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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> �, �o rn � � o <br /> o �z � � z� � � <br /> � �� � � �z � � <br /> � z� „ � �rn � z <br /> � �� p � �ov � Cn <br /> � rn �� � <br /> rnm rn � _� � � <br /> c� p y Cn �I C <br /> �� � � �� � <br /> a�o � �.� rn <br /> o� � � � <br /> � � z <br /> � <br /> Do na�wrlte ab�ve llne-recorofer�se orrly <br /> F4RM SQ35�2-2Q�6� <br /> RET�RN T� Farm Credit Services of Ame�ica Sterner, Wynne <br /> PREPARER: P� Box 5�8�, �rand Island, N E 588�� �308} 384-���7 <br /> CTL 2:30� CTL 3:��� �ustvmer Na:76878 Note No:��8 <br /> Farm Credit Ser��ces of America <br /> TRUSTEE'S DEED �F PARTIAL REC�NVEYAN�E <br /> Tru�tee: AgriBank, FCB <br /> Benefic�ary:Farm Credi�Senr�ces of Amer�ca, FLCA <br /> Trustar:Jerald D 1Noifaszewski, AI�IA Jer�y D Woi�aszewski and Linda K Vlloi�as�ewski, a married <br /> cauple <br /> Recvrd Infvrmation: <br /> C ounty:HaI� <br /> Fi�ing�f�ice:Regis�er�f Deeds <br /> Date Filed: �513 I12�I2 <br /> Recorded as Znslrument#2�I.2�4327 <br /> A� Beneficiary's requ�st, and for gvod and valuab[e considerativn, receipt of �rhich is h�reby <br /> ackn�wledged, Trustee hereby grants, r�[eases, and reconveys ta T�us�Qr or �he person�s} �n�i���d <br /> �here�o, all right, �i�le, and in�eres� of�he Trus�ee acquir�� by virtue of�he abo�re m�ntivned Trust De�d <br /> and Assignment af Rents in and to the fallov��ng property: <br /> A �rac� ofi land in part af the North Ha�f of the Sou�heast Quarter �N 11�, SE�14} �f 5ec�ian Thirty-Five <br /> �3�}, T�wnship EleWen ���} North, Range Elev�n �'��} �lVes�of the �th P.M., Hail County, Ne�raska and <br /> more par��cu�ar�y described as faI[ows: Comm�ncing a� the Northeast c�rner of the Sautheast quarter <br /> �SE'114} af said section 35, and pain�being �he ac�ual pain��f beginning; thence vn an assumed bearing <br /> of S��°a�'��"V11 along the Eas� lin� of said Southeas� quar#er a dis�ance of 257.aa �eet; Thence <br /> N89°3�'35"W a dis�ance of �73.95 feef; �hence N58°��'��"W a dis�ance af �97.G3 fe�t; thence <br /> N��°�4'3�"W a dis�ance of 99.�7 feet; �hence S8g°�3'�4"E a distance of 4�7.0� feet ta the poin� �f <br /> begYnning. Said tract contains a calcula�ed area of 89,�39.85 square feet or 2.fl6 acres more or Iess of <br /> which �.�4 acres is new dedEcated �oad r�w. <br /> Said Trust Deed and Assignment �f Rents sha�I rema�n �n ful[ f�rce and effect as ta aIl ath�r <br /> prvperty descr�bed therein. <br /> 1N VIIITNESS 1NHERE�F, Trustee has caused �his in�trument to be ex�cufied on the da�e set ou� �n �he <br /> acknowledgment, �,��►111�������rlj�.. <br /> ���1� �gCVl�e��f �� <br /> , �� •*i��H� ■ �� <br /> �`�,��' �DR�O �''�:�'��v�'•. A riBank, FCB, Trustee <br /> . � h'q�..�,f.� J <br /> �� �``•s�� By Farm C�ed��Serv�ces of Amer�ca, FLCA, <br /> :`i ��.� i�s Agen�and Afi�orn�yr�n-Fact <br /> : � :�� <br /> � ��� .�� i <br /> ` B �� ' <br /> �• �r�� . y� <br /> �� � � •' R a �' �olerr�an <br /> f�,� �i �� �`��` y <br /> �,���,� ■ �, �;�� Assrstan�C�rpora�e S�cr��ary <br /> STATE �F Ne�raska ��'ii� � N� ��r� <br /> 't�11i����� <br /> 55 <br /> ��U NTY�F Cust�r } <br /> �n �his 23rd day of March, 2��6, befar� me, a Notary Publ�c, persana!!y appeared R an �ofeman, <br /> being by m� pe�sona��y known, and du[y swarn, did say that h�lsh� �s Assis�an� �orpara�e 5ecre�ary of <br /> the corporafion ex�cu�ing �he forego�ng instrument; tha� �he instrumen� was signed �n behaif af �he <br /> corpora���n by au�hori�y of its baard of directars; as ag�n� and attorney-in--fact for, and an beha�f �f, <br /> AgriBank, FCB, Truste�, as prinCipal; an� ackno�rledged the e�ecutian of th� ins�rumen� �a be �he <br /> vo�un�ary acf and deed vf�he principal, fihe agent and a�torney-in�-fact, and himlher. <br /> App#:5381788; C[F#:75878; No�e#:2D8 23�VVK Legal Doc.Date:March 23,2��G <br /> FaRM 5035,Trustee's Deed vf Partial Reconveyance Page� of� <br />