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2� 1 �� 1 ��2 <br /> Payr�ent of Pr�nc�pal and Interes�; ��her�harges.Borr�wer sha�I pron�ptly pay vcrhen due the principal of and <br /> in�ere�t on�he�iebt ovved under the�ontract and late charges or any c��her fee�and�harges due under the�ant�ac�. <br /> Applicab�e Lawv As used �n �h�s Security Znstrumen�, �he ��rm "Appl�cable Lavv" shall mean a�� c�n�rolling <br /> applrcab�e federal, state and loCal s�atu�es, regula�ions, �rd�nances a��d adminis�rat�ve ru�es and orders ttha�have <br /> �he effec�af�avv�as,we�l as a��applicable f nal,nan-appealab�e opin�ons. <br /> Charges; Liens. Borra�ver sha�l pay aIl �axes, assessrner�ts, �harg�s, fines and �mp�si�zons attributa.ble to the <br /> Pr�per�r vvhich may a�ta�n priority over�his Security�nstrumen�, and leasehald payments or ground rents, �f�ny. <br /> At th�reques�of Lender,Borrovver sha�l promptly furnish to Le�der rece�p�s��iden�ing the paymen�s. <br /> B�rrovver shall promptly discharge any Iien vvhich has pri�rity aver�.his Sect�rity�nstrume�.�un�ess Borrov�rer: �a} <br /> agre�s in wr�t�ng �o �he paymen� �f�he obligation secured b� �he �ien in a manner acceptab�e �� Lender; �b} <br /> contests xn good faith the lien by, or defends agains� �nfarcernen� �f the lien in, lega� pr�ceedzngs whxch �rn the <br /> Lender's opinian �pera�e ta prevent the enforcement �f�he ���n; o�� �c} secures fr�m �he holder �f the lien ar� <br /> agre emen�s a�isfact�ry to Lender sub ordinat�ng the lien�� th�s S ecur�ty Instrurnent. �f Lender detemm.xnes�hat any <br /> part of the Property is subj ec��fl a I�en which may at�ain priori�ty av�r this S�curity�nstrum�nt, Lender may give <br /> Barrou�er a not�c� iden�i�ying�he �ien. Borrotiver sha�l sa�isfy�he lien or ta�e one ❑r more of�he ac�ions set forth <br /> ab�ve�vithin 1�days of�h�giv�ng of na�ice. <br /> Hazard or Prop�rty Insurance. Bo��rawer shall ke�p the�mprovements n��r existing or hereaf�er erected or�the <br /> Proper�r�nsured against��ss by fire,hazards inc�uded wi�hin th�term"ex�ended coverage" and any�ther haz�rds, <br /> f�aods or fload�ng, for tivhich Lend�r requires insurance. insurance sha11 be maintained in �he <br /> amoun�s and for�he periads�ha�Lender requires. The insurance carrier prov�ding�he insurar�ce sha�I be chose��by <br /> Borro�rer su�ject ta Lend�r's appr�val urh�ch shall nflt be unr�asonab�y wi�.he��. If B�rr�vver fai�s to x�airntain <br /> caverage described abav�, Lender may, at Lender's optian, �b�a�r� caver��e to prat�ct Lender's rights in �he <br /> Property in accordance vvith sec��fln titled Prfltection vf Lender's Ri;hts����ie Pr�per�y. <br /> A�� �nsuran�e policies and reneWa�s shal� be accep�able to Lender a�:�d shal� �nclude a s�andard m�r�gage clause. <br /> Lender sha��have the.right t�hold the pol�c�es and r�newals. If Len�.er re�uires,Borr�wer shal�promptly give to <br /> Lender aIl rec�ipts of pa�d premiums and renewal na�ices. �n the eve�t of los�, Borro,t�v�r sha��give promp�no�ice <br /> to�h�insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proaf�f��ss if na�made promp�l�by Borrow�r. <br /> Un�ess Len�er and Borrov�rer otherwis� agree in wri�ing, insuran�e proceeds shal� be app�ied �o restarat�o�� or <br /> repair of the Fraper�y damaged, if, in Lender`s sa�e discre�ifln, th� r�es�orati�n or repa�r is ec�nor�ically fea5ible <br /> and Lender's secur�t��s nat�essened. �f, in Lender's sole discr�tzon, �he restora�ion or repair zs n�� ecfl�.ornica�ly <br /> feasib�e or Lender's security v�ould be lessened,the�nsurance proceec�s sha��be app�ied�a�he sums secured by�his <br /> Securi�y �nstrumen�, vvhe�her or no� then due, w��h �.ny exc�s� paid to Borravver. I�' Borro�wer abanda�s the <br /> Pr�perty, or daes not ansv��r wi�h�n the number of days px�scribed by Applicable Law as se�f�rth in a no�ice fr�m <br /> Lender to Bflrrower tha�the insura�.ce carrier has offer�d�o se�t�e a�1aim, then Lender may c�Ilect�he insurance <br /> pra�eeds. Lender may use �he praceeds to repair or restore the Praperty or t� pay sums secu�-ed by th�s Sect�rity <br /> �nstr�.ment,whether or not then due.The periad of�im�fflr Borrawer�o ans�wer as set forth�n the no�ic�vvill b�gin <br /> When�he n��ice�s given. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrflvver atherwise agree in wri�ing, any applica�ion of proceeds to principal sha11 not ex�end <br /> or pos�pone the due date �f the payments due under the �ontra��or rhang�the amount of�he paymen�s. If under <br /> the sect�on tztled Aeeel��atio�; Remed�es, the Property is acqt��red by Ler�der, Borrawer's right�� any insurance <br /> po�ic�es and pr�ceeds resulting from damage to �he Prape�-ty priar t� the acquisi�ian sha�� pass to Len�er to �he <br /> ex�ent of�he sums secured by th�s S�curi�y Instrum�nt rrnmed�ately priflr ta�h�acquisitian. <br /> Pres�r�ati�n, Maintenance and Pr�tection of �h� Proper�y; Borrovv�r's Loan �ippX�ca�xon; Leaseh��ds. <br /> B�rrower shall nfl�destr�y, damage or impair the Property, all��r the Properfiy t� deteriora�e, or commit wast� on <br /> the Praper�y.Borrov�er sha�l be zn default if any f�rfeiture ac�io�.or proceeding,tivhether civil ar cri�-ninal,i�b�gun <br /> �hat in Lender's g�od fai�h,judgmen� cauld resul� in farfe�ture �f the Prap�r� or o�heru��se ma�erially impair �he <br /> lien crea�ed by thxs Security Instrurnen� or Lender`s security in�er�st. B�rar�wer may cure su�h a defauXt and <br /> reins�a�e, as provided�n section ti�Ied Borra�vver�s Righ� �o Reinstate, by ca�sing th� act�on or pr�ceeding�o be <br /> d�smissed v�r��h a ruling tha�,in Lender's good fa��h de�ermina�ion,prer�ludes forfe�ture of the Borr�v�rer's in�erest in <br /> the Property or o�ther mat�rial �mpairmen� of the lien created by this Secur�ty �ns�rument or Lender's se�ur�t�r <br /> �nteres�. Barraw�r sha�l als�be in default if Borrower,during��e loa�applxcatitin pr�cess,gave mater�al�y fa�s�ar <br /> inaccurate informat��n or s�a.tements �o Le�.der �or fa��ed to provid� Lender with any material informa�ifln� in <br /> connectron v�ri�h the loan ev�denced b�r the C�n�ract. If this Securi�y�ns�rurnent is on a leasehold, Borrower s:ha�� <br /> camply vvi�h all�he provis��ns of�h�l�ase. If Borrower acquires fee��tle to�h�Property,the leasehold art���.e fee <br /> �i��e shal�not merge unless Lender agrees to�he merger in�rri�in�. <br /> Pr�tect�on af Lenderrs l�ghts �n the Property, If Borraw�� fai�� �o perf�rrn the covenan�s and agreem�n�s <br /> contained in�his Securtty Instrument, or there is a�ega1 proGeeding t�at�na���gnif cantiy affec�Lender's righ�s in <br /> �he Froperty �such as a pro�eeding �n bankruptcy, proba�e, far cand�mnatio� or forfeitur� or ta enforce law� or <br /> regu�ations}, then Lender �nay do and pay for �vhate�rer is n��essar� �o prot�ct the va�ue �f�h� Propert� and <br /> Lender's righ�s in�he Propez-�y. Lender's ac�ions may include paying any sums sec�red by a lien v�hxch has priar�ty <br /> ove�-this Secur�ty�ns�rumen�, appearing ua.cour�,paying reasanable a�vt�rn�ys'fees and en�ering on�h.e Praperty�o <br /> make repairs.AZ�hough Lender may take act��n under�h�s sec�i��,Lender does n��have�o da so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under �h�s sect�on sha�� become ad�itianal debt of B�rr�wer secured by �thxs <br /> Securi�r �nstrum��t. Unless Borrow�r and Lender agree to a�her ti�rms of payment, �hes� amoun�s sha�l beax <br /> C�2044-Z4 t S CampIiance Systems,Inc.8CS4-fl62fl-�fl 1 S.l�.3.1 Q98 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Sec�rity Instrument DL2035 Pa�e Z of 5 <br />