2� 1 �� 1 �3�
<br /> vE�� ��F 'r�us�T
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<br /> ��qn�.`rrlued� page 4
<br /> Tax�s. The �ol�owin� sha�F constitute t�xes to whi�h t�is s�ctFan �pp�i�s: �1� � specitic tax up�n this type o�
<br /> Deed of Trust or upon all �r any part vf th� Indebtednes� se�ured by thi� b��d of Trus�; ��� a specific �aac on
<br /> Trustvr which T�usfiar is authorized or required t❑ deduct fram payments vn the Indeb�edness secured by this type
<br /> o� Deed of Trust; �3) a�a�c�n this type of Deed of Trust chargeab3� agains�the Lerxier or�he holder of�he Credit
<br /> Agr��mEnt; and �4y a specific tax on ail t�r any p�rti�n af �he Ir�debtedn�ss or a� paym���s o� p�i�cip�� and
<br /> inter�st made by Trustor.
<br /> 5uk�sequen� Ta�es. I� any tax to whi�h this sectian app�ies is ena�t�d subsequent �v the date D� '�hl5 Deed a#
<br /> Tru��, �his e�ent shall ha�e the same effect as an �vent vf Default, and L�nder may exercis� any or all vf its
<br /> a�ai�able remed��s for an E�ent of D�#ault as provid�d be�ow unless �"rustor either ��) pays th� �ax befare i�
<br /> be�omes delinquent, or {2f contests the tax as prv��d�d abo�e in the Taxes and Lfens section and deposit� with
<br /> Lender cash or a �uffi�ienf corporate surety bond or ather se�u�i�y sat+sfac�ory�a Lender,
<br /> SECUR�TY AGREENlENT; F�NAN�ING STAT�MENT�. The #ollawing pro�is�ons relating to this Deed �f Trust as a
<br /> security agreement a�e a part of thi� Deed❑�Trust:
<br /> 5ecurity Agreem�nt. This instrument sha�i ��nstitute a Se�uri�y Agreement tv �hE ext�nt any ❑f the Proper�y
<br /> constitutes ��xtures, and Lender shall ha�� al� of the rights af a secured p�rty �nder th� Uni�arm Comm�rcial �ode
<br /> as amended frvm tim�t❑�i�n�.
<br /> 5ecuri�y �nterest. Upan requ�st by Lender, Trustor sha�l take �rvhate�er actian is requested by Lender t� perfect
<br /> and continue Lender"s security interes� in the Personal Prvp�rty, �n addit�on to re�ordin� thss De�d o�Tru�t in the
<br /> reai praperty records, Lender ma�, at any t�m� and wi�hau� further authori�ation �r�m Trustor, fi�e executed
<br /> �vunterparts, copies or reprodu�tions of �his Deed o� Trust as a financing statement. Trustar shall reimburse
<br /> L�nder �c�r a!I expenses incurred in perfe�ting ar �ontinuing this s��urity interest. Upon default, Trustvr shalf not
<br /> rem��e, 5e�er ar deta�h �he P�rsonai Property frvm �he Praperty. llpon de�auif, Trustor shall assemb�e any
<br /> Persona� Property n�t affixed �❑ the Prope�ty in a manner and at � place reasonab��� cfln�en��nt �❑ Trustvr and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailab�� �a Lender ►rvithin three �3� days after receipt of wri�t�n demand �rom Lender to the
<br /> eactent permi��ed by applic�b�e law.
<br /> Address�s. The mailing ad�r�sses �f Trus�vr �d�btor} �nd Lender �seGured partyf frQm whiGh in�armation
<br /> con�erning �he securi�y in�erest grant�d by this C�eed of Trust may be abtairred �each as required by the Un�form
<br /> �ammercia� Code� are as s�a�ed on�he first�age��thFs De�d c�f Trust.
<br /> FURT'HER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The fo�f�wing prv�isions relating fa fu�fiher a��u�ances and
<br /> attarn�y-in-�aGt ar�a part a�th�s De�d of Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any tsme, and from time to time, upon request vf Lender, TrLstor will make, eacecu�e and
<br /> deii�ef, vr will cause to be made, executed or deli�ered, to I�ender�r to Lender's desig�n�e, and when requ�s�ed by
<br /> Lender, cause ta be �iled, record�d, refiiiEd� Qr rerecorded, �s the case may be, at such times and in SUCh ��'�iC�S
<br /> and pla�es as Lender may deem appropr�ate, any and a�f su�h mor�gages, deeds �f trust, seeurity deeds, security
<br /> agre�ments, �inancing statements, con�inuativn sta��ments, instruments �f further assuran��, certificates, and
<br /> other dacuments as may, in the so�� apiniQn v� Lender, be n���ssary or des�ra�le in or�er to e��ec�uate, camp�e�e,
<br /> per�ect, �antinue, or preser�e �1� �rustvr's obligations und�r�he �redi�Agreement, �his ❑eed o�Trust, and the
<br /> Related Dvcuments, and ��] the liens and security interests created by this Deed of Trust ❑n the Prvper�y,
<br /> whether na�v vwned or herea�ter acquired hy Trus�vr. Un�ess prohihited#�y iaw o� Lend�r agrees tv th� �an�rary in
<br /> writing, `�rus'�vr sha�� reimburse Lender�or a�� casts and expenses incurred in cannec�i�n with the ma�ters referred
<br /> �o tn this paragraph.
<br /> Attarney-in-Fact. If T�ustc�r fails tv do any of the th�ngs r���rred to in the preceding p�ragraph, Lender may d� so
<br /> far and in the name of Trus�or and at Trustor's expensE. Far su�h purposes, Trus�or here�y irfe�vcably a�apoints
<br /> Lender as Trustar's attarn�y-in-f�c��or the pu�pose❑�making, e�ecu�sng, d�ii�ering, ti�ing, r�cordfng, and d�ing al1
<br /> other things as may be ne�essary or desirable, in Lender'� sole apinion, to ac�ampiish th� mafifiers r��e�red to ir�
<br /> the preGeding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PER�aRMIAN�E. i�Trust�r pays all the �nde�ate�n�ss �r�uh�n due, t�rmir�a�es the�redit fine account, and o�herwise
<br /> performs a��th� ob�iga�ions impased upon Trustor u�der this D�ed vf Trust, Lende� shall ex�cute and de�i�er tQ Trus�ee
<br /> a request far #u!! recon�eyance and shall execute and deliwer �o Trustar suitab�e staterr�ents vf termination flf any
<br /> financing sta�ement ❑n fil� e�idencin� L�nder's securi�y in�eres� in the Rents and thE P�rsonai Proper�y, Any
<br /> recvnveyance fee required by law shall b� paid by Tru�tor, ��permitted by �ppliGab�e law.
<br /> EVENTS DF dEFA�ILT. Trust�r wiff be in defaul� under th�s Deed af Trust if anu af the �ollowing h�ppen: �A� Trustor
<br /> commits fraud a� makes a materia! misrepresentati�n a� any time sn cann���ian with the Credit Agreement. This can
<br /> include, far eacample, a �afse sta�em�nt abaut Trustar'� inGvme, assets, liabiliti�s, ar any a�her aspe�ts of Trust�r's
<br /> f�nan�ia� cor�ditivn. �B} Trustvr does not me��thE repayment terms of the C�edit Agreeme�t. ��� Trustvr's activn or
<br /> ina�tion ad�ersefy affects the �ollateral or Lender's rights in the coliateral. This �an in�lude, fo�- exampl�, �ailure to
<br /> maintain requ�red insurance, waste ❑r destruc�ive use❑f#he dwe�iing, fai�ure to pay tax�s, c�eath v�a!! pe�sons I�abl� on
<br /> the accoun�, �ransf�r o�F ti�l� or sale o# fihe dw�li�ng, �reat��n of a senia�r fien an �he dwelling without L�nd�r's
<br /> permissian, #ar�ciasur� by the holder of anoth�r lien, or�the use o�f#unds or the dwel�ing�o��rohibited pu�pas�s.
<br /> RfGHTS ANQ REME�f�S QN DEFAULT. Ifi an E�ent afi Default oc�urs undes this D�ed ��Tr�.jst, at any tim� thereaf�er,
<br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any one ar mare of the fvllowing rights and r�medies:
<br /> Acc�lerativn Upan Def�u�t;Additivna� Remedi�s. I�any E�ent o�Def�ult dccu�s as per�he��rm�of�he Credit
<br /> Agreement se�ured h�reby, Lender may dec�are all lr�deb#edness se�ured by this ❑�ed of Trust ta be due and
<br /> payahie and the same shall thereupon be�ame due and payab�e with�ut any presentment, demand, protest or
<br /> no'�ic�afi any�ind. Th��eaf�er, L.ender may:
<br /> ta� Either in person ar by agent, �rvith ar wit�out bringing any action ar pr�ceeding, or b� a recei�rer
<br /> appointed by a �aurt and without regard �a the adequa�y a�its security, enter upan and take possession
<br /> o�th� Rroperty, ar any part�her�o�, in its t�wn name Qr in the name vf Trustee, and dc� any acts whiGh it
<br /> deems necessary or d�sirab�e�a preserve�the �alu�, marke�abili�y or rentability o�the F'roper�y, or part vf
<br /> the Prvp��rty ❑r interest in �he Prope�ty, increase the income f�vm the Property or protect the secu�ity ��
<br /> the Prvperty; and, with vr withflut �aking passession of the Proper�y, sue fvr vr o�herwise collect th�
<br /> rEnts, issues and prflfits vf �he Property, including �hvse past due and unpa4d. and appiy the same, l�ss
<br /> cost�and exp�nses o#operatinn an�i �oliection attcarneys' fees, tv any indebter�ness secured by�his Qeed
<br /> of Trust, a4i in such order as Lend�r may det�rmine. T�e ent��i�g upan and �akin� pvssess�an vf �he
<br /> Properfiy, th� cotlectivn o� su�h rents, issues and pra�its� and the appficatior� thereof shall ncat cur� or
<br /> wai�e any default a� notice of d�fauft under this Deed �f Trust ar in��lidate a�y a�t dvne in respanse to
<br /> such defiault pr pursuant to such n�tice af def�ult; �nd, notwithstanding the cc�ntinuanc� in poss�ssion o�
<br /> the Praperty or the �fllle�tion, receip� and appiiGation of rents, �ssues or pr�fi�s, Trustee ar L�nder shaii
<br /> be entitled to exer�ise e�ery right pra�ided for in the Cr�dit Agreement or thE Related Dvcuments or by
<br /> law up�n the❑ccurrence of�ny��en�of defau�t, includ�ng the right to ex�rcise th� power of saie;
<br /> ��� Cammence an ac�ian ta fa��ciose�his Deed❑�Trust as a mor�gag�, appaint a recei�er or spe�ifically
<br /> enfvr�e any of the co�enants hereof; and
<br /> �c� De�iv�r tv Trus�ee a written declarati�n of defiault and d�mand�flr sale and a written notiGe o�default
<br />