2� 1 �� 1749
<br /> DEEa �F TRUST
<br /> Laan iVo: 'I D'I 293�a4 �Cor7�ir7ued} Page 8
<br /> make �xpenditures ❑r to take actian t� perform an o���ga�ion of Trus�or under this aeed ot Trust, atter Trustor's
<br /> fai�ure to perfarm, shalf no�a�f�ect Lende�'s right�a decla�e a default and exercise its remedies.
<br /> Request for Notice. Trustar, an hehai��f Trus�or and Lender, here�y�-equests tha�a �vpy�f any Notice of Defau�t
<br /> and a copy o�any Notice ��Sale under this De�d of Trust be mail�d�o them a�the addresses set far#h in the��rst
<br /> paragraph�f this Deed o�T�-ust.
<br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender ins�itu�es any suit a� a�tivn to en�orce any vf the terms v� th�s Deed ❑f
<br /> T�-us�, L�nder shali be entitled tv reco�er such sum as the cour�may adjudge reasonab�e as at�arneys' �ees at�ria[
<br /> and upvn any appeal. Whether o� not any �ourt action is in�o��ed, and to the extent not p�ohibi�ed by 1aw, aI1
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs �hat in L�nder's apinion are necessary at any time �vr the protectivn a# its
<br /> in�eres�or�he enfvrcement of its r�ghts shall bec�me a pa�t o#the lndeb�edness payab[e on demand and sha�l bear
<br /> in�eres�at the Nv�e rate frvm the date a��he expendi�ure untii repaid. Expenses�o�ered by this paragraph include,
<br /> without �im�tativn, howe�er subject tv any �imits und�r applicahle lawf Lender's a�torneys' #ees and Lender's legal
<br /> expenses, whe�h�r or not there �s a lawsuit, including attvrneys' fees and �xpens�s �or bankrup�cy pro�eedings
<br /> ��ncluding ef�orts ta modify o��acate any automatic s�ay�r injunctian�, appeafs, and any antEcipa�ed post�judgm�nt
<br /> c�llectian ser�ices, the cost of s�arching records, ohtain�ng title rep�rts {including forec��sure r�por�s�, sur�eyo�s'
<br /> reports� and appraisal fees, �ifiEe insu�ance. and fees for �he Trustee, t❑ �he exfient permitfied hy applicable �aw.
<br /> Trustor also wili pay any cour�cas�s, in addition tv all ather sums pro�ided by[aw.
<br /> Rights of Trustee. Trustee shali ha�e ail vf�he rights and du��es vf Lender as set fvr�h in�his section.
<br /> P�WERS AND �BLtGAT��NS aF TRUSTEE. The�ollowing pro�isions relating to the powers and oblEgations ❑f Trustee
<br /> are part af thEs De�d o�Trust:
<br /> Powers af Trustee. in addition tv al� pvwers o�Trustee a�ising as a matter of�aw,T�ustee shall ha�e the power to
<br /> take#he foElowing ac�ions with respec�ta�he Prvperty upon�the written request ❑f Lender and Trustv�-: �a3 jain in
<br /> p��pa�ing and filing a map or pf at ofi �he Real P�oper�y. in��uding the ded�cation o� s�reets o� vther rights tv the
<br /> public; 4b� �vin in gran�ing any easement or creating any resf��c�ion on the Rea� Property; and {c} �oin in any
<br /> suhordina�ion vr other agreement affecting this Deed o�F T�ust ar the interest a�Lender under#his Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trus�ee shall meet a[[ quaii#ications required �or Trus�ee under applicab[e iaw. In addition to the �-ights
<br /> and remedies se� �or�h abo�e, with respsc� ta a11 vr any part o�the Prvperty. the Trustee shal! have the right ta
<br /> fvreclose by notice and saie, and Lender shall ha�e �the right t� #arecEase by�udicEal �Foreclosure, in ei�her case in
<br /> a�cardance wi#h and�a the�u�l extent pr�vided by applicable law.
<br /> Su�cessvr Trustee. Lender. at Lender's opt�onf may from time t�time appaint a suc�essvr Trustee to any Trus�ee
<br /> appvinted under �hEs De�d of Trust by an instrumen� execu�ed and acknowledged by Lender and recvrded in #h�
<br /> o�fEce of the recorder v� HALL Cvun�y, Sta�e vf Nebraska. The instrum�n� sha�i contain� in additivn to all other
<br /> matters required by s�ate iaw, �he names o� '�he arigina� Lender. Trustee, and Trusto�, the �ook and page {�r
<br /> compute� sys�em r��erenGe} where �his ❑eed flf Trust is record�d. and the name and address vf #he successor
<br /> �rustee, and the instrum�nt shall be executed and acknowledged by a���he beneficiari�s under this Deed of Trust vr
<br /> their successors in in�erest. The successor trus�ee. without con�eyance of the Property, shail succeed �o aii the
<br /> ti�le. powe�. and duties con#erred upon�he Trustee �n this Deed of Trus�and by app�i�able law. This procedurs for
<br /> subs�i�u�ivn of Trus�ee shall go���n t�the exclusion of all othe�pra�isions fvr substitution.
<br /> N�T�CES, Any notice r�quired to b� given under this Deed af Trus�. incEuding w��hout limi�ta�ion any notice of de�fault
<br /> and any nflti�e o�sale shal[ be given in wrifiing, and shal[ be e�#ec�i�e when actua�[y deli�ered, when ac�ual�y re�ei�ed
<br /> by tefefacsimEfe �unless otherwise �equired by �awy, when dep�si�ed wi�h a na�ionalfy recognized a�ernight courier, ❑r, if
<br /> mailed, when dep�sited in the United S�ates mail, as�irst ciass, cer���ied ar regis�ered mail pas�age prepa�d, di�-ected to
<br /> the addresses shown near�he beginning ❑�this Deed of Trust. A�E capies v� no�ices o# forecfosure fram the hv�der of
<br /> any lien which has pria�-�ty a�er�his aeed of Trust shal� be sent t❑ Lender's address, as shown near the beginning ❑f
<br /> this Deed o� Trust. Any pa�-ty may change i�s address �vr notices under this Deed �� Trust by gi�ing forma[ written
<br /> n�tE�e to the other parties, specifying �hat the purpose v� the notEce is to �hange the pa�-ty's address. For nvti�e
<br /> purpvses, Trustor agrees to kee� Lend��-informed at alf times vf Trus��r's cu�r�en� address. Unless a�herwise pro�ided
<br /> or required by law, i�th�re is mare�han one Trus#or, any r�otice gi�en hy Lender to any Trus�or is deemed tv be no���e
<br /> gi�en to aIl Trust�rs.
<br /> MISCELLANE�US PR�V1S[�NS. Th�foilowing misc�Ilaneous pro�isions are a part of th�s Deed�f Trust:
<br /> Amendments. This ��ed vf Trust, �ogether with any Reiated Documen�s, constitu�ss the entire unde�-s�anding and
<br /> agr�ement o#the part�es as �a the matters set fvrth �n this �eed of Trust. No altera�ivn o� or amendment�o this
<br /> ❑eed ��Trus�shail be effective unless gi�en in wrE#Eng and signed by�he par�y vr parties s�ugh�t� b� cha�-ged or
<br /> �ound by the a��eratian ar amendment.
<br /> Annual Reports. if the Praperty is used fic�r purpvses ather than Trustar's residence, Trustor shali furnish �a
<br /> Lender. upvn request, a certi�ied s�atement a� net operat�ng incvme recei�ed #rom the Property during Trus�or's
<br /> pre�ious �isca� year in such form and detail as Lender sha[E requi�re. "Ne� vperating income" shail mean af! cash
<br /> rec�ipts from the Prvperty less a�i cash expend�tures made in connec�ion with the vpera�ion of the Praparty.
<br /> Caption Headings. Cap�ian headings En this aeed of Trust are �vr con�enience purpases oniy and are not ta be
<br /> used tv int��pret vr define the pro�isions o�`�his Deed o�Trus�.
<br />