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2� 1 �� 1757 <br /> full af all sums secured by �hi� 5ecurity Instrument. �o�we�er, th�s opti�n �hal� not be exercised by Lender �f <br /> exercise is proh�bited by federal Ia�u as�f th�date of�his Se�ur�ty�x�s�rument. <br /> If Lender ex�rc�ses �his �p��i�n, Lender shall give B orrower not��e of acce��ration. The natice shal� prQv�de a <br /> peri�d of no� less than �the �ninimum number of days established by Applicable Law from the da�� the notic� is <br /> delivered ar mai�ed wi�in,�hich Bflrrovver mus� pay a�i sums secured l�y �his Security Ins�rum�n�. If Borrovver <br /> fails to pay these sums prio:r �o the expiration af tihis period, Lenc�er may in�oke any remedies permit�ed by �his <br /> Security Ins�rument w��haut further na����or demand on�orrawer. <br /> Borrower's Right �o Reinstate, �f Borrovver mee�s Cti�a�n C�n�iti�n5, Borrower shal� have the right ta have <br /> enforcement❑f�his Secur�tyf �ns#�� dxscontinued at�ny time priar�a �he earlier of: �a} 5 days �or such o�her <br /> per�od as Applicable Lav�may specify for reins�atemen�}bef�re sale of�.e Propea�y pursuant�� an�power of sale <br /> con�ained in this Secur�ty �ns�ruxnent; or ��} entry af a judgm�n� enfarcing this Security �nst.r�u.m�nt. Those <br /> conditi�ns are �ha�Borr��wer: �a) pays Lender a11 sums v�rhich then wauld be due under th�s Securifiy�ns�rumen� <br /> and�h��on�.ract as if no accelera�ian had�ccurred;�b�cures any defau��af any other covenants or a�reernents;�c} <br /> pays al�e�penses incurred ir.�enforc�ng this Security�nstrument, �.nc�u��ng,bu�not�imited to,rea�onable a��orneys' <br /> fees �o �he extent pex�m�.rted by lavv; and ��} takes such a��i�n as L�nder may reasonab�y require ta assure that�he <br /> lren�f�h.�s 5ecu.rity�nstrum�;nt, Lender's rights in the Proper�y and Barrower'�abligation to pay the sums s�cured <br /> by this Security Instrument sha11 continu� unchanged. Upon reins�tement by B�rrower, this Secur��y �n��rument <br /> and the obligations secured hereby sha�� remain fu11y effective as �f n� accel�ra��an had occurred. Ho�vever, �his <br /> r�ght�a reinstate shall nat ap�ply�n the ca�e af accelerati�n under�h�sect�an�i�led Transfer of the Pr�perty or a <br /> Beneficial Interest�n B�rr��wer. <br /> Hazardou5 5ubstances.Barrower shall nat cause or permit the pr�s�nce,use, disposal, s�arage, or r�Iease of any <br /> Hazardaus 5ubstances on or in the Praperty.Borrouler sha�l not da,nor allow�nyane else�o d�,anything affec�ing <br /> the Property �hat is in v�olat�on of any E���ronmenta� LaW. The preced�ng �a sen�ences sha�I nat apply ta the <br /> presence,use,ar s�orage on�the Property of smali quant�ties of Haz�.rdaus Subs�a.nces that are genera�ly rec�gnized <br /> to�e appropriate�o n�rmal r�esidential uses an�.to ma�ntena.n�e�f the Proper��. <br /> Borrourer sha��pramptly g�ve Lender wri��en notice of any inves�igation,claixn, demand,�avvsui�or a�her act�on hy <br /> any governmenta� or regulal:ary agen�y vr private party involving �h� Pr�per�y an�l any I-3azardaus Sul�s�ance or <br /> Env�ranmen�al Law of wh�ch Barrav�er has actua� kno�v�edge. �f Borrovver learns, or �s no���f ed by any <br /> governmen�a�or regu�a�ory auth�rity,tha�any rem�va��r other reme�ia�ion a�'any Hazardaus Substar�ce affec��ng <br /> the Praperty is necessary, B�rr�vver sha�l. promp��y �ake al� ne�essary remedial actions in ac��rdance wi�h <br /> Environme�.tal Law. <br /> As used in thi.s paragraph, "�Kazardous Subs�ances" are�lZose substar�ces defu�ed as taxic or ha�ardous subs�ances <br /> by Environmental Lavc� and �he followir�g subs�ances: g�.saline, keroser�e, ��her flammable ar to�ic pe�ro�eum <br /> prflducts, toxic pes�icides a��d herbicides, vo�ati�e so�ven�s, ma�erials containing asbestos flr forma�dehyde, and <br /> rad�oac��ve materials.As us�.d in�his paragraph, "Environmental La.�r"means federal lavvs and laws flf the state❑f <br /> Nebraska that relate to hea�t��,safe�ty ar�z�vironmen�al pratec�ion. <br /> Ac�e�eration; R�medies. Lender shall �i�e notice �a ]Bvrr�wer prior to ac�exerati�n followin� �orrower's <br /> breach Qf any covenant flr agreement xn this Security Instrurnent ar the Contract under�vhxch a��el�ra�ian <br /> �s permitted �but nnt pr�ar �� a�ce�eration under the �ection �it�ed Transfer of the Pr�pert�or�Beneficial <br /> Interest in Borrower, unle��s A�,pplicabl� Law prav�des oth�rwi���. The nvtice sh�.11 specify: �a� the defaul�; <br /> �b) the action requ�red t+� cur� the default; �c) a da�e, na� less than the m�.nimum nur�b�r �f days <br /> e5tablish�d by App�icable l�aw from th�date the noti��is g��en t�B�rrv�ver,by which the default mus�be <br /> cured; and �d} that fa��ur�� ta cure the defau�t vn �r �efor� the date sp�cif�ed in �he noti�e .rnay resuit in <br /> a�ce�erati�n of the surns :�e�ured �y thi5 Security Instrument and sa�e of the Property. T`fl the ex�ent <br /> permitted by�avv, �h� n�tis�e shall further�nfflrm I3orr�wer af�he right�v reinstate after ac�e�eration and <br /> the rfght to bring a court act�on�o a5ser-t the non-existenc�of a d�fau�t or any o�her d�fens�af Borr�vver tfl <br /> acceleratian and sa�e,If the def�ult is nflt cured on or before �he da�e sp�cif�ed i�the notice, jLender at�ts <br /> vp�ifln may req�ire im�ne��iate payme�t �n full of a�I sum5 se�cured by this Securxty Instrurn�ent wi�hout <br /> fur�her demand and may�n�vke the p�wer of sale and any other remedies permi�ted by Appli�ab�e Law. <br /> Ta the ex�ent perm�tted b;y �aw, Lender sha�I be ent�tled to ca�Iect all expensQs incurred in �pur5u�ng the <br /> remed�es pr�vided in �his s�ec�ion, inc�uding,but not l�muted to,r�asonab�e a�torneys' fees and c�5�5 of txtle <br /> e��dence. <br /> If the pvwer of sale�.s inv�][�ed, Trustee sha��r��ord a notice of defau�t in ea�h �ounty in wh�ch any part vf <br /> the Property is la�ated �nd.shall mail c�pies of such no�xce in��e manner prescr�bed�y Applirable I�aw�� <br /> Borrower and to the other� persons pres�ribed b� App��cable Law. Af�er the t�rr�e required by Appli�able <br /> Law, Trustee sha�I give p��b��c notice af sale tfl the �er5ons a�d �n th� manner pre��r�bed by App���able <br /> Law.Trustee,w�thou� dem.and on Borrower, shall sei�the Prvperty at public auctxon to the hxghest bidder <br /> at the time and plac�and under�he terxns designated n��he no�ice of sale in one or anore parCe�ls and in any <br /> order TruStee determines. Trustee may pa�tpflne sale of all �r any parce� �f the Properi.y by public <br /> announcement a�the�ime;�nd p�ace of any prev�ous�y scheduled sale.Lender or its designee xrna�purchase <br /> �he Property at any sale. <br /> Upon re�e�pt of payment of the�rice bid, Trustee shall de�iver to the purchaser Trustee's de�d �onveying <br /> the Prflperty. Th�recitals in the TruStee's d�Qd shall be prima fa�ie ev�dence af the truth of��,�statemen�s <br /> made therein. Trustee shal� app�.y �he proceeds of the sale ir� �he fo�lowing order: �a� �o �I.� �osts and <br /> expenses of exercising �he��nw�r of sal�, and the sale, i�nc�ud�ng the payment of the Trustee's fee� a�tually <br /> �2QQ4-2�1 S Com�iiance Sys#erris,Inc.8C5�-D96G-2D I 5.�1.3.1 fl98 <br /> Consumer Rea�Estate-Sec�rity Tnstrurnent DL:?D35 Page�of 5 www.cnmpiiancesystems.c�m <br />