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<br /> DEED t]F TRUST
<br /> Lvan N�: '1��2�43'i 7 tCont�nued� Page 'I D
<br /> Crass-Cvllat�ralization pro�ision o�F this Deed af Trust.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Points Bank, its successars and assigns.
<br /> Note. The ward "No��" means the promissvey nv�e dated March 23, ZD�6, in the or�ginal pr�ncipal amount
<br /> of $��,5 7 9.5D �rom Trustor to Lender, fioge�her wi�h all renewals vf, ex�ensions ❑�. m�d�fica�ions of,
<br /> refinancings of� cvnsolidations of, and substituti�ns�or the promissary nvte or agreement.
<br /> Personal Prvper#y. The wards "Persanal Property" mean all equ�pmen�. �ixfiures, and vther ar�ic[es ❑f persona[
<br /> praperty now vr hereafter �wned by Trustor, and now ar hereafte� attached vr affixed to the Rea� Property;
<br /> �oge#her with a[� accessions, par�s, and addi�ians to� a�[ replacemen�s ❑f, and a!! substi�utions far, any ❑f such
<br /> property; and �agether with a[� p�oceeds �Encluding wi�haut limEtatEon all insurance praceeds and r��unds a�F
<br /> premiums} t�am any sale or oth�r dispositivn v�fihe Property.
<br /> Property. The wvrd "Proper�y" means co�iecti�e�y�he Rea[ Prope�ty and the Persana{ Proper�y.
<br /> Rea� Property. The words "Reai Property" mean�he real property, inte�ests and rights, as further described in this
<br /> Deed o�Trus�.
<br /> Reia�ed Documen�s. The wards "Reiated D�cuments" mean al[ pr�missory notes, credEt ag�eements, loan
<br /> agreemen�s, en�ironmen�tal agreements� guaran�ies. s�curity agreements� martgages, deeds of trust, securi#y
<br /> deeds, colla�erai mor�gages, and al[ othe� instruments, agreements and dacum�nts, whether n�w or herea#�er
<br /> ex�sting, executed in connecfiion with the [ndebtedness.
<br /> Rents. The word "Rents" means all present and future 1'ent5, re�enues, incame, issues, CQyal�ieS, pro�i�s, and
<br /> o�her benefi�s deri�ed frvm the Prvperty.
<br /> Trustee. The ward "Trus�ee" means Fi�e Points Bank, whose address is P.Q Box �5D7, Grand lsfand, NE
<br /> 688�2-'i 5�7 and any substitute o�successor�rust�es.
<br /> Trustvr. The wvrd "Trustor" means JACK R ARMSTR�NG.
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<br /> �n this day be�are me, the undersigned Nvtary Public, personaliy appeared JACK R ARMSTRaNG� �a me known #a be
<br /> th� indi�idual descrEbed in and wha executed the Deed vf Trust, and acknowledged that he ❑r she signed �he ❑eed of
<br /> Trust as his vr her�ree and�olunfiary act and deed,fnr the uses and purposes therein me ioned.
<br /> Givsn under my hand and official sea!this day of ; • ,2�� .
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<br /> ' Prin#ed Name: � -�
<br /> Nutary Public in nd for#he S#ate af __��
<br /> Residing a#
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<br /> My commission expires � �
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