2� 1 �� 1 �7�
<br /> by this Security Instrument,whether or n�t then due,with the excess, �f an�,paid to Borrawer. Such
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds sha��be applied in�he�rder pro�ided for ir� Section 2.
<br /> In the e�ent of a tatal taking,destruction,or lass in�a�ue of the Property,the M�scellane�us Proc�eds
<br /> shall be appl�ed to the sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument,�vhether or not then due,with the
<br /> excess, if any,paid tv Borrower.
<br /> In the event of a partial tal�ing,d�struction,or loss in value of the P'raperty�.n which the fair market
<br /> �alue�f the Property immediately befare the par�ia�taking,destruction,or��ss in value is equal t�
<br /> or greater than the arn�unt o�the sums secu.red by th�s Secur�ty Instrument imm�diate�y befare th�
<br /> pa.rtial tal�i�g,d�structi�n,or I�ss in value,uniess i3orrvw�r and Lender otherw�s�agree in wr�tin�g,
<br /> the sums secured by this S�cur�ty Instrument sha��be reduced by the a�m��nt af�he�Iiscel�ar����s
<br /> Proc�eds multiplied by the following fraction: �a}the tota�amount af the sums se�ured immediately
<br /> before the partia�takir�g,destruction,or�nss in va�ue di�id�d by�h}the fair market�alue af the
<br /> property immediate�y bef�re the par�ia�taking,destructi�n,�r loss�n�a�ue.Any ba�ance sha�l be paid
<br /> ta Barrower.
<br /> In the e�ent of a par�ia�takir�.g,destructian, ar��ss in�alue of the Property in which the fair mark�t
<br /> value�f the Property imm�diately before the par��al taking,destructior�,ar loss in value is less than the
<br /> aamvunt of#he sums secured immed��.te�y b��ore#he p�.rtial taking, destruct��n, ar lass in�alu�, un�ess
<br /> Borrower and I��nder otherwise agre�in wr�ting,t��Misce�la�r��o�s Proceeds shall be app�ied to the
<br /> sums se�ured by th�s Se�urity Instrument whether or nat the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Pr�perty is abando�ed by B�r�ow��,or if,after�oti�e by Lend�r t�Borrov�e�t�iat t�ie�ppasir��
<br /> Par�y�as d�fined in the ne�t sentenc�}ofFers to ma.ke an award to sett�e a c�a�m for damages,Borrower
<br /> fails ta respand to Ler�der w�thin 3�days after the date the nat�ce is gi�er�,Lender is authorized t�
<br /> col�ect and apply the Miscellaneous Proceeds either to restoration ar repa�r of the Pr�per�y ar to the
<br /> sums s�cured by this S�curity Instrument,whether ar n�t then due. "�pposing Part�y"rneans the third
<br /> party t�iat o��s Borrov��r Mis�ell�.neo�s Pr�ceeds ar th�part�y agairist whom Borrower�as a rigllt of
<br /> act�on in regard to Miscel�a.neous Proce�ds.
<br /> Borrav�er sha�l l�e in d�fau�t if any actian�r pr��e�d�ng,wh�ther civi�or cr�m�nal, is begun t�iat, ir�
<br /> I�ender's judgme�t,cau�d result in forfe�ture of the Pro}�erty or�th���nat�rial irr�pa�rment af Le�der's
<br /> interest in the Praperty ar rights und�r this Se�ur�t�Instrument,Borr�wer can cure such a defau�t and,
<br /> if accelerat�on has oceurred,reinstat�as pr��ided in Secti�n Z 9,h�causing the action ax prace�d�ng
<br /> to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender's judgment,precludes forfeiture of the Froperty�r other
<br /> materi�.l impairment af Lender's interest in the I�roper�y or rights under th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument.The
<br /> pra�eeds of any award or�lair�far damages t��t a�re a,ttrib��a.l�le ta t�e i�pairme�t of Ler�der's interest
<br /> in the praperty axe here�y assigned and sha�l be�aid to L1end�r,
<br /> �1�Mis�ellaneous Pr��eds that a�e�at�.pplied��restarat�an or repair of the Property�ha1l be applied
<br /> in the�rder�r�vided for�n S�cti�n 2.
<br /> '��. Barr�wer N�t F�e�eased; Farbearance �y �.�n�f er Nat a Vliaiver. Extension of t�e
<br /> time far paym�nt�r m�difcati�n�f a�rnorti�a.t�on af the surr�s secur�by t�iis S�c�ar�ty Instrum�nt
<br /> gra.r�ted�y Lender ta Borrower or any Successar in Interest a►f Borrower sha��not operate to re�ease
<br /> the 1iab�lity of Borrower or any Successvrs�n Interest of B�rrower. Lender shall not he required to
<br /> commen�e proceedings against any Successor in Inter�st�f Bnrr�wer or t�refuse to extend time
<br /> f�r payment or�tl�erwase mod��fy amartization of the sums secured i�y this Security Instrument by
<br /> reasan of any demanc��ade by the original B��ower�r an� Success�rs in I�terest vf Barro�ver.
<br /> �y��nii���i � m� w i���i�m�����n��/�inni���w���i�wiqqii��w��/i iil����w�� ■
<br /> 22av5s��7a
<br /> NEBF2ASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT Fonm 3f�28'�1�1
<br /> �p� �8I2015
<br /> Vlblters Kluwer Financial Services 2a7s03119 C19 9N Page��of 16
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