2� 1 �� 1715
<br /> satisfactian, provided�hat such inspect�an sha11 be und�r�aken pramp��y. Lender may pay far�he r�pairs
<br /> and r�storation in a s�ng�e disbursem�nt ar in a s�ries of pragress payments as t�.�vvflrk is completed.
<br /> Unless an agre�m�nt�s made in wr�t�ng or Applicab�e Lavv r�qu�res znteres�t���pa�d an such
<br /> Miscellan��us Fr�ceeds, L�r��er sha�� n��be required ta pay Borrawer any interes�or earnings on�uch
<br /> Miscellaneous Prflceeds. �f th�restorat�on or repair is no�economical�y feas��Ie or Lender's securzty w�uld
<br /> be�essened, �he Misce�Zan�ous Prac�eds sha�� be applied to the sums secured by�his Security Ins�rumen�,
<br /> whether or no�then due, wi�h th���cess, zf any, paid ta Barrou�er. Such Miscellaneaus �roceeds sha��be
<br /> app�ied�n�he order prov�d�d f�r��Section 2.
<br /> �n the e�en�of a�atal ta.k�ng, d�s�ru�tion, or loss �n va�ue of th�Property, the Mi�cella��ous Proc��ds�hal1
<br /> ��applied��the sums secured by�his Se�urity �ns�rument, vvh�ther ar not�h�n du�, with th�excess, zf an�,
<br /> paid�o Borrfl�ver.
<br /> In th�e�ent of a par�ial tak�ng, destruct�on, or loss in va�ue of�he Proper�y �n v�hich the fa�r market wa�ue of
<br /> th�Prap�r�� zmmediately before th�par��a� �aking, destructifln, or loss in�ralue �s �qua� t�or gr�a�er�han the
<br /> amount of�h�sum�secured by this Secur�ty�nstrument �mmediate�y befor��he par��a� tak�ng, destruction, ar
<br /> �fls� ���ra1u�, unl�ss B�rr�wer and Lender othervvise agree in writing, �he�ums secured b�r thzs S��urity
<br /> �ns�ruzn�nt sha�l b�reduced by�he amoun�of the N��scellan�aus Pro���ds rnultip�ied by th�following
<br /> frac��on: �a}�h�tota� amount af�he sums secured�ntimedzat���bef�re the partial taking, �es�ru�tion, or�oss
<br /> in�a�ue diw�ded by �b}the fa�r mark��va�ue of�he Prop�rty immediat��y bef�re the par�ial taking,
<br /> destruc�i�n, or�oss in�a�ue. Any ba�ance shall be paid t� Borr�wer.
<br /> In th�e��nt of a partia��aking, destruc��on, �r l�ss in valu�of th�Praperty�n wh�ch�he fa�r marke�va�ue of
<br /> the�raper�y im�med�at�ly before�he partia.��ak�ng, d�struct�on, or�ass in va�ue xs xess�han�he amoun�af��.e
<br /> sum��ecured immed�ately before�he par�ial tak�ng, des�ru��ion, or�oss in valu�, unless Borro�ver and
<br /> Lenc�er otherwis�agree�n writing, �h�N�iscellane�us Pr����ds shall be app�i�d to th�sums s�cured by this
<br /> Securi�y �nstru�nent vwhether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Pr�per�y xs abandoned b�Borraw�r, or if, aft�r natice�y L�nder�o Borrawer that the C�ppas�n� Pa.rty
<br /> �as d�fin�d ir�the ne�.t sen�ence}offers to make an av�ard t� s�tti�a�Iaim for damages, B�rrower fails to
<br /> respond ta Lender w��h�n 34 days after the date the not�ce is gi�ven, Lender is au��ar�ze�to co��e�t and apply
<br /> �he Miscel�aneous Proceeds ei�her to rest�ra�ian or repazr�f the Prop�r�y ar to tht sums s�cur�d�y�his
<br /> Securit��nstrum�nt, w�ether or not then due. "�pp�sing Par�y" means the�h�rd par�y�ha�owes B�rr��rer
<br /> Misce��aneous Proc�eds or th�part�r aga�nst vvhom Borrower has a right af ac�i�n�n regard t� Miscellane�u�
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> B�rrower sha11 be in defau�t if any acti�n or praceed��.g, wheth�r civi�or crimina�, �s b�gun that, in Lend�r's
<br /> judgment, cnuXd r�su���n f�rfei�ure of the Property or o�h�r materxal zmpa�rmen��f Le�der's �nt�rest in the
<br /> Property or rights und�r th�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen�. Borrflwer can cur�such a defau��and, if a��e�erat�on�as
<br /> oecurred, reinstate a�provided�n Sec��on �.9, by causing the ac�ian flr proceeding to be d�smassed with a
<br /> ruling�hat, in Lend�r's judgment, prec�ude�forf�i�ure af the Praper�y or other materza� impairmen�of
<br /> Lender's in�erest in the Pr�per��or rights under this Security Ins�rument. The prnceeds of any award or
<br /> clazm for damages that ar�at�ributable�a the�mpa�rment of Lend�r's interest�n the Proper�y are hereby
<br /> ass�gned and sha��be pa�d�o Lender.
<br /> A�l Misce�lane�us Proceeds that are nat applied t� restoratian ar repa�r of�he Pr�per��shall be appl�ed�n the
<br /> Qrder pro��ded far in Sect�on 2.
<br /> N�BRASKA-Singte Family-Fanni�MaslFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUM�NT ` Farm 3p28 71�1
<br /> VMP Q VMFfi{NE]��3a2�
<br /> Woiters Kluwer Fir�ancial 5er�ices Page 1�ot�7
<br />