2� 1 �� 1749
<br /> �EEa �F T�usT
<br /> Laan Na: 1 D�293��4 �Continued� Page 6
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERFaRMANCE. I�Trustor pays ali #he �nd���edness, inc�uding wi�hout Eimitation alf future ad�ances, when due,
<br /> and �therwise pe��orms al! the ohliga�ions imposed upon T�-ustvr under �his ❑eed o� Trust, Lender shall execut� and
<br /> deli�er ta Trustee a request far ful� �-econ�eyance and sha�� execute and deli�er tv Trust��r suitable statements v�
<br /> �ermination o� any ��nancing s�atement an �EEe e�idencing Lender's security inte�-est in the Rents and the Persona�
<br /> Property. Any recon�eyance�ee�equired by Iaw sha�� be paid by Trus�or, if permitted by applicable �aw.
<br /> EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Each o�the ��ilawing, at Lender's option. shall cans�itu#e an E�ent vf Defau�� under this Deed
<br /> o�Trust:
<br /> Payment Defau[t. Trus�vr fai[s�o make any payment when due under the Indebtedness.
<br /> �ther DefauIts, Trus�or fails �a cvmpiy with or to p�r�orm any ather term, vbligativn, covenant or candit�an
<br /> contained in �his Deed vf Trust vr �n any af the Related ❑ocuments ar t� com�Ey with vr to perfvrm any term,
<br /> obligation, co�enant a�-conditi�n�vn�ained in any vther agreement between Lender and Trus�or.
<br /> Comp��ance Default. Failur� tv comply with any other �e�-m, vhiigation, cv�enan� o�- �andition �ontained in this
<br /> ❑eed of Trust,the iVote or in any❑�the Related ❑vcuments.
<br /> Defiault on 4ther Paymen�s. FaiEure o�Trus�ar within the time required hy this ❑eed vf Trust to make any paymen�
<br /> for taxes❑r insurance. vr any o�her payment necessary to pre�ent filing ot❑r t� effe�t dis�harge of any�Een.
<br /> False Statem�nts. Any warranty, representation ar s�a�emen� made or furnished to Lender by Trustor ❑r �n
<br /> Trustor's beha�f under thEs Deed af Trust or the Re�a�ed ❑o�um�nts is �alse or misleading in any material respec�,
<br /> either now vr afi the time made or furnished vr becomes faIse ar mislead�ng at any�ime�hereaft�r.
<br /> Defective Collateralization. This Deed of Trust or any �f the Re�ated Dacuments ceases to be �n -Full f�rce and
<br /> ef�ec� {inciuding �ailure v� any coiia�era� document�o create a �aiid and perfected security interest vr l�en} a# any
<br /> ��me and�ar any reason.
<br /> Death vr Insolven�y. The d�a�h o�Trustor, the insol�ency o�Trustor, the appvEn�ment❑f a recei�er�or any part of
<br /> Trus�or's property, any assignmen� ��r the benefit of credi�ors, any type af c�-editor wvrkou�, ar �he
<br /> c�mmencement�#any proceeding under any bankruptcy�r inso��ency Iaws by vr against Trustor.
<br /> Credi#ar or Forfei#ure Pra�eedings. C�mmencemen� ❑f �o�eclosure or ��r��iture prt�ceedings, whe�h�r by judi�ial
<br /> prviceeding, self�help, repvssession ar any❑ther method, by any credi#or af Trustar or by any go�ernmenta� agency
<br /> against any prvpe�ty securing �he �ndebtedn�ss. This inc�udes a garnishment of any vf Trustor's accvunts,
<br /> including deposi� acct�un�s. with Lender. H�we�er, this E�en� v� De�ault sha�� nvt apply if there is a good faith
<br /> dispute by Trustor as to �he �alidity vr reasanab��ness �f the c�aim which is fhe basis vf�he creditor vr�vrfeiture
<br /> proc�ed�ng and E� Trustor g��es Lender wri#ten notice o� �he creditar vr ��r�eiture proceeding and d�posits w�th
<br /> Lender monies or a surety bvnd for the �reditor or�or�eitu�-e proceed�ng, in an amoun�determ�ned by Lender, in its
<br /> s�le d�scretion� as being an adequate rese��e or bvnd for�he dispute.
<br /> Breach vf D�her Agreement. Any brea�h by Trustar under the�erms of any vther agreemen�between Trustor and
<br /> Lender �hat is not remedied within any grace perEvd pro�ided �herein, �ncluding wi�hout I�mitativn any agr�ement
<br /> cancerning any indebtedness ar oth�r o�liga�ion vf Trus�ar t� Lender, whether exis�ing nc�w or Eater.
<br /> Errents Affectin� Guarantor. Any vf�h� preceding e�ents oGcurs with respect�o any guaranfior, endvrser, surety.
<br /> ar accvmmodation party a�F any af�he �ndeb�edness ❑r any guarantor, endo�rser, surety, ❑r accvmmodati�n par�y
<br /> dies or becomes in�ompe�ent, ar re�vk�s ❑r disputes �he �a�idity o#, ❑r liability unde�, any Gua�anty of the
<br /> Indeb�tedness.
<br /> Ad�erse Chan9e. A material ad�erse change vccurs in Trustar's #inancial condition, vr Lender beiie�es the
<br /> prospect vf payment ar per�vrmanc�o�the Indebtedness is impaired.
<br /> Ins��urf#y. Lender in goad fai�h belie�es itseif insecure.
<br /> Existing Indehtedness. The payment v�any installmen��f principal vr any interest on the Ex�sting �ndek�tedness is
<br /> nvt made w��hin the time required by�he pramissary note evidencing such indeb�edness, ar a de�aui�occurs under
<br /> the instrument secur�ng such indebtedness and is not cured during any app�icable grace per�od in such instrument,
<br /> vr any suit or other ac�ivn is commenced to foreciose any exEsting iien�n the Proper�y.
<br /> Right to Cure. 1�any defau�t. other#han a defau��in payment, is curab[e and i-F T�-us�or has no��een g��en a notice
<br /> ' of a breach a��he same pro�ision of this Deed af T�us�within th�preceding twe[�e ��2} months, it may be cured if
<br /> Trus�vr, after Lender sends written noti�e ta Trustor demanding cure o�such de�auit: {�� cur�s the de�au�t within
<br /> #if�een �15} days; vr {2} if the cure requires mare�han fifteen {�5} days, immedia�ely initiates steps which Lender
<br /> deems in L�nder's sole d�scre�ion �o be su�f#icient to cure the de�ault and �hereafi�er continues and cvmpletes all
<br /> reasonable and necessary s�eps su�fficien�ta produc�compliance as soon as reasonably practica�.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMED�ES DN DEFAULT. If an E�ent o# ❑e�aul�t❑�curs under�his Deed vf Trust, at any�ime therea�Fter,
<br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any one or mvre of the�v��vwing rights and remedies:
<br /> A�celeration Upon Default;Add�tional Remedies. i�any E�en�vf De�au�t occurs as per the terms v�the Nate
<br /> s�cured he�eby, Lender may deciare al1 f ndeb�edness secured �y�his Deed af Trust�o be due and payable and
<br /> the same shaE!thereupan be�ome due and payable wi�hou�any presentment, demand, protest❑r notice o�any
<br />