<br /> 2� 1 �� 1 �37
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<br /> obliga�xon�a pay�o Lender Funds for any or aIl Escrow Items a�ariy�x�rne. Any st�ch�vaiver may nnly
<br /> l�e in v�ritxng.In the event of such v�aive�,Borrowez•�hall pay c�irectly,v�h�n ar�d where payable,�he
<br /> am�i�nts due f��~any Escro�v��em.s for v��z�ch paymen�of FL�nc�s has been wa�ved by Lender and,if Lenc�er
<br /> reqt�ires,s1�a11 fixrnish�n Lender receip�s ev�dez�c��.g such paymen�:vvx�hin suc1�tirne peri�d as L�nder
<br /> ma�r reqt�i��e.Borrow�r's�bligation�o rna1{e st�ch payrnex�ts and��provide rece�p�s shall for all purp�ses
<br /> b�deerned�o be a cove�an�a�d agreement�o��ained�n�h�s Secur��y I�str��me���,as�he phrase''�avenan�
<br /> anc�.agreemer��" is use�.in Sec�ion�.If Borrov�er is ob��ga�ed ta pay Escrovv I�erns direc�ly,pursuar���o
<br /> a v�raiver, a�c��orr��er fails to pay��he arno�r��c�t�e foz•a�a.Escr�w Item,Lender�nay e�erc�se�ts rxghts
<br /> L�.�zder S�c�xon 9 c��1���.�'S1.1C�1 ari1DUTiti�.17C�BU�4'W��'S�7.cL�1��1e11 Ue D�7�1�a�eC�.Lirid.��'S�C���f1��4���]�,�1'��
<br /> I��nd�r�.ny such amour��. Lender m�y reval�e�he v�a�ver as�o ar�y or aIl Escraw Y�e�-ns a�any�ime by a
<br /> noti�e g�v��.i�a�cordance�v�th Sec��on :�5 a�1d,upo�1 such revo�a��on,Borrov�er sha11 pay t�Len�er��.11
<br /> Funds s a�d in st�ch�.moun�s,��Za�ar�th�n re�u�r�d under�his S e����n�.
<br /> Lende����y, �.�any��me, co�lec��.�1c��ald Fux�ds in an�.m�1��1��a� st�f�cienl;�o perm��Le�zder�o app�y
<br /> �h�Fun�s�.�the�irne specxfie�l L�nder RESI'A, and���no��o exceed the rnaximum amoun��.lender ca�.
<br /> �°�c�L��re t�nd�r RESPA. Ler�der sha�l es���x�a���he amount of Func�s due�n�he basis�f curren�da�a and
<br /> reasonab��es��ma�es of expendit��res of fu�ure Escr�vv I�ems or o�hervvise in accorc�ance wi�h App��cable
<br /> Law.
<br /> The I�unds sha��be he��.�n a���st�t�.l.�ion whose dep�si�s az:e�nst�red by a federal agency,��s�rt.�me�.ta�ity,
<br /> ar en��ty�i�clu.ding Lender,if Lenc�er�s a�.��.st�t��t�o�whose dep�s�ts ar�so�inst�red�or in ar�y��deral
<br /> Hom�I:.oa�.Banl�.Lender sha��app�y�he Funds to pay�he Escrow Item.s n�la�er�han�lze�ime specif�ed
<br /> unde�°R.ESP.A.a Le�der sha�1 x��t c�i�.rge Bo��r�wer for holdx�.g�.nd applying tlle Fu�.ds,annually analyzx�.g
<br /> �he escr�vv accau�.�, ar veri�ying th�Es�row I�ems,ur��ess Le�.c�er pays Borrower�nteres�or�the Fu�.ds
<br /> a�.d.Appl�cab��I�aw permx�s L�rid�r�o mal�e su�h�.charge.Unles� ar�agreem�nt xs mad��n wri��r�g or
<br /> A.ppXx��.b1��,av�r r�quire��n��res�to��paid an�1�e Funds,Ler�c�er shal�not be reqt��r�d�o pay Bo��rower
<br /> any��.nt�res�or ear�a.��a.gs an�he Fur�d�. �orro��r ar�d Len�.er c�.n agree in v�rriting,hovvev�r,�ha�in��res�
<br /> sh�.��b�p�.xd ox�the Funds. Lenc���s��11 give to Borrawer,witihoul�cha�°�e� an annua�accoun�xng;of��z�
<br /> Func�.s as r�c�t�ir�d by I�ESPA.
<br /> I�th�re is a sLirplus of FL�nds held�n esc�ovsr,as def��.ed u�der RESPA,L�nder sha11 accour�t to Bnrrower
<br /> for the excess fi.inds�r�accordar�c�wi�h RESPA,If t�.e�•�is a sho�age af Fund��e1�in escr�vv,as defir�ed
<br /> und.er RESPA,Lender sha11 notify Box�-av�rer as requ�red by RESPA,and Borr�wer sha11 pay�o Lender
<br /> ��e arnour�t nec�ssary�o ma�fe up�lie shor�age in accardance wi�h RESPA,bt�t in no mare�1�an��rnor��h�y
<br /> payme�.ts.If.�h�re is a defzc�e�.cy af Funds hel�ir�es�row,as de�'ar�ed u��er RESPA,�ender sha�1 n���fy
<br /> Borrovver as required by RESPA, and�orrov�re�s11�11 pay�o L�r�der�he amour�t�ecessary to make Lip
<br /> �11e def���e�.cy�n accor�.ance vv��h RESPA,but�n�a more than �.�mo�.��z1y pay�ner�ts.
<br /> Upon paymen�in fi�11 of a��sums secured by�hi� SecL�rrty Instrr.�ment,L�nder shall pr�rnptly refi.�nd�o
<br /> B�rrawer any�'unds h�ld by Lend�r.
<br /> 4. �h��'ge�; Liens.Borrower sh�.11 p�.y a��t�.xes,assessm.��z�s,charges,fi�es,and xmposi��ons at�r�bu�a�le
<br /> to�he Propez�y whx�h can at�ain priQrity over this Securx�y Inst�`um��1t, �easeha�d payme��s�r grou��.
<br /> ren�s ����.e Proper�y,�f�.ny, and�ommunity Associati�n Dues,Fees, and Assessme�zts, if any. �'o�he
<br /> �x�ent��at th�se��ems a�e Es�row Items,Bor�o�ver sha�l�ay�herr�in�he ma�.�.er pro�ide�.�n Sect�on 3.
<br /> HCFG-�0359
<br /> NEBRASKA-SEngle�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac IJNI�'ORM INSTRUMENT' Farm 3D28�10�
<br /> VMP� ��145
<br /> Waiters Kluwer Financial Services �0�5D147�5,2.2.3298-J2a��Q728Y Page 5 af 17
<br /> *22A�788152�9*
<br />