2� 1 �� 1 ��5
<br /> Transfer�f the Property or a�er�eficial Interes�in B�rrower.�f al�or any par�af�he Praper�y or any interes�
<br /> in i� is sald or �ransferred �ar if a l�eneficial interest xn B���rawer is s��d ar transferre�i a�d Borro,wer �s not a
<br /> na�ura� person� �vvithout Lend�r's prior wri�ten consent, Lend�r may, a� i�s opt�on, requir� immed�ate �aymen� in
<br /> fu1l of aI� sums secured by this Secur�ty In��rument. H�we�Ter, thi� optian sha�� no� be exercised b�r Lender �f
<br /> exercise is proh�bi�ed by federal law as of�he da�e af this Seci�rity Instrument.
<br /> �f Lender exercises this opti�n, Lender shal� g�ve Borrowe�� nfltice of a��eleration. The no�ice shal� pro�ide a
<br /> periad of not less �han�he minimum number of days �stab����hed by Applicable Lav�r �'r�m the date the n�tice is
<br /> de��vered or mailed within which Borrov�rer must pay alI sur�s �ecu.red by this 5ecurity Znstrument. �-f Bflrrov�rer
<br /> fails �o pay these sums prior �o �he �xpirat�on of this periQd, Lender may invoke any remedi�s p�rmitted by�.is
<br /> Seeuri�y Ins�rument vvithou�further no�ice or demand on Barrt�Wer,
<br /> Barrower's Right to Re�nstate. �f B�rrovver mee�s cer�ain conditions, Barra�er shall have the ri�h� �o have
<br /> enforcement�f this Secur�ty Ins�ru�ment discon�inued at any t.ime pri�r to �he earl�er of: �a� 5 days (ar such other
<br /> period as App�icab�e Lavv may sp�cify for reinstat�men�}befc�re sale of the Pr�perty pursuan�ta any power of sa�e
<br /> contained in �hrs 5ecur�ty �nstru.men�; or �b} entr� flf a jti�dg�.ent enfarc�ng �his Security �ns�rumen�. Th�se
<br /> cond�tzons are tha�Barrotiver: �a� pays Lender a11 sums wh�ch t�.en�vflul.d be �ue under th�s Secur�ty Instrument
<br /> and the�ontract as if no acce�eratian had occurred; �b}cures��r�y defau�t Qf any other c�venan�s or agre�men�s; �c}
<br /> pays alI expenses in�urred in enfarcing�his 5ecuri�y Ins�rume�it,including,but not Iimited�a,reas�nabl�at�arneys'
<br /> fees �a the ex�en�permitted by Ia�v; and �d} takes such ac�ion as Lender xnay reasonably require�a ass�re that the
<br /> lien of this Security�nstrument, Lender's��gh�s in the Prflpert�and Borrovver's ab��ga�ian to pay�he su�ns secured
<br /> by this Secur�t�Ins�rumen� shall con�inue unchanged. Up�n:reinstat�ment by Borrov�er, th�s Securi�y Instrumen�
<br /> and �he obligat�ans secured hereby shall remain fully effect�tire as if n� a�ce�eratior�had �ccurred. Ho�w�ver, th�s
<br /> righ�#o reins�ate shall no�apply in�he case of acce�erat�on unt�er the sec��an�itled Transfer of the Property flr a
<br /> Beneficial interest�n B�rrower.
<br /> Hazardaus Substan�es.B�rrow�r shal�no�cause�r pertr��t t:�.e presence,use, disposal, storag�, ar r��ease of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances�n ar in�he Proper�y.Borrovcrer sha�I nta�da,�or a�I�w anyone e�se to da,any�hi�g affec�ing
<br /> the Property that is in viola�ion of any Enviro�mental La,w. �"he preceding tw� sen�ences shall not app�y ta the
<br /> pres�nce,use,ar s��rage on�he Praperty flf small quan�i�ies a�'Ha2a.rdaus Substa.nces�ha�are generally:recogn��ed
<br /> �o he appropria�e to normal reside�t�a�uses and to maintenanc��f the Property.
<br /> Bflrrawer sha�l prflmp�ly give Lender written�a��ice of any inves�igati�n,clairn, dernand, Iawsu�t nr o�her ac��on by
<br /> any g�vernmental or regulatflry agency ❑r private party invo:lving ��e Property and any �azard�us S�.bstance �r
<br /> Env�ronmental Lativ of which �3orravcrer has a�tua� knowledge. �f Borrower Iearns, or �s na�if ed by any
<br /> governmental or regula�ary authority, �iat any removal or o�h�,r remedia�ifln af any Hazard�us Substance affecting
<br /> the Praperty �s necessary, Borro�t7ver shal� pramp�ly take a.11 necessary remedia� ac�ions in accar��ance �vith
<br /> Envirnnmental La,t7v.
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardous Su�s�anc�s" are th�se substances def�ned as toxic ar hazardous substances
<br /> by �nvironmental Law an� �he fo�lowing substances: gasol:�ne, kerosene, �ther flammable or �oxic pe�roleum
<br /> praduc�s, t�xic pesti�ides and herb�cides, va�a�ile solvents, Yna�er�a�s containing asbestos �r forma�d�hyde, and
<br /> radioa��ive ma�erials. As used in th�s paragraph, "Environmental Law" means federal�aws and lavv�of the state of
<br /> Nebras�a tha�relate to health,safety or env�ronmen�al pro��ction. . . .
<br /> Accelerat�fln; Remedies. Lender shal� giv� not�ce to Borr�wer pri�r to acce�erati�n f�l�ow�ng Borr�wer's
<br /> breach of any covenant or agre�ment in th�s Security Instr�ument or the Contract under v�hi�h acce�erat�on
<br /> i�perr�itted �but n�t prYor ta a��e�eratfon under�he s�cti��n titled Transfer of the PrQp�rty�r a Bene�c�a�
<br /> In�ere�t in B�rrower, uniess Applicable Law p�-avides vth���vise�. The na��ce shall specify: �a� the defauit; �
<br /> ��� the acti�n requ�red tfl �ure the defau�t; �e) a date� IIDt ��55 than the mxnimum numbe�- flf day�
<br /> estahlished by Applicable La�v fram�he date�he not�ce is;given to Borrower,by which the defau�t mu5t be
<br /> cured; and �d) that failure ta �ure the default on or before the date spec��ed in the n�tice may resu�t in
<br /> ac�e�era�ifln af �he sums secured by this Se�urity Ins�r��rn�nt and sa�e af �he Property. To th� Qxtent
<br /> perm�tted Y�y Iaw, the nv�ice shall furth�r inf�rm Barrow��r �f the right to reinstate after ac�eleration and
<br /> the r�ght to hring a court ac�ion t�assert the n�n-existence of a default❑r any other defense af Borrower to
<br /> acce�era�fan and sale. If the defaul�is not cur�d on or hef+�re the date speci�ed in the not�ce,Lender at fts
<br /> optian may require imxned�a�e payment �n fu�l of a�� sur�� �ecured by this S�curity Instrument withaut
<br /> fur�her demand and may fnv�ke the power �f sale and ar.�y o�her remedi�s perm��ted by Applicable LaVv.
<br /> To the exten� perm��ted by lawg Le�der sha�l be ent��led to ��11��� a�l expenses i�curred in pur•suing the
<br /> remedies provid�d in th�s Sec�ion,includYng,bu�not limxtfsd to, r�asonable attorneys' fees and c�,ts of�itle
<br /> ev�den��.
<br /> If the pawer of sale�s invoked, T'rustee shall record a nvtir�e of defau��Yn each cour�ty in wh�ch any parrt of
<br /> �he Property is�vcated and sha��mail cop�es of sueh n�tiee in the manner pres�ribed by App�icable Law to
<br /> Borr�vver and to the other persons prescr�bed by Applica.�le Lavv. After the �ime required by �►pplicable
<br /> Law, Trustee sha�l g�.ve pub�ic not�c� �f sa�e to the persol�s and in the mann�r prescribed by A�pplicab�e
<br /> Law.Trustee,without demand�n B�rroyver, �hall sell the Pr�perty a�public auc�ion to the high�st b�dder
<br /> at the t�me and p�ace and under�he terms designa�ed in�hr�n��i�e��saie�n one or more parceis and in any
<br /> order Trustee determines, Trustee �nay p�stpone sale of all o� any parce� of the Property by pub��c
<br /> annauncement a�the�iame and piace of any pre�v�ously schFiduled�a�e.Lender or it� des�gne�may pur�hase
<br /> the Pr�perty at any sa�e.
<br /> Upon receip� vf payment of the pri�e bid, Trus$ee shali d�:I�v�r tv the purchaser Trustee�s deed �on�ey�ng
<br /> the Property.The recita��in the Trustee's deed shal��ae pr�m� fac�e evidence vf�he tru�h vf the sttatement5
<br /> Cc��Q04-2015 Camplian�e Systems,Inc.SC54-D58F-2Q i 5.11.3.I�98
<br /> Consumer Real Es#ate-Security�nstrument DL2436 Page 4 vf 5 www,cvmpIiancesystems.com
<br />