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2� 1 �� 1715 <br /> PLAI�TI�T�I� �Jl�T��` D�V��..�C�Pl1��l�T� RII�ER. <br /> THlS PLANNE� UNIT �EVELDPMENT RIDER is made this 2�nd day vf <br /> Mar�h �41� , and is incorporated �nto and shall be <br /> deemed to amend and supplemer�t the Martgage, De�d of Trust, vr Secur�ty De�d �the <br /> "S�curity Instrum�nt"} of the s�me dat�, gi�en �y the undersigned tthe "Borrower"} to <br /> secur� B�rrowe�'s Nate to H�me Federa� Savi ngs and Laan Assn �f Grand I s�and <br /> 4the "L�nd�r"� of the same date and c��ering the Property described in the Se�urity <br /> �nstrument and located at: 3909 Nors�man Aue <br /> Grand Island, NE �88D3 <br /> [Praperty Address] <br /> The Property �nc�udes, but is not I�mited to, a parcel af land imprv�ed with a dw����ng, <br /> together witn other such parce[s and certa�n cvmman ar�as and fa��lities, as d�scribed in <br /> p��laration of Ca�enants, Conditions and Restri�t�ans �f the here�n nam�d <br /> hom�o�n�rs ass�ciat�on and any am�ndments her�to. <br /> �the "�ecla�ation"�. The Pr�perty is a part of a planned un�t dev�lopment knawn as <br /> St�rl�ng Estates <br /> [Name of P�anned Unit De�elopm�nt] <br /> tthe "PUD"3. The F'roperty a[so inciud�s Barrower's inte�est in the homeowners association or <br /> equi�aler�t entity owning or managing the commor� areas and fac�lities �f th� �'UD {th� <br /> "�wners Associat�on"} and tne uses, benefits and prviceeds of Bo�-rower's 'rnter�st. <br /> PUD C�VENA�VTS. In additivn to the coWenants and agreements made �n th� Security <br /> [nstrum�nt, B�rrawer and L�nd�r further co�enant and agree as fol[ows: <br /> A� PUD []bligatians. Borrower shal� perform a�� vf Borrflw�r's ohligations under the PUD's <br /> Cvnst�tuent C�ocuments. Th� "Canstituent D��uments" are the �i� Declaration; �ii� artic��� �f <br /> incorparatior�, trust instrument or any equivalent document wt�ich creates the Ovvr��rs <br /> Assvc�ation; and t�ii} any by�Iaws or athe� rules ar regu[atic�ns �f the C]wners Assvciation. <br /> Borrower shall prvmpt�y pay, v►rhen due, all dues and assessments impvsed pursuant ta the <br /> �onstituent Dvcuments. <br /> MULTlSTATE PUD R�DER - Single Family - Fannie MaelFredd�e Mac UNIF�3RN1 1NSTRLJMENT <br /> Farm 3'I 5D 7!�� " <br /> Wo�ters Kluw�r Financ�al Ser-��ces Page � of 3 [nit�als: °� <br /> VN�P�-7R tD8� 1� <br />