2� 1 �� 1 ���
<br /> 11. ENVIR�NMENTAL LAWS ANI] HAZAR.D�US SUBSTANCES. As used in this sectian,
<br /> �1� En�xronmenta� Law m�ans, vvithout limitat�an, the Camprehensive En�xranmental Re�ponse,
<br /> Compensation and L�abi�x�y Act �GERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 95�1 et seq.}, and al� other f�d�ra�, state and 1�cal
<br /> 1aws, regulatx�ns, ardinances, caur� orders, a�torney general opinions or interpreti�e 1e�t�rs concerning �he
<br /> pu�Iic health, safety, welfare, en�rxronment or a hazardous substance; and �2� Hazardous Substan�e means �ny
<br /> toxic, radi�acti�e or hazardous materxal, wast�, po��utant ar contaminant vvhich has chara�ter�s�ics whzch
<br /> render the substance dangerous or p�tent�a.�1y danger�us to the pub��c health, safe�y, welfare ar environment.
<br /> The t�rm �n�ludes, withaut limitation, any substances defined as "hazardous material,"' "toxre substances,"
<br /> "hazard�us waste" or "hazardnus substanc�" under any En�iranmental Law.
<br /> Trustor represents, warrants and agre�s that:
<br /> A.Except as previaus�y dxsclos�d and acknowledged in wr�t�ng ta Beneficiary, no Hazardous Substance is
<br /> flr wYll be xocated, stored ar released on or in the Property. This restrict�on does na� apply ta �mal.�
<br /> quantities of Hazardous Subs�ances that are generaily recognized ta be appropr�ate f�r the nonmal us�
<br /> and maintenance af the Properry.
<br /> B. Ex�ept as pre�iausly disclased and ackxaowle�iged in writing to Benef�ciary, Tru�tor and e�ery tenant
<br /> have been, are, and sha11 r�main in full comp�iance with any applicable Env�ranmental Law.
<br /> C.Trustor sha1l immed�ately notYfy Beneficiary xf a re�ease �r threatened release of a Hazardous Su�stanc�
<br /> occurs on, under or about the Property ar th�re xs a vioiation of any Environmental Law�oncern�ng �he
<br /> Proper�y. �n such an e�ent, Trus�ar sha�.1 take a�� necessary remedial action in a�cordan�e with any
<br /> Environmental Law.
<br /> D.Trus�or sha11 xmmed�ately natify Bene��iary xn writing as soon as Trustor has reason to believe there Ys
<br /> any pending or threatened investigat�on, claim, or prac�eding relating to the release or threatened
<br /> re�ease of any Hazardous Substance or the vxalat�on of any Environmental Law.
<br /> 12. ES�RQ'L�V� F[]R TA�ES AND INSURAN�E. C�nless oth�rwise pro�ided in a separate agreement, Tru�tar
<br /> w�ll nat be required�o pay�o Senefic�ary funds far taxes and znsuranc� in escraw.
<br /> duties unc�er this �ecurity Ins�rument are j oint and individual. �f Trustar signs this Secur�ty �nstrument but
<br /> does no� sign an e�zdence of debt, Trust�r does so �n1y to martgage Trustor's interest in the Praperty t�
<br /> secure payment of the Secured De��and Tru.stor does not agree ta be personally liable on the Secured Debt. �f
<br /> th�s Security Instrument secures a guaranty between Beneficxary and Trustor, Trus�ar agrees to wai�e any
<br /> rzghts that may prevent Beneficiary fram bringing any action or cla�.m against Trustor ar any party indeb�ed
<br /> under the obligation. These righ�s may inciude, but axe not limited to, any anti-de�ciency or one-ac�ian laws.
<br /> The du��es and b�n�f��s of this Security�nstrument sha11 bxnd and�enef�t the succ�ssors and assigns of Trustor
<br /> and��nefic�ary.
<br /> 14. SEVERAl3ILITY; INTERPR�TATI�I�, This Security �nstrument is �az�p�e�e and fulXy in�egrat�d. This
<br /> Securit� �nstrumen� may not be amended or modi�ed by ora.� agr�ement. Any sec�ion in this Securxty
<br /> Instrument, attachmen�s, or any agreemen� reiated to the Secured Debt that conf�icts with applicable law will
<br /> no� be eff��tive, unless tha� Iaw expressiy ar impl�edXy perm�ts the varzations by written agreem�nt. �f any
<br /> sectian of thzs S�curity Instrument canno� be enforced ac�ording to its terms, that sec�ion will be sever�d and
<br /> wi�1 not affect the enforceabx�xt�r af the remainder of this Secur��y �nstrument. Whenever used, the singular
<br /> shall in�lude the plurai and �.ie plural the singulax. The captions an�headrngs of the sections of�his Security
<br /> Instrument are for convenience on�y and are not ta be used to �nterpret or def�n� the t�rms of this S��urxty
<br /> Instrument. Time is of�h.e essence in thYs Secur�ty Instrument.
<br /> 1S, SUCCESS�R TRUSTEE. Beneficiary, a� BenefYciary's option, may from time to t�me remo�e Trustee and
<br /> appflint a successar trustee wz�hout any ather forma.lity than the designation in writing. The suc�essor trustee,
<br /> without conveyanc�of th� Property, shaJ.l succeed to a�� �h.e titie, power and duties conferred upon Tru�tee by
<br /> thYs Se�urx�y Instr�xment and applicable law.
<br /> 1G. N(3TI�E. CJnless ath�rwYse requzred by Iaw, any natice shall b� g��en by del�ver�ng it or by maaling it by
<br /> �rst class maiX �o the appropr�ate pa.rty's address on page I of this Security Instrument, or to any ath�r
<br /> address designated in v�rr��ing. Not�ce to �ne �rustor wi�� �e deemed ta he notice to all trustors. Trustor and
<br /> Ben�f�ciary hereby request a capy of any notx�e of default, and a copy of any notice of sa.le thereunder, be
<br /> mailed tfl each pazrty at th�address far such party set far�h an page 1 of th�s Secur�ty �nstrument.
<br /> 17. 'VYAIVERS, Except to the e�ten� prohibited by lavv, Trustor waives al.Z appraisement and homestead
<br /> exemption rights re�ating to the PrQper�y.
<br /> 18. LINE �F CREDIT. The Secured Debt incXudes a revolving �ine of credi�. Although the S�cured Debt may
<br /> be redu�ed�o a zero baJ.ance, this Security Znstrumen�will r�main in effe��untii released.
<br /> 5ecurity lnstrument-Qpen-End-Car�sumer-N� pCP-REi�T-N� 71Z12�11
<br /> VMP�Bankers 5ystems�'" VMP-C4�5�NE� [1 1�7}.QD
<br /> V1lalters f�lc�wer Financial 5enrice�fl1994,2�1� Page�of�
<br />