2� 1 �� 1715
<br /> �n t�e Praper�y and rig�.ts under th�s Secur��y �nstrumen�; and��.} takes such ac��on as L�nder may
<br /> reasonably require to assur�that L�nder's �nterest in�h� Proper�� and righ�s under�h�s Secur��y �ns�rument,
<br /> and Borrower's ob�igat�on�o pay�he sums s�cured by this Secur�t� �nstrument, shall cont�nue unchanged.
<br /> Lender ma� require that Borr�vv�r pay such reinstatemen�sums and�xp�nses in one�r more of the fo�lowirig
<br /> forms, as selec�ed by Lender: �a} cash; (b} maney�rder; �c}cer��f�ed check, bank check, treasurer's check or
<br /> cashier's check, p�ro�ided any such che�k is drawn�pan an ins�x�ut�an�hase deposits are�nsured by a
<br /> federal agenc�, instrumen�alx��or entity; or�d� E�ectronic Funds Transfer. Upon reins�atemen�by Borraw�r,
<br /> �h�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen�and ob��ga��ons secured hereby shall remain fully�ffec��ve as if no ac�e�eration had
<br /> �c�urr�d. Howe�er, this rxght�a re�ns�a�e sha�� not apply in�he case of acce��ra��on un�.er�ectiQn �8.
<br /> �C3. Sa�e of Nate; C�ange of Laan �ervicer; Nvtice vf Gri�►►anc�. The Note or a par�iai interes��n the
<br /> N�te��oge�her v�rith this Security Ins�rument} can be so�d one�r mor�times withaut pr�ar notice�o
<br /> Borrow�r. A sale m�ght resuit in a char�ge in the en���� �kn�v�n as�he "L�an Servicer"} tha�c�Ilects Period��
<br /> Payments due under�he Note and this Security Instrum�en�and performs o�her mar�gage l�ar�ser�icing
<br /> ob��ga��ons under the N`ote, �his Secur�ty In�tr�zment, and App�z�able Lavw. There a�so m�ght b�one or mare
<br /> changes of�he Loan S�rv�cer unre�a�ed�a a sale of the No�e. �f�here is a change of�he Loan Servicer,
<br /> B�rrov�er will be gi�en�ri�ten notice tif the chang�which wrll��ate the name and address of�he new I.oan
<br /> Ser�vxcer, �h�address to vwhi�h payments should be made and any o�her information RESPA requir�s in
<br /> cQn�.ec��an w�th a n���ce af transfer of s�r�icing. If�h.e Note is sold and thereaft�r�he Laar��s �erviced by a
<br /> I.�an Servicer o�her�han the purchaser�f�he Note, the xnor�gage laan servic�ng obliga�ions to Barrow�r wi��
<br /> remain wi�h�he Loan Servicer or�e�ransferred to a successor L�an Ser�icer and are no�assumed by�he
<br /> N��e purchaser unles� atherwise prov�ded by the No�e purchas�r.
<br /> I�e��her Borro�v�rer nor Lender may�ommence,join, or b���ined�o any�udic�a� acti�n�as�x�her an
<br /> individual Ii�igant ar the member of a class}that arises from�he other party's ac���ns pursuant tio this
<br /> Secur�ty Instrument or tha�all�ges that the o�her party has brea�hed an�prov�sion of, or an� du�y owed by
<br /> reason af, th�s Securi�y�nstrum�n�, un�il such B�rrower�r Lend�r has notified the o�her par�y�with suc�i
<br /> na��ce g�ven�n comp��ance with�he requirements of Secti�n �5}vf such a��eged breach and afforded�he
<br /> other party here��a r�asonable per�od after th��iv�ng of such n�ti�e to�ake carre����e ac�ion. �f Applicab�e
<br /> Law provides a time period wh�ch mus�e�apse befor�certa�n a�t�on�an�e taken, tha��ime period wi11 be
<br /> deemed t��e reas�nab�e f�r purpases of this paragraph. The no�ice af acce�eration and oppor�unity�o cure
<br /> g�ven tfl Borrower pursuan�to Sec��on 2�and th�natice of acce�eration given��Borrower pursuan.��o
<br /> Sect�on 18 shall be deemed�o sa�.isfy�he no�ice and oppor�un�ty�a take correc���e act��n pr���sians of#�is
<br /> 5ec�i�n�D.
<br /> �"�. Hazardous Substances. As used in th�s Secti�n�1; �a} "�Ia�ard�r�s Subs�ances"are those subs�ances
<br /> de�ned as�ox�c�r hazardaus�ubstan�es, pa��utants, or was�es b� En�ironmenta� Law and th�fal�ov�r�ng
<br /> subs�anc�s: ga�al�ne, ker�sene, o��.er flammab�e or���ic petroleum pr�ducts, ��xic pesticides and her��cides,
<br /> �o�atile so�vent�, materials con�a�ning a�bestas or formaldeh�rde, and rad�oacti�e ma�er�a�s; �b}
<br /> "Enviror�rt��ntar La�v"means federal �aws and laws of the jurisdic�xon where the Prop�r�� is�ocated tha�
<br /> rela�e ta health, safe��or en�ir�nmenta�pro��ct�on; �c� "E`nvironmen�al CleQr�up"in��udes any respo�se
<br /> action, reme�ial act��n, or r�mova� act�an, as de�ned in�n�r�ranmental Law; and �d� an "E��ironrr�e�ttal
<br /> �`ondition"means a condxt�on�hat can cause, contr�bute t�, or a�herwis��r�gger an Enviranm�n�a� C�eanup.
<br /> Borr�vver sha11 no�cause or permi�the�resence, u5e, disposa�, storage, or release of any Hazardous
<br /> Subs�anc��, or threa�en�o re�ease any Hazardous Su�stan�es, on or�n the Praper��. B�rrowver shall n��da,
<br /> nor ai��w any�ne else to do, any�h�ng affe�t�ng �he Propert� �a}tha� �s �n��olation of any �nvironmen�al
<br /> Lavv, �b} which crea�es an Environmen�al Candi�ion, or�c}whi�h, due to the presenc�, use, ar re�ease of a
<br /> �a�ard�us Subs�ance, crea�es a cand�tion that adv�rsely affec�s�he va�ue of the Propert�. The preced�ng twfl
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<br /> Wolters Kluwer Fir�anciaf 5er�ic�s Page�3 of'�7
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