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<br /> the real prape�-ty described b�ing set for�h as follows:
<br /> In consideration of the mutual pramises and agreernents exchang�d, the par�ies heretn� agree as
<br /> foltows�n�twithstanding anything ta the con�rary cnn�ained�n the Note or 5ecurity Ins�rument}:
<br /> 1. As of, FEBRUARY 1, ZU16 the arnount payabl� under the Note and the Security Instrumnent (the
<br /> "Unpaid Principal Balance"} is U.S. �103,574.84, consisting of the am�unt(s} loaned ta Borrower by
<br /> Lender, plus capita�ized interest in the amount of U.S. �10,759.18 and a�her amaunts c�.pitalized,
<br /> which is limited to e�crows and any 1ega� fees and related forecl�sure costs that rnay Mave been
<br /> accrued far work completed.
<br /> 2, Borrawer promises to pay the Unpaid Principal Balance, plus interest,to th� �rder of Lend�r Interest
<br /> wil�be charged on the Unpaid Princi�al Balance at the yearly rate of 3.625�°/0, from FEBI�UARY 1,
<br /> �016. Borrower promises to make monthly payments �f pr�ncipal and interest of U.S. $ 472.81,
<br /> beginning an the 1ST day of MAR�H, ZU16, and continuing thereafter on the same da� of each
<br /> succeeding manth unt�l principal and interest are paid in fuil.The yearly rate of 3,625�%w�i11 remain
<br /> in effect until principal and interes�are paid in fu11.�f on FEBRUARY 1,2046�the"Maturi'ty Date"},
<br />' Barrower still owes amounts under the Note and the Security Instrument, as amended by this
<br />� Agreement,Borrower will pay these arnounts in full on the Maturity Da�e.
<br /> 3. If ali or any part af the Prop�rty or any�nterest in the Property is so�d or�ransferred�or if Barrower is
<br /> not a natural persan and a benef cial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred}without Len�er's priar �
<br /> �
<br /> written consent, Lender may require immed�ate payment in fu11 of a�l sums secured by th� Security
<br /> Instrument.
<br /> If Lender exercises this opti�n, Lender sha�l gi�e Borrflwer no�ice of acceleration. The n�tice shall
<br /> pr�vide a periad af not less than 3U days fr�rn the da�e the notice is delivered or mailed vWithin which
<br /> Barrower must pay al� sums secured by the Security�nstrument. If Borrower fails to pay t�ese sums
<br /> prior to the expiratian of th�s periad, Lender may �n��ke any remedies permitted by �he 5ecurity
<br /> Instrument withaut further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> 4. Borrower als� wili cvmply with a�l other covenants, agreernents, and re�uirernents of th� Security
<br /> Instrument, including without limitation,Borrower's cvvenant�and agreements to make al1�payments
<br /> flf taxes, insurance premiums, assessments, escraw items, impaunds, and a11 o�her payments �ha�
<br /> B�rrower is abligated to mal�e under the Security �nstrumen�; hawe�er, the fal�owing �erms and
<br /> pravisinns are fore�er canceled,riull and�oid,as of the da�e specified in paragraph No. 1 ab��e:
<br /> �a} a11 terms and pro�is�ons of the Nate and Securi�ty Instrument �if any} pro�iding f�r,
<br /> implementing, or re�ating ta, any change or adj ustment in the rate of interest payable under the
<br /> Note, including, where applicable, the Timely Paymen�Rewards rate reduction, as described in
<br /> paragraph 1 of th� Timely Payrnent Rewards Addendum ta Nate and paragraph A:.�. of the
<br /> Timely Payment R.ewards Rider. By ex�cuting this Agreement, Borrower waives ar�y Timely
<br /> Payment Rewards rate reductian to which Borrower may ha�e otherwise been entitled;;and
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<br /> HUD-HAMP 10452�15_35� �ZU�183441
<br /> First Arnerican Martgage Solutions Page 2 '
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