2� 1 �� 1 �� 1
<br /> 11. ENVIR�NMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARD�US SUSSTANCES, As used in �h�s s��tion,
<br /> �1} Enviranmental Law means, without Ximitation, the �flmprehensiv� En�ironmental Response,
<br /> Compensa�ion and Liability Act �CERCLA, 4� U.S.C. 9��1 et s�q.}, and a11 oth�r federa�, state and lo�al
<br /> 1aws, regulations, ord�nances, caurt orders, attarney general opinians or interpretive letters concerning �he
<br /> pubXxc hea�th, safety, welfare, env�ronment ar a hazardous substance; an�t2} Hazard�us Su�stance means any
<br /> taxic, radioa�tive or hazardous material, waste, pollutant or contamrnant which has characterist�cs which
<br /> render�he substance dangeraus or po�en�ially dangeraus to the publrc health, safe�y, welfare or environment.
<br /> The term in�ludes, without 1im��atian, any substances d�fined as "hazardaus materia.l," "toxic substances,"
<br /> "hazarcious waste" or "hazardaus substance" under any Envzranm�ntal Law.
<br /> Trustor r�pr�sents, warrants and agr�es�hat:
<br /> A.E�cept as previous�y disclas�d and a�knowledged in writing to Senefi��ary, no Hazardous Substance is
<br /> flr w�11 ]ae loca�ed, s�ored or released on �r in the Property. Th�s restrictian daes not apply ta srnaii
<br /> quant�t�es af Hazardous Substan�es �hat are generally recagniz�d to be approprzate for th� normal us� �
<br /> and maintenance of the Praperty.
<br /> B. Except as pr�viflusly disclosed and ackno,wledged in writing to Beneficiary, Trustor and �very �enant
<br /> have been, are, and shall remain xn fu11 compl�ance wi�h any app�icabie Environmental �aw.
<br /> �.Trus�or sha11 immediately notxfy Beneficiary �f a releas�or�hreatened re�ease of a Hazardous Subs�ance
<br /> occurs on, under ar al�aut th� Proper�y or there is a vrolatxon of any Environmental Law canc�rning the
<br /> Property. In such an event, Trustor shall take aJ.l nec�ssary r�medial action in accordance with any
<br /> Environmental Law.
<br /> D.Trustor shall immediately no�ify Beneficiary in wr�ting as soan as Trustor has r�asan to believe there is
<br /> any pending or threa�ened investigation, clairn, or proc��ding relating �o the release or threaten�d
<br /> reieas�of any Hazardous Substance or the�iolatian of any Envrronm�ntal Law.
<br /> 12. �S�R�W F�R TAXES AND INSURAN��. �Unless atherwise pro�ided in a s�parate agreement, Trustor
<br /> will not be required ta pay ta B�neficiary funds for taxes and insuran��rn escrow.
<br /> du�ies under this Secur�ty �ns�rum�nt are j o�nt and indivxdual. Yf Trustar signs thxs Security Instrum�nt �ut
<br /> does not sign an evidence af deb�, Trustor does so only to mortgage Trustor's rnterest in the Properry ta
<br /> secure payment of the Secured De�t and Trustor does not agree to be personally l�able on the Secured Debt, rf
<br /> this S��ur�ty rnstr�u�ment secures a guaranty between Benef�ciary and Trustor, Trustor agre�s to wazve any
<br /> rights that may prevent Beneficiary from br�nging any ac�ion ar claim against Trustar ar any party indeb�ed
<br /> under the obligation. Thes�rYghts may include, but are nat Ixmi�ed to, any anti-deficiency ar one�-action�avvs.
<br /> The duties and benefi�s of this S�curz�y �nstrument sha.ii bind and benef�t the su�cessars and assigns af Trustor
<br /> an�l B�nefic�ary.
<br /> 14. SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATI�N, This Security Ynstrument is camplete and fu11y integrated. This
<br /> Se�ur�ty �nstrument may not be amended ar modified by oral agreement. Any sec�zan in this 5ecurity
<br /> Instrument, attachments, �r any agreement relat�d ta the Secur�d Deb�that canfli�ts wi�h applicable Xaw will
<br /> not be effective, unless that law expr�ss�y or implxed�y permits the var�a�ions by written agreement. �f any
<br /> section of th�s Se�urity instrument cannot be enfarced acGording to its �erms, �hat section w�ll be severed and
<br /> wrll not affect the enfarceability of the rema�nder af this Securxty �ns�rument. Whenever used, the singular
<br /> shall include the plural and the plural the singular. The captions and head�ngs of�h� sections of this Security
<br /> �nstrumen� are for conven�ence aniy and are nat to b� used to interpret or define the terms af this S�curxty
<br /> rnstrumen�. Time is of the essence in this Secur��y 7nstrument.
<br /> 15. Si.TCCESS�R TRUSTEE, �eneficiary, at Benefzeiary's option, may fram �ime to time remo�e Trustee and
<br /> appaint a successor trustee without any other formal�t� than�.i�designa�ion in,writing. The success�r trustee,
<br /> withaut conveyance af the Proper�y, shall succeed to al� the title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee by
<br /> this Security Ynstrumen�and appiicable Iaw.
<br /> 16. NQTICE. Unl�ss otherw�se required by Iav�, any not�ce shall be given by d��rvering xt or by mailing it by
<br /> first c�ass max� to the apprapriate party's address an page 1 flf this �ecurity �nstrument, or ta any oth�r
<br /> address d�srgnated �n writing. Notice �� one �rustor will be deemed ta be no�i�� ta al.l trustar�. Trustor and
<br /> Benefi�iary h�r�by request a copy of any natice of default, and a copy of any noti�e of sale thereunder, be
<br /> ma.iled to ea�h party at the address for such par�y set farth on page 1 af�his Security Instrument.
<br /> 17. WAIVERS. Except ta the extent prahibi�ed by Iaw, Trustar waives all appraisemen� and hamestead
<br /> exemption rights reXa�ing to the Property.
<br /> 18. LINE �F CREDIT. The Secured De�t includes a re�alving line af cr�di�. Although the Secured D�bt may
<br /> b�reduced tn a zero balance, this Secur�ty�ns�rument will rema�n�n eff�ct until re�eased.
<br /> 5ecurity lnstrument-flpen-End-Consumer-NE QCP-REDT-NE 71212Q11
<br /> VMPD Bank�rs Systems�'�^ VMP-C4fi5fNE} (Z 107}.0�
<br /> Waiters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices C�?1994.2�1 1 Page 5 of 5
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