra��; ���"Enviranmen��� L�vsr" m�an�f�d���l la►�r��nd I��s of#h��uris��i�tion v�h�re th� prap�r[y
<br /> 1�lC��at�d�h��r�la���C�h��1'��,safety ar�n�iranrr�e���l p�ate��it�n; ��C�`��nv�fDnnl�tl��l�1���1up" If1�IlJC��S
<br /> ar�� r�sp�n�e��ti�n, �errr�dia� ac#i�n, �r rernava! ���ron, a� ��fined En Er���r�nmental La�; �nd �d� �r�
<br /> "Er�vi ra�ment�� C�r��lt�ion" r���r�� � ��n�iti�n t�a� can c��,se, Ganfr��uf� to, or �th��ru�ri�e �rigger a�
<br /> En�rir�nrnen�a��I��,r�up.
<br /> E�or�o��r���all n���a�s��r perrnit t�e pres�r���,us�,�«�aosal,stor�ge,or releas��f�ny Haz��d�u�
<br /> 5u�star���sr �r�h����t�n �� r�le�se �n� Haz�rda�s 5 u�sta�n��s, on or in�h� �fapert�. B�rro�r�r�h���
<br /> n�t d�, r,�r ����� anyQn� ��s� to da, an�t�in� afF��ting th� Pr��er�y �a� tnat is i� v�alati�n of art�
<br /> Env�ronmental �a�r �b��C�i�� �r�at�� an Er��ironm�ntal ��n�iti�n, or��} �h��h, �u��o th�pr�ser���,
<br /> us�, �r r�l��se vf a Hazar�Qus Sua�tanc�, creates �cand�t�on �hat adver�el}� afF�c�� th� va�lue �f t��
<br /> Pr�p�r��. The pre��di�g#v�o ser�t�nces shali ���a�a�!}�ta th��resence, us�, or�t�ra��an t��I�r�pert�
<br /> �f�ma��q��ntit�e��f Haza���us Sub�t�n��s that ar��en�r�lly �e��g r�iz�d t��e appr�priate t� normai
<br /> r��i�ential us�s a�d��m�in���an���f�h�Praper-��in�lu�in�, bu�n�#lirn�ted t�, f��,z��d�u�subs#a����s
<br /> �n ��n��rr��r pro�iu�ts}.
<br /> Bo�ra��r sha�!prorr�ptly��v�L�nder�r+rritter� nati�e af��} any �r�rr�s�i��t��n, �I�ir�, ��rna��F la���it
<br /> or ather a�t��n b� any ����rnrrrer�t�l or r��ula#o���enc�r �r �r��a�� R�rt� �n�o��in� #f�� �r���rty and
<br /> �n� H���r�Qus �u�stan�� �r �r�vir��nmental La� of�h�c� Borr��ver h�s a�tual kr�awle�g�, {b� �r�y
<br />: E�tv�ronmen��l C����i�n, ir��luding �ut r��t limi�ed ta, any�pil�ing, I�al�in�, dis�har��, r��f�a�e or thr���
<br /> af rel�a���f��y Hazar�au��u��#ance, a���c} an��on�it��r�c�us�d ��the��e��n��, use�r rel��s�
<br /> af� H���rd��s ���st�n�e�h��h ad�ers����f��cts the v��ue�f th� Pr�perty. �f Borro�r�r I��rns, or i�
<br /> n��ified b� any ���r�rnmer�tal or regul�ta� a�thor��y, �r an� pri�rate �arty, tha� ar��r �em�v�l �r ath�r
<br /> r�r�edia�ior��f�r�y H�z�rd�us�u��f�n����fec�ir�g th� Pr��erty is r��ces�ary, Borr���r sh�ll prQmptly
<br /> t�k���� necess�ry r�m�dia��c�ior�s�n acc�r��r�c����h En�ir�nm�r�t�l���r. N�#hin�h�rein shal!cr�at�
<br /> a���bli�a�i��on Lender f�r a� En�rir�r��n�nt��Cl�anup.
<br /> NgN-�NIF�R�I ���I�I�AhiTS. B�rr��r�r an� Lender f��h�r ca�en�nt�rt� a�r�e as fvlla�s;
<br /> ��. �c����rati�r�; R�me��e�. �end�r s hail ��v� r��tice t� �or�ow�r pri�r �� ac��ieratior�
<br /> f�llow'rn� Barror��r's area�h of ar�y ��venar�t�r�gre��n�nt in��is Securit� In�trurr�en��bu� n�t
<br /> p�i�r �o ���elerati�n ur��J�r �e�#ivn 18 �n�es��p,�lic�ale �.a�n► �t�vid�� �ther�i���� T'h� ��ti��
<br />� sha�l sR�cif�: �a��h�tl�far�lt; �b�th�actior� r�q�ir�d to�ure tf���efaul�; ���a�l���, �not less than
<br /> 3� �ay� fF�m the �ate �h� n�t�ce �s given to �orro�r�r, by �rh��h the d�fau lt m u�t t�� �ur�d;
<br /> �n� �d� t�at f�ail�r�t� �ur�#F����f�ul� �n or �efc��e the date s�ecifi�d in th� nQti�e m�� re�uJt
<br /> in �cc�lerat��n� ��t�e s��ns s�c�r�� by�h�� �e�urit� l��trUnrient�r�d ��I� a�t�� Prt���r�. T��
<br /> n����e���ll furtn���nf��'tri Bvt�row�r a�t�e righ�t� r�i�s#�t�afk�r ac�el�rati�n� �r�d th+� righ#t�
<br /> brirrg a ��urt�ctir�r� t� as��rt�h� n�n-ex����n�� �f�c��fau��o�^any �ther def�nse vf Borra�r�r
<br /> ta������ra#ior��nd sal�. ���i�e c�efa�l#is n���u�ed on ar b�f�re th�d����p��ifi�d ir�ti�e n�ti���
<br /> Len��r at i��pti�n rnay r���i re ir�media���a�m��t in fu I I of��I��rns���u r�d b��h�s ���uri
<br /> . , .�'
<br /> I��trum�r�t�trt�aut furtF�er�lemanc� and may ��r�o�e th� �a�re��f�ale and any o�h�r re�ed��s
<br /> �aermi�t�d��ARplic�bl�L�v�r.�ena�er shall 1�e�ntitle�tr���I���t al[�xpen�es�rtGurr�d i�Rur�u�n�
<br /> the rerr��di��pro�i�l��!�n th��S��ti�n 2�,in��uding��ut not limited ta,r�as��n��le a�torrre�s�fe�s
<br /> �nc��v�ts�f tit���vid�t��e.
<br /> !f�h�pa��r�f��I�is ir��ok�d,Trust�e shall r+��or�i a n�t��e��defa�tt�t�e��h cc�ur�ty ir��►�ich
<br /> any part�f th�Pr�p�r#y i�l��ated ���i shall mai��opi�s �f su�h n�tice in tfie m�.nner�r��cribe�d
<br /> by�►pptic��l�Lar�vt��orrc�v�►er an�t�th��th�r p�r��ns pr�scrib�c�byApplicaal�La�nr.�fterthe
<br /> tim�requir�er!byAppli�abf�L��,Trust�sha��giv+e pubfic no�i���fs���toth�p�rsvr��and ir��h�e
<br /> rnann�r�r�scribe���A��i���b��La�r,rru��ee,v+rith�ut dem�nd�n B�rrQ�r�rT shall�e��the�'roper�y
<br /> at publiG ar��tion t�tl�e hi��est b�d��r�t t����rr��a��pla��an�un��r th�t�rrns designa��d i�r tf��
<br /> not���vf s�le in��e or more p�r�els and in any�rd�r�ru�t��d���r�rnine�.�'rus���ma�p+��tpon�
<br /> sa#� a�a�l or�r�y R�r�e� �f t�� �r��ert� b� pub�i� annvuncem�rrt �t���tirne and pla�� af an�
<br /> �r+er�iously s�h�d u I�d �ai�.��nder�r i#�desi�n�� rr�a�pur�ha��#he Pr�per�y at ar���
<br /> � r}■r� �r ��
<br /> ��L��i�ti7■
<br /> NE�R�►SKA--�in�le F�rnily--F�nr�i�A�ae�Fteddie I�I��uNFFQF�M lHSTRLIIyI��NT F�rni'i 30�$�1��1
<br /> �Ili�Mae, Inc. �P�C,�� '(��f'I 1 N a E �315
<br /> NEEQEED{�L�}
<br /> �}311�1����08:5"�AM PST
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