2� 1 �� 1 �7�
<br /> P�anned Unit D�v�l� m�nt Rider
<br /> �
<br /> ..��.. �..�,��,�.. .,,,.���� _ ,.�.��,,...�... �.�,���,�. �. ,.,�,.,... ��.._
<br /> THIS PLAN1rTED UNIT DEVEL�FMEl�T RIUER is made this 14th day of March,2015,and is
<br /> inc�rpor�.�e�!�r��o and shall�deemed to�e��anc�sup�le�ent the N��rtg�ge,Deed of�r�st,
<br /> ar Security Deed�the "Security Inst�ument"}of the same dat�,gi�en by th�undersigned�the
<br /> "B�rrower"�to s�cur�Borraw�r's Note t�U.S.Bank I�ati�nal Ass�ciation(the "�er�der")of the same
<br /> date and co��ring the Property described�n the Se�urity Instrument and�ocated at: 24�1 LakeWood
<br /> Dri�e,Grand Is�and,NE 685�1 [Prvperty Address].
<br /> The Praperty includes,but i�not limited t�,a parcel of land improved with a dwel�ing,together with
<br /> other such parceis and certain comrr�on areas and fa�i�ities, as described���o�renar�ts,C�ndi�io�s
<br /> and R�strict�ons. �the "1]eelara�ivn"�.The Property is a part of a planned unit develapment kn�wn
<br /> as Brent�vood [Name of Planned Unit Development�("the PUD"}.The Property also includes
<br /> Borrower's int�rest in the home�wners association�r equivalent entity owning or managin�the
<br /> camrrion axeas and faci�ities of the PUD�the "�wners�4ssociati�n"}and the uses,benefits and
<br /> pr�ceeds of Borrawer's interest.
<br /> P U� �ave n a nt, In addition to the�aver�a�ts a�d agr�emer�ts made in#�e Security Instrumen�,
<br /> B�rrawer and Lender further�ovenant and agree as fo��aws:
<br /> A. PUt3 �bl�gations. Borrower sha�l perform a�l of Borrower's abligati�ns under th�PUD's
<br /> �onstituent Documents. The "G'onstituer�t I3�cuments"are t�e(i}I]ec�aration;(ii�articles of
<br /> in�orporatio�,�rust�nstrume�t or any equi�a�ent c�o�ument v�hi�h creates the�vW�ers Assa�iatian; and
<br /> (�ii�any by-laws or other rules or regulat�ons of the�wners Association.Borrower shall prampt�y pay,
<br /> when due,ai1 dues and assessments im�osed pursuax�t ta th��onst�tuent D�cuments.
<br /> B. P r�perty I ns u ra nce. So��ng as the�Jwner�Association ma�tains,with a gen�ra�ly accepted
<br /> insura��e carrier, a. "�aster"�r ".�lcrrt]�e�"pa�icy insuririg the Pro�erty which is sati�factory to
<br /> Lender and which provides insurance cn�erag� �the amounts(includ�ng deductible levels), for
<br /> t��periods, ax�d a��.ins�loss b��'ire,ha�r�is incl�d���vi�hin��i��erm ".���e�ded�'o�erage",a�d
<br /> any other ha�ards, including,but not�imited to,earthquakes and fl�ads, for which Lender requires
<br /> insurance,then: ��)Lender wai�es the�ro��sion�n Sectivn 3 for th�Per�odic Payment tc�L�nd�r af
<br /> the yearly premium inst�.11ments far property�nsurance on the Property;and�ii)Borr�w�r's vbligati�n
<br /> under Section 5 to mainta�n property�surance coverage on the Pr�per�y is deem�d satisfied ta the
<br /> e�tent that the requ�red coverage is pro�vided by the�wners Association policy.
<br /> What Lender requires as a�ondit�on af this waiver can chang�during#�i�term�f the�oan.
<br /> Barrower sha�l giv�Lender prampt natice af any lapse�n requ�r�d prop�rty�nsurance co�erage
<br /> pravided by the master or blan�et��li�y.
<br /> In th�event of a distributxon of prop�rty rnsura.nce pr�ceeds in�ieu�f restoration or r�pair�ollowing a
<br /> loss to the Property,or to commc�n areas ar�d faciliti�s of the PUD,any proceeds payab�e to Borrower
<br /> are hereby assigned and shall be paid to L�nder.Lender�hall apply the proceeds to the sums secured
<br /> by th�S�curity Instrument,whether or not then due,wit�the excess, xf any,pa�d to Borrower.
<br /> 22D�594578
<br /> MULTlSTATE PUD RIDER—Single Family—Fannie MaelFreddie Mac llNIFQRM INSTR�MENT Form 395�'l101
<br /> �P� 0712D'�5
<br /> VI►btters Kluwer Financial Servioes 2�1 fiQ31115.3.�.3406-N2�1510�9N Page 1 of 2
<br />