<br /> I
<br /> i 2� 1 �� 1 �83
<br />! DEED �F TRUST
<br />�
<br />� Lvan No: 'ID'1�94215 �C�nt�nued} Page 9
<br />�
<br />�
<br />; Gvverning Law. This Deed of Trus� w��� be gaverned by federal Iaw appli�ab�e to Lender and, to #he ex�enf nat
<br />�
<br /> preemp�ed by federal law,the laws o�#he 5�a�e of Nebraska withou�re�ard tv its �on�tic�s vf�aw provisions. This
<br /> f ❑eed of Trusf has been accep�ed by Lender in�he S�ate of Nehraska.
<br /> Choi�� vf Venue. [f�here is a lawsuit, Trusfior agrees upan Lender's request fio submit �� the jur�sdic�ian ❑��he
<br /> cour�s❑f Hall Caunty, 5ta�e��Nehraska.
<br /> I No Vllai�er hy Lender. Lender shall nat be deemed�❑ ha��wa��ed any righfis und�r�his ���d ❑f Trus�un�ess su�h
<br /> wai�er is gi�en in wri�ing and signed by Lender. N❑ de�ay❑r❑mission an fihe pa�t o�Lender in exercising any r;gh� �
<br />! shall operafie as a waiver of such right or any ❑�her right, A wai�er by Lender of a pro�ision ❑f this ❑eed of Trust
<br /> i shafl not prejudice or consti�ute a wai�er of Lender's �-ight ❑therwise t❑ demand s�rict compIian�e wi�h that
<br />; prv�ision o�- any o�her pr�Wision ❑f this Deed of Trus�. N❑ privr wai�er by Lender, nar any caurse of dealing
<br />� between Lender and Trus�or, shall cons���ute a wai�e� of any ❑f Lend�r's rights ❑r ❑f any a�Trus�or's ❑1a�Fga�ions
<br />' as ta any�uture transac�ians. Whene�er th� cansen� ❑� Lender is required under fih�s Deed n�F Trus�, the gr-an�ing
<br />� a�such consent by Lender in any instan�e shall no� cons�i�ute continuing c�nsent�o subsequent ins�ances where
<br /> such cansen�is required and in all �ases such consen�may be granted or wifihheld in the sole discret�on of Lender.
<br />� SeWerahility. If a caurt af competent jurisdiction finds any praWisi�n o�F this Deed af Trus�ta he illegal, in�a�id, or
<br /> unen�orceable as fio any circumstance, �hafi �inding shall nvt make the ofifending pro�ision i��egal, in�aiid, ❑r
<br />� unenf�r�eable as to any ❑�her circums�ance. 1� feasible, the offending pro�isian shall be consid�red madi-�ied so
<br /> that it 1�e�ames �egal, �a[id and enforceable. f� �he ❑fFending pro�isivn cannofi be s❑ modi��ed, it shall he
<br /> considered de�eted �r�m �his Deed of Trus�. Unless v�herwise required by law, the illegality, in�a�idi�y, ❑r
<br />� unenforceabili�y af any provision o�fihis Deed of Trust shall not affec�the �e�ality, �aiidity ❑r enforceabifi�y vf any
<br /> f ❑ther prv�ision of this ❑eed vf Trust.
<br />�
<br />� 5u���ssars and AssEgns. Subje�t ta any limitat�ans s�ate� in this ❑eed o�Trust ❑n �rans-�er of Trustor's in��rest,
<br />� this De�d ❑f Trusfi shall be b�nding upon and inur� �o �he benefi� of�he parties, their successars and assigns. I�
<br />� ownership ❑f the Prvper�y becomes Wested in a person �ther than Trustvr, Lender, wi�haut no�ice to Trus�or, may
<br />' deal with Trus�kor's successors wi�h re�erence to this Deed o�f Trust and th� Ind�b�edness by way❑f forbearance ❑r
<br />; exfiensian withaut releasing Trustor fram the abf�gations o�F�his D�ed ❑f Trust❑r liability under the �ndebtedness.
<br /> Time is o��he Essence. Time is ❑��he essence in the per�ormance of th�s Deed of Trust.
<br /> Wai�er v� Hames�ead Exemption. Trus�ar hereby releases and wai�es aIl rights and henefifis afi �he hvmestead
<br />; exemption laws a�the S�a'�e af Nebraska as ta all lndebtedness secured by this ❑eed of Trus�.
<br /> DEFINITIDNS. The��Ilnwing capitalized v+r�rds and terms sha�� ha�e the following meanings when ussd in �his Deed of
<br />� T�rus�. Unless speci�ically s�a�ed to the contrary, all references �o dal[ar amounts shall mean amounts in lawful money
<br />�
<br />: v� fihe Uni�ed S�ates of Ame�-ica. Words and �erms used in the singular shall �nclude fihe p[ural, and �he plural shall
<br />� in�lude the singular, as the cantex� may require. VVa�-ds and terms n�� o�herwise de�fined in this Deed ❑f Trust shall
<br />� ha�e�he meanings at�tributed ta such�erms in th� Unifarm Cammer�ial Code:
<br />�
<br />; 6enefi�iary. The word "Benefi�iary" means Fi�e Points Bank, and its successors and assigns.
<br />� Borrvwer. The w�rd "Ba�-�ower" means L & P 1NVESTMENTS, L.L.C. and includes all co-signers and ca-makers
<br />� signin��h� No�e and aZl their successars and assigns.
<br />�
<br />� ❑eed v� Trust. The wor-ds "❑e�d a� Trust" mean -�his Deed ❑f Trust among T�us�or, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br />� includes wi�khou�k lim�tativn all assignmen�k and securi�y in�erest pr�Wisivns relating �o the Persona� Proper�ty and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> De#au�t. The word "Defiaulfi" means fihe ❑efiault se�forth in�his Deed o�Trus�in the sec�ion titled "Defaul�".
<br />; Enviranmental Laws. The wvrds "En�ironmen�al Laws" mean any and all stafie, federal and local sta�u�es,
<br /> regu�ations and ordinances relating to the protectian of human hea�th or �h� en���onmenfi, including without
<br /> limi�ation the Comprehensi�e En�ironmen�a� Response, Gompensa�ion, and Liabili�y Ac� of 1980, as amended, 42
<br />; U.S.C. Section 95��, et seq. �"CERCLA"}, fihe 5uperfund Amendments and Reauthori�afiivn Act vf �98�, Pub. L.
<br />' No. 9�--499 4"SARA"},the Ha�a�daus Materials Transpor�a�ion Act, 49 U.S.C. Sec�ion 18D7, e�seq.,�he Resource
<br />; Canser�a�ion and Recavery Ac�t, 4� U.S.C. 5ection 69��, efi seq., or o�her applicable s�ate ❑r federal laws, rules,
<br /> ❑�regulations adopted pursuant thereta.
<br />�
<br />� Evenfi af Default. Th�wards "EWent v�Defauit" mean any of the e�ents�f default se�for�h in�his Deed ❑�f Trust in
<br />�
<br /> fihe e�ents o�de�fau�t sectian o�this �3eed o-�Trus�.
<br /> Guaran�y. The word "Guaranty" means�khe guaran�y from guarantor, endors�r, surety, or accommoda�ion party fio
<br />: Lender, inciuding wi�hou�limitation a guaran�y of all ar par�af�he No�ke.
<br /> Hazardous Subs#ances. The words "Hazardous 5ubs�an�es" mean materials that, because of their quanti�y,
<br /> can�entration or physica�, chemical or in�ectious characte�-istics, may cause or pos� a present vr potential hazard
<br /> �❑ human health ar�he en�ironmen�when imprvperly used, treated, stvred, disposed af, genera�ed, manufac�ured,
<br /> firansparted or otherwise handled. The words "Hazat�daus Substan�es" are used in their�ery braades� sense and
<br /> include withou� fimi�a�ian any and a�l hazardous ar �axic su�s�ances, ma�kerials ar waste as de�ined by or listed
<br /> under the En�irvnmen�ai Laws. The�erm "Hazardous Sui�sfiances" also �nc�udes, wi�hout limita�ivn, petr�leum and
<br /> p�troleum by-produ�fis vr any fraction there��and asbestos.
<br />