<br /> 2� 1 �� 1 �37
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<br /> � e ��
<br /> � � �
<br /> ta rece��e a �efund of ax�y �1�Ior�gag� Insurance pr�miurns that were unearned at �he tzme of
<br /> 5uch c�ncelYation or term�natioY�o
<br /> '�'��A��ig�rnen�of Mi�cel�a�ec�us Prca�eeds; Fvrfeiture.A��M�scella�ze�us Pro�eeds ar�h��•��y
<br /> assigned to ar�d shall be paid�o Lend�ro
<br /> If the Property is da�naged, suc�z Mzsc���aneous Proc��ds shal�be appli�d�o restorati��1 or re�a�r�f�he
<br /> Prope��ty,if�he res�ara�ion or�epazr xs�co�.o�nically fe�.sible��Zd Le�zder's se�urity is��o�less�ned,Dur�ng
<br /> such.r�p�,�r and�+es�o�•a�ifln periad,L.�nder sha�l have�he�'1��1����1D�.C�.511Ch M1SG�11�.I�e4Ll5 PP�C��CI.S lin.tl�
<br /> Lendet;has had ar�oppoY�.ir�ity�o i�s�ect suc�.Prope�-ty to ensure the vvorl�has vee�comp�e�ed to Le�de�•'�
<br /> satisfa.ction,priovided tha�suc�z insp�c��on shall be t�nder�a��en promp��y,Lender may pay for�he repa�z•s
<br /> arid res�ora�ion in a single c�zsb�.�rsexx��n�or in a se�ries of�rogress pa.ymen�� as the wnr��is compl�t�d,
<br /> Unless a�.agreemen��s made i�a wx i�:ix��or App�icab�e Law�re�uires iz��eres���be paxd nn such
<br /> MisG��lanea�.�s Proceeds,Lendez�sh.a���.ot be reqt��red�o pay Bo��r�v�er any�n�erest or earn��gs on such
<br /> Misce�l�nea�.�s Proceec�s,If th�restora���n or repair is not ec�r��lnicall�feas�b�e or Lender's se�urit�r
<br /> w��.��d b�lesse�ed,�he M�scellax�eous�'roceeds sh��.�l be app�ied�o�he su�ns secu�ec�b�th�s Secur�ty
<br /> Ir�s�rurx�en�,vsrhe�her�r not����1�u�,vv��th the e�cess,if ar�y,�aid t�Borrower. Such Mis�e��a�.eous
<br /> Praceec�s sh��1 be app�ied�n the ord�r prov�d�d for in Sectior�2.
<br /> In the even�of a�o�al�a�{�ng, des�ru��ion, or loss in va�ue af�he Proper�y, the M�scellaneoi�s Proceeds
<br /> shall b�a�ppli��to the sums se�ur�d by�11is SecL�rity rns�rum�n�,whe�her or�a.o��he�dt�e,�vi�h the��c�ss,
<br /> if any,paid�a B ar�o�er.
<br /> In�he�ven�of a partia�taki�g,d�s�rl.�.c��on,or loss��.value�f the Prop�rty�n vvhich the fair marke�value
<br /> o�'t�.e P��aper�y immedia�ely�efore�h�par��a�tak�ng,destr�.�c�ion,or Iass in va�ue is ec�L�a�to or grea�er
<br /> than the amoun�of�he st�ms s�cur�d���h�� Secu�•�ty Inst�.�rx�en��mmedia�e�y before�he part�aX taking,
<br /> des�r�.��t�on., �r�nss�n value,ti�.n��ss I3arro�rer a�.d L�nder fltherwzse agr�e in writir�g,t11e s�ms secured
<br /> by thzs S�c�ur��y Ins�rL�xnen�sha1�1��r�c��.��ed by��.e am�ur��of�he Mzscel�aneoL�s Pr�ce�ds mu��zp��ed by
<br /> the�'�l�owing fraction: �a�the�o�a�amo�.r��of��ie st�ms secured im�nediately before the partial�al�ing,
<br /> destrc�c�ion, or loss in valt��d�.v�d�d b�r�b}�he fair marke�valt�e of the Property�mmedia���y b�fare the
<br /> p��:�a�.�alfing, des��-�.ic��a�, ar 1�ss in v��t�e, A�.y b aXance sha��b�p ai.d�o B ar�ower.
<br /> Ir�the e��n�t�f a p�.rt�a��a��in�,des�ru�t:io�z,or�oss�x1 va�ue�f�h�Proper�y xn vvh�ch the fa�r n�.arX�e�va�t�e
<br /> of the�raper�y�mm�d�a�ely��fore�11�partial��.l�ing,des�rx.xctxo�.,or�oss zz�va�ue is less�ha�th��amount
<br /> of�he st�ms s�cured�mmedla���y befoxe�he p�.r�ial�ak�ng,des�ruc��on,or loss in value,u�.�ess Borrower
<br /> a�.d Lenc�.�r o�herv��se agr�e in vvri�;�.�1g,the M�sc���azzeous Pr�ce�ds sha�l be app�ied��the sums secured
<br /> by th�� Se�ur��y Ix�s�r�.�m�r��whe�:her ar no�the s�.�ms ar�then due.
<br /> If the P��aperty is abandoned by Borr�wer, or if', after notice by Lender�o Borra�er�hat the C�pposing
<br /> Party�as defined in��ie r�e��sex��ence} oFf�rs�o mal�e an a�rar��o set�le a c1�,im.for damages,Bnrro�ver
<br /> fails to resp�nd to Lenc�er w��h�n.3��ays after the d�.te�h�no�ice is giv�n,Lenc�er is a�.�horized�o collec�
<br /> anc��,pp1y the Mis�ellaneoL�s Proce�ds eitller�o restora���n or repair of�he Property�r�o th�sums secured
<br /> �by�his Se�ti�rity Ins�rume��,whe�her or n�t t��e�due. "�ppos�ng Party" means�he�hi�d pa��y tha�owes
<br /> Barro�rer Miscel�aneoL�s Proceeds or�he�arty aga�r�st wh�m Borro�rex has a r�gh�of a��ion in regard�o
<br /> M�s��l�ar��aus Procee��,
<br /> Hc��-ao3�9
<br /> N�BRASK�+�Sin��e Famlly-Fanni�MaelFreddle Mae UNIF4RM 1N5TRUMENT Form 3028�l��l
<br /> VMPD �71�5
<br /> Wolters Kluwer�inanclal Services �a160107�5,�,2.3298-J24�5D728Y Page��of�7
<br /> *���4T� �2��*
<br />