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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> � �� � � �rn � rn <br /> � �orn � � o <br /> � �z � � z� � � <br /> � �� � � �z � � <br /> �' z� �' � �rn � z <br /> � �� � � �� � � <br /> �� rn �� � <br /> rn� � � =c�r� � � <br /> �o � � � � <br /> �� r� <br /> a�o � .�.� Z <br /> o� � � � <br /> � � Z <br /> � <br /> VIIHEN REC�RDED IVIAIL Ta: <br /> Exchange Bank <br /> �I -Allen❑ri�e �3ranch <br /> '12U4 Allen Dr <br /> PQ Box 5793 <br /> Grand Island, NE 688�2 F�R REC�RDER'S USE�NLY <br /> DEED DF TRUST <br /> THlS DEED �F TRUST is dated March 7 5. 2��6, amang Vllesley M Enc�nger �"Trusto�"�; <br /> Exchange Bank, whase address is GI - Allen Drirre Branch, '!�C�4 Al��n Dr, �� B�x 57�3, �rand <br /> Is�and. NE �88�� �referred ta belaw sometimes as "Lender" and sametime� as "Beneficiary"�; <br /> and Exchange Sank, whose addr�ss is P� Bvx 397, ICearn�y. NE 688�8 �rsferred to l�elow as <br /> "Trustee;'�. <br /> ��NVEYANCE AND GRANT. For�a�uabie considera�ion, Trustor�on�eys tv Trustee in trust. VIIITH P�VIIER �F SALE, <br /> �or the benefit o# Lender as Benefic�ary, a[� �� T�ustor`s right, �title, and inte�est in and to the ��Ilow�ng described real <br /> property, together with a�� existing vr subsequently erected ar affixed buildings, impra�ements and fixtur�s; all <br /> easemen�s, rights of v►►ay, and appurtenan��s; all wa�er, water rights and ditch rights �including stock in utilities with <br /> di�ch or irrigation rights3; and all a�her rights, royalties, and pro�its relating to the real property, including without <br /> limitatian all mine�a[s, oil, gas, geothermal and simi�ar matters, �the "R�al Property"� l�cat�d in Hall County, <br /> State of Nebraska: <br /> Lvt 4ne �'1�, Prairie Road Se��nd 5ubdirris�on. Hall County. Nebraska <br /> The Real Praperty or its address is commoniy knowr� as 4�"I 3 �lII Prairie Road, �rand lsland. NE <br /> 688�3. The Real Property tax ident�fication number is 4��39�18�. <br /> REV�LVINC LINE �F CREDiT. This Deed af Trust seGures the fnd�b#edness including, writhau# �imitat�on� a re�ol�ing <br /> iine af�redit, whi�h vhliga�es Lender to maks advances#o Trustor so Iong as Trustvr complies wi#h all the�erms af the <br /> �redi�Agreement. Such ad�ances may be made, repaid, and remade �rom time tv�ime, subjec#to the I�m�tation #hat <br /> the tota! outstanding balan�e awing at any one time, not inc�ud�ng finan�e �harges ❑n such balan�e at a �ixed vr <br /> �ariable rate or sum as prvvided �n the Credit Agreement, any temporary o�erages, other �harges, and any amounts <br /> expended or ad�an�ed as prv�ided in eith�r the Indebtedness paragraph vr #his paragraph, shail not excesd �he Credi� <br /> Limit as pra�Eded in the Credit A�reement. It is �he in�entian vf Trus#or and Lender that thEs ❑eed af Trust se�ures the <br /> halance outstanding und�r the Credit Agr��m�nt from time to time from �er� up to the �redit Limi� as pra�ided in the <br /> �r�di�Agreement and any intermediafie halan��. <br /> Trus�or present[y assigns �o Lender �a�sv known as BenefiGiary in this ❑eed of Trus�y all o� Trusfiar`s right, title, and <br /> interest in and to all present and future �eases af the Property and a�f Rents from �he Property, ln addition, Trustor <br /> grants to Lender a Uni�vrm Comme�ciaf Code security interest in the P�rsona� Propsr�y and Rents. <br /> THIS DEED�F TRUST, INCLUaIIVG THE A5SIGNMENT �F RENTS AN❑THE SECURITY 1NTEREST IN THE RENTS AN❑ <br /> PERS�NAL PRQPERTY, IS GIVEN TQ SEC!!RE �A� PAYMENT �F THE iNDEBTEDNESS AIVD �B� PERF�RMANGE �F <br /> EACH �F TRUST�R'S AGREEIVIENTS AND QBL�GATI�NS UN�ER THE CRED�T AGREEIVIENT, THE RELATED <br /> DDCUiIAENTS, AND TH15 DEED �F TRUST. THiS DEED DF TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED DN THE F�LL�VIIING <br /> TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFQRMANGE, Except as otherwise pro�ided in this Deed o� Trust, Trus�or shall pay ta Lender aEl <br /> amounts secured by th�s Deed o� Trus� as th�y become due, and shall stri�tly and in a timely manner per#vrm all af <br /> Trustar's vhliga�ions under the ��edit Agreement, this Deed o#Trus�, and the Related Qacuments. <br /> PflSSESSI�N ANQ MAINTENANCE ❑F THE PR�PERTY. Trus�or agrees that Trustar's pvssession and use of the <br /> Property shall be go�erned by the �allowing pro�kskans: <br /> Possessivn and Use. Un�i[ the vccurrence ❑f an E�ent af De�au�t, Trustor may �13 remain in possessian and <br /> contr��af the Proper�y; �2� use, operate or manage the P�operty; and �3� collect the Rents fram the Pr�p�rty. <br /> Duty tv Maintain. Trustor shal� maintain the Praperty in good �ondition and prompt�y perform a[� r�pairs, <br /> replacemen#s, and maint�nanGe necessary�o preser�e its�alue. <br /> Compliance With En�iranmental Laws. Trustor repr�sen�s and rrvarrants to Lender�ha�: ��y During the pe��od of <br /> Trustor's❑wnership of the P�operty, there has b�en no use, generatEon, manufiac�ure, storage, �reatment, dispvsa�, <br /> refease ❑r th�reatened r�l�ase of any Hazardous Substan�e by any persan an, unde�, abou� or from the Prope�ty; <br /> ��� Trust�� has no knowledge �f, ❑r reason to belie�� that ther� has been, except as pre�iously disc�osed to and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing, �a} any br�ach or �ifliation vf any En��ronmental Laws, ��} any use, <br /> generat�on, manu�a�ture, s�orage, treatment, dispasal, refease ❑r threatened re��as� of any Hazard�us 5ubs�ance <br /> an, under, abQut �r #rom the Property by any priar vwners o� c�ccupan�s of the Pr�perty, flr �cf any a�tual or <br /> threatened litigation or claims of any kind by any persan relating t❑ such matters; and �3� Except as pre�iously <br /> d�sclosed ta and acknowledged hy Lender in writing, {a� neither T��ustvr nar any t�nant, contractor, agent vr v�her <br /> authorized user af the P�operty sha�l use, genera�e, ma�ufacture, stor�� treat, dispose of or release any Hazardous <br /> Subs�tance on, under, about or frvm the Property; and �b} any s�ch aGt�Wi�y shall be �onducted in compliance with <br /> all applicable f�deral, state, and la�ai laws, regulatians an�� r�rdinances, including w�thvu� �im�tation all <br /> En��ronmen�al Laws. T�ustor au�horizes Lender and its ag�r�t to enter upon the P�vperty to make such <br />