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� 2� 1 �� 1 �83 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Lvan Nv: 'I�1294215 �C�nti�lued� Page 2 <br /> CR�55-CDLLATERALIZATI�N. In addi�ian to �he Note, �his I�eed ❑f Trus�se�ures all obligativns, debts and liabili�ies, <br /> plus in�eres�thereon, of Trustor to Lender, �r any �ne ❑r more o�fihem, as well as all claims by Lender agains�T�usfior <br /> ar any ane ❑r more ❑f them, whether now exis�ing or hereafker arissng, whether related ❑r unrelated to the purpvse of <br /> �he Not�, whe�het� voluntary or o�h��wise, whe�her due ❑r nv� due, direc� ❑r indirect, d��ermined or undefierm�ned, <br /> absalu�fie ❑r con�ingent, liquida�ed ❑r unliquidated, whether Trust�r may be lial�le indi�idually ❑r join�ly with ofihe�s, <br /> whe�her �bligated as guaranfivr, surefiy, accvmmodatian party or o�herwise, and wh�ther reca�ery upan such amoun�s <br /> may ��ar hereaf�er may become barred by any sta�ute�f limitativns, and whe�her the flbliga��vn�o repay such amvun�s <br /> may be vr hereafter may b�came�therwise unen�orceabfe. <br /> REVDLV[NG L1NE �F CRE�IT. This Deed of Trus� secures fihe indebtedness including, wi�hau� limitation, a revoEving <br /> line of credit, which vbligates Lender#❑make ad�ances�o Trustor so Ivng as Trustor cvmplies wi�h all fihe�erms o�the <br /> Nate. <br /> Trustor presently assFgns �o Lender �a[sv known as Bene�iciary in this Deed af Trus�� all a�f Trustor's right, �i�le, and <br /> interest in and �a all present and fu�ure leases o� �he Praper�y and a�� Rents �rvm the Prope�ty. �n addition, Trus�or <br /> grants to Lender a l]ni�Form �ommercia� C�de security in�eres�in the Persona� Proper�y and Ren�s. <br /> TH15 DEED ❑F TRUST, IN�LUOING THE ASS�GNMENT �F RENTS AN❑THE SE�URITY [NTEREST !N THE RENTS AND <br /> PER50NAL PR�PERTY, �5 G1VEN TD SECURE �A} PAYMENT �F THE 1NDEBTEDNE55 AN❑ �g} PERF�RNiANGE QF <br /> ANY AN❑ ALL �BL[�AT��NS [lNaER THE NflTE, THE RELATED D�CUMENTS. AND THiS ❑EED �F TRUST. TH15 <br /> DEE❑ ❑F TRUST[S G1VEN AND ACCEPTED �N THE F�LL�W�NG TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFDRMAN�E. Excep� as o�h�rwEse pr�Wided in �his Deed of Trus�, Trustor shall pay tv Lender al[ <br /> amoun�s secured by �his Deed ❑f Trus� as they be�ome due, and shall strictly and in a �ime�y manne�- per�orm all af <br /> T�-ustor's❑bligat�ons under the Note,�his ❑eed o�Trust, and�h� Rela�ed C��cumen�s. <br /> P�S5E551�N AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Trusto�r agrees that Trustor's possession and use �f �he <br />' Property shall be go��rned I�y�he fo��owing pro�isions: <br /> Pvssession and Use. Un�il the occurrence of an E�ent vf De�ault, Trustar may ��y �emain in possession and <br /> cvntrv�❑f�he Proper�y; ��} use, operate ar manage the Proper�y; and {3} �ollect the ftents fram the Pr�per�y. <br /> Dufiy to Main�ain. Trustor shall maintain the Prvperty in fienantable candi�ion and promp�ly perform afl repairs, <br /> replacemen�s, and maintenan�e necessary�❑ preser�e its�a�ue. <br /> �omplEan�e �Jllith Enviranmen�ai Laws. Trusta�- represents and warrants tv Lender fihat: {�} During the perivd of <br /> Trusfior's ownership❑f the Prvperty,�here has been n❑ use, �enera�ion, manu�fac�ure, s�arag�,�rea�ment, dispasal, <br /> release or threatened release ❑f any Hazardous 5ubstance by any person an, under, ahaut �r from the Property; <br /> ��} Trus�vr has nv kn�wledge �f, o� reasvn to believe �hat there has been, excepfi as preWiously discfosed �❑ and <br /> � acknowledged by L�nder in writing, �a� any breach or Wi�la�ion o� any En�ironmen�kal Laws, �b� any Ll$Er <br />� genera�ion, manu-�acfiure, starage, �reatmen�, dispvsa[, release or�hreatened release af any Hazardous Subs�an�e <br /> on, under, a�au� ❑r fram �he Praperty by any prior ❑wners or occupan�s of the Pr�perky, or ��} any ac�ual ar <br /> threa�ened �itigatian vr claims of any kind by any person relafiing to such matters; and �3} Except as pre�iously <br /> disclosed�o and acknow[edged by Lender in writing, {a} neither Trustor nvr any tenan�, cantractor, agen�or�ther <br /> authorized user af�he Property shall use, generate, manufacture, s�ore, �reat, dispase of or release any Hazardous <br /> Subs�ance on, under, abau�or from�he Property; and �b� any such a�fiivity sha[l 1�e candu�fied fn compliance wifih <br />� all applicahle �ederal, s�ate, and [ocal laws, regulations and ❑rdinances, includ�ng wi�haut iimi�ation all <br /> En�ironmen�al Laws. Trus�ar au�horizes L�nder and its agents to enter upvn the Prvperty to make suGh <br /> inspections and ��sts, a� Trustvr`s exp�nse, as Lender may deem appropria�e to determine compliance ❑� �he <br /> Property wi�h this sectian ❑f the ❑eed ❑f Trust. Any �nspec�ions or t�sts made 1ay Lend�r shal� be for Lender's <br /> purposes anly and shal� no�be canstrued �❑ �reate any responsibility�r liability ❑n the par�of Lender�❑Trustar�r <br /> �o any �ther person. `The repressn�a�ions and warrant�es con�ained herein are based vn Trustor's du� diligence in <br /> in�es�i�ating �he Property for Hazardous Substances. Trustor hereby {�} releases and wai�es any fu�ure c�aims <br /> against Lender�or indemnity ar cvn�ribut€an in the e�ent Trustor ���omes liab(e �or c�eanup or ather costs under <br /> any such laws; and ��} agrees to Endemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any and all ��aims, losses, <br /> liabi�it�es, damages, penal�ies, and �xpenses which Lender may direc�ly or indirec��y sus�a�n o�suffer result�ng from <br />, a breach n-F this section vf the ❑eed o-�Trus� or as a consequence ❑f any use, generafiian, manu�acture, starage, <br /> dispasal, release ar fihrea�ened release vccurring prior to Trustor's ❑wnership�r inter�s�in fihe Property, whefiher❑r <br /> no�k the same was ar should ha�e been known tv Trus�or. The prv�isians ❑f �his section of the i�eed of T�-ust, <br /> � inc�uding the obligation tv indemnify and defend, shal�sur�iWe�h� paymenfi of�he Inc#ebtedness and the sa�isfactian - <br /> and recon�eyance o�f�he �ien ❑f�his Deed vf Trust and shall no� be a�Ftected by Lende�-'s acquisition❑f any interest <br /> in the Property, whether�y fareclvsure or❑therwise. <br /> Nu`rsance, Waste. Trus�ar shall not cause, conduct or per-mi� any nuisance nor cvmmit, permi�, or suffer any <br /> stripping vfi vr waste on vr �v the Praperty ❑r any portron of �he Proper�y. Vlli�hout [imiting the generali�y af fihe <br /> �oregoing, Trustor will no�remo�e, or gran�t❑ any ❑fiher party the righfi to remo�e, any tirnber, minerals {inc�uding <br /> oi� and gas�, coal, c�ay, s�ar�a, soil, gra�rel or ro�k produ�ts wi�hout Lender's pr�v�writ�en consen�. <br /> Rem�val v�Improrrements. Trustar shall not demalish ar rema�e any lmpra�emen�ts from�he Rea[ Praperty wi�hout <br /> Lender`s pr�or v+�rifi�en consent. As a condi�ion tv the remv�al vf any Impro�ements, Lender may require Trustor t❑ <br />� make arrangemen�s satisfactory t❑ Lende�- �o replace such �mpro�emen�s wi�h lmpro�ements of at least equal <br /> value. <br />