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2� 1 �� 1 �� 1 <br /> Th�property is Iocated �n ...Ha 1 l................................... ........... a� ................................ <br /> ,,.. ..... <br /> (County} <br /> �0 8 E 15 th S t �? ..Grand,I s 1 and...............��,, Ne�raska ..6,8 8�1......�... <br /> .. . ... .. . .. ............................. . <br /> �Addr�ss} �City} �ZIP�od�} <br /> T4gether with a.�l rights, easements, appurtenances, roya.lties, minera.l rYgh�s, oi� and gas rights, all wa�er and <br /> riparian righ�s, di�ches, and water stock and all exis�ing and future improv�ments, struc�ures, fixtures, and <br /> replacements that may now, ar at any�ime in�he future, be part af the r�a1 estate describ�d above �a11 ref�rr�d <br /> to as "Property"}, <br /> 3. MA�IMUM �BLIGATIQN LIMIT. The �otai principal amount se�ured by thxs S��urity Instrument at any <br /> one time shall not exce�d $ ��r.���..o.�................................... . This l�m�tatian af amount do�s not <br /> in��ude interest and ather fees and �harge� va�idiy made pursuant to this 5ecurity Instrument. Also, this <br /> IimitatYon does not app�y to advances made under the terms of th�s Security �nstrumen� to prote�t <br /> Beneficiary's securi�y and to perform any of the ca��nan�s cantained in�his Security Instrum�nt. <br /> 4. S�CURED DEBT AND ADVANCES. The�erm "Secured I3ebt" is de�ned as f�llows: <br /> A.Debt incurred under�he terms of all promissory note�s�, contract(s}, guaranty�ies} ar ather e�idence of <br /> debt des�ribed below and a11 th�ir �xten5ions, ren�wals, madificat�ons or subst�tutians. {�ou rr�ust <br /> speci�cally ide�ti,fy the debt�s� secured and ynu shourd ir�clude the finar matur-ity da�e of such de�t�s}.} <br /> Note �ated February �D, 2�16 In The Amount �f $�2Q� 0��.�� <br /> Accruing A� a Fixed Rate With A Ma�urity Date � February 25, 2Q21 <br /> Said Loan In The Name�s} Qf Jose L Per�2 <br /> And Jenny Per�� <br /> B. AII future ad�ances from Beneficiary �o Trust�r or other future obligations of Trustor to Bene�ciary <br /> under any pr�mxssory nate, cantract, guaranty, or �ther evidence �f debt executed by Trustar in favor <br /> of Benefi�iary after this �ecur�ty �ns�rument whether or no� this Security Instru.ment is spec�fically <br /> ref�renced. If more than one person signs th�s Securxty Yns�rument, each Tru.stor agrees that �h�s <br /> Securxty �nstrument will secure aIi future ad�ances and future obligations tha� are given to flr incurred <br /> by any one or more Trustor, or any one or mare Trus��r and others. A�� futur� advances and other <br /> future oblxgations are secured �y �his Security �nstrument e�en though all or part may na� yet be <br /> ad�anced. All future advances and �ther future oblzgations are secured as if made an th� date of�his <br /> S�curity �nstrument. Nothing xn this Security xnstrumen� shall constitut� a commitment to make <br /> addxtxona]. ar future xoans or advances in any amaunt. Any such cammitmen� must �e agre�d to in a <br /> separate writ�ng. <br /> G.A11 other ab�igatxons Trustor awes to Beneficiary, which may�ater arise, to the ex�ent nat prohxbited by <br /> law, including, bu� not limit�d to, �xabilities for o�erdrafts relat�ng ta any d�posit accaunt agreement <br /> b�tween Trus�or and Benefxciary. <br /> D.Al� add�tional sums advanc�d and expenses incurred by SenefYciary for xnsuring, preserving ar <br /> otherwise protecting the Prop�rty and its va.Iue and any other sums ad�anced and �xpenses incurred by <br /> Beneficiary under�he terms of this Securi�y Ins�rument. <br /> �n the event that Ben�ficiary farls ta pravid� any required notice of the right of rescisszon, Beneficiary waives <br /> any subsequent security interest in�h�Trustor's principal dwe�ling that is �reated by thrs S��urity�nstrument. <br /> 5. DEED �F TRUST C�VENANTS. Trustor agrees that the cavenants in this sectian are material o��igations <br /> under the 5ecured Debt and th�s Security Instrument. �f Trustor brea�hes any co�enant zn this section, <br /> Beneficiary may refuse ta make additianal e�tensi�ns of credit and reduce the credit 1�mit. �y n�t exercising <br /> e�ther remedy on Trustor's�reach, Benef�c�ary do�s nat waive Bene��iary's right to Iater consider the event a <br /> breach if it happens again. <br /> Payments. Trustor agrees that aI.I payments under the Secur�d Debt will be paid when du� and in accardanc� <br /> with the terms of the Secured De�t and this Secur�ty Instrumen�, <br /> Prior S�cur�ty Interests. Wi�h r�gard �o any other mortgage, �ieed of trust, security agreement or �ther lxen <br /> dacument that created a prior securi�y interes� or encumbranc� on the Prop�rty, Trustor agrees to make a.11 <br /> paym�nts when due and to perfonn or comply with a11 cavenants. Trustar als� agrees not to allaw any <br /> modx��ation Qr extension of, nor tn request any future advances under any note �r agreement secured by the <br /> Iien document w��hout Benefi�iary's prior written appro�al. <br /> Claims Against Title. Trustor wi11 pay a.�I taxes �in�luding any tax ass�ssed to this Deed of Trust�, <br /> ass�ssments, liens, encumbran��s, l�ase payments, graund rents, utYlxtxes, and other �harges rela�ing ta the <br /> Praperty �when due. Beneficiary may require Trus�or to pro�ide to Benef�ciary copies of a.11 natices that such <br /> amounts are due and �.i� receYpts e�iden�ing Trus�or's payment. Trustor wi11 defend tYtle t� �he Praperty <br /> aga�nst any �xaims that would �mpa�r the li�n of this Security In�trument. Trustor agrees ta assYgn Ca <br /> Beneficiary, as r�qu�sted by Benef�c�ary, any rights, ciaims ar defenses Trus�or may have agarns�partzes who <br /> supply Xa�or or materYals to maintain or improve the Proper�y. <br /> 5ecurity Instrument-Dpen-End-Consumer-N� DCP-R�DT-NE 7121��1 1 <br /> VMP�Bankers SystemsTbA VIVIP-C465{NEf (��D7y.Op <br /> Walters Kluwer Financiai Ser�ices 01994,2Q'f'f Page 2 of 6 <br />