2� 1 �� 1592
<br /> �f th�re is a default, Trustee �ha1l, in addition ta any o�her permxt��d rernedy, a� the request af ��e
<br /> �enef�ciary, adver�ise and se�� the I�roperty as a w�iale or zn separat� parce�s at p�ubli� auct�on t� the highest
<br /> bxdder fflr Cash and canvey abs�Iu�e�i��e free and c�ear af aII righ�, �i��e and interest Qf Trus�or at such tzme
<br /> and place as Trus��e designates. Trustee sha1� gzv� notice of sa�e �nc�udxng th� tim�, �erms and place of sa�.e
<br /> and a d�scrzption of the praperty �o be so�d as requ�red by the appl�cable law in effe�t at the time af the
<br /> proposed sa�e.
<br /> L�pon s�.e of th� Property and �o �he extent not prahibi�ed by �aw, Trustee sha11 n1ak� and d��i�er a deed �o
<br /> the Proper�y sald v�h�ch canv�ys absa�ute tx��� to the pur�haser, and after f�rs� payxng aI� fees, charges and
<br /> cos�s, shall pay to �enef�c�ary a11 money� advanced for repa�rs, tax�s, znsurance, Iiens, assessxn.en�s and prior
<br /> en�umbrax�c�s and znterest�hereon, and the prin�ipal and �nterest on�he Se�ur�d I�ebt, paying �he surplus, if
<br /> any, �o 'Trustor. �eneficiary may purc�ase th� �'raper�y. The reci�als in any deed of c�nveyane� shall b�
<br /> prima facie e�id�n��of the facts set forth therexn.
<br /> A11 remedies are dzstin��, �umulativ� and n�� ��clus�v�, and the JBenefzciary is entxt�ed to a11 remedies
<br /> prov�ded at law or equity, wh�ther or nofi expre�sly se� f�rth. The acceptance by B�n�f�c�ary of any �um zn
<br /> payment or part�al payzr�.�nt �n�he Se�ured Deb� after�he balance is due or �s a��exerat�d or after foreclasur�
<br /> proceed�ngs ar� filed sha11 no� constx�u�e a wai�er of ��nefx�xary's rxght to require comp�ete �ur� of any
<br /> exzsting defau��. �y nat exer�isin� any rem�dy o�'Trustor's defau��, B�neficiary does not wax�e Ben�f�czary's
<br /> right to�ater consider th�ev�ent a defauXt�f�t cflnt�nues or happens aga�n.
<br /> 16. E:�PE�S�S; �'���5 �� �C��E�T��'S; A�""I'� �'S' �ES; ���I���'TI�� ��S'I'S. E�.cept
<br /> when prahibited by law, 'Trus�flr agrees to pay a.I� af�enefiC�ary's expenses if"Trustor brea�hes ax�y co��nan�
<br /> �n this Securxty Znstrumen�. Tru�tar wxl� al.�o pay on demand any amaunt zncurred by B�neficiary for
<br /> znsur�ng, inspecting, preservrng ar ath�rwzse protecting the Property and JBenef�c�ary's secur�ty interest.
<br /> 'These expenses vvi�� bear interest fro�m.the date of the pa�rne�it unt�� pazd in fu�� a��h� high�st �nterest rate �n
<br /> effect as provided in th� t�xr�.s �f�he Se�ur�d I�ebt. 'Trustor agrees to pay a�.� �osts and expenses incurred by
<br /> �enefi�iary in coll�cting, enforcing or protecting �eneficiary's rz�h�s and reznedies under th�s Security
<br /> �nstrum�n�. This am�un� may inc�ude; but zs not Iimited to, attorneys' fees, court cos�s, and other I�ga.l
<br /> expenses. This Securi�y Instrument shal.� r�xnazn �n effect un�il released. T'ru�tar agrees to pay for any
<br /> re�ordat�on casts of su�h r��ease.
<br /> 17. ��Il�� �'I`,�1L, I�A�S �I3 �i�S S S'I,.A1��ES. As used �n �h.�s s�ctzon, �1.�
<br /> ]Ex�v�ronmen�al Law means, wi�hout Iimitatron, the �omprehensi�e �n.��rox�.ental Response, ��mpensa�zon
<br /> and I.,iability Act��E��I.,A, 42 L�.S,�. 96�1 �t s�q.}, ax�.d a�Z ath�r fed�ral., state and�oca1 �aws, regu�atxons,
<br /> ardinances, court orders, attorney general opini�ns or interpretiv� l�tt�rs concerning the publzc heal.th, saf�ty,
<br /> welfare, environrnerzt or a hazardou� subs�an�e; and �2} Hazardaus Substance means ax�y toxi�, rad�oact��e or
<br /> hazardous material, waste, pollutant or contaminant �w�ic�Z �.as ��aracter�stics which render the substance
<br /> dangerous ar potentially dangerous to the public hea.�th, safety, we�far� or �nv�ronment. �'he t�rz�r�. znc�udes,
<br /> wzthout �imi�a�ion, any substances def�ned as "hazard�us materzal," "t���c substances," "hazardous was�e" ar
<br /> "hazardous substan�e" under any Envir�r�mental LaW.
<br /> Trus�or represents, warrants and agree�that:
<br /> A.Exc�pt as prev�ously dis�Iosed and acknaw�edged xn wr��xng �o ��nefic�ary, no Hazardous Substance is
<br /> or will be lacated, s�ored or re�eas�d on or in th� Prap�rty. This restr�c�ion dnes not apply to sma�.�
<br /> quan�ities of Hazardous Su�stan��s that are generally recagniz�d to be appropriate for th� nflrmal. use
<br /> and maintenanc�of the Property.
<br /> �. Except as previous�y disclosed and acknowl�dged in wr�t�ng to �enefi�iary, 'Trustor and �very tenan�
<br /> have been, are, and sha11 rerna�n�x�full conlpi�arz�e with any applicabl�Environmental. Law.
<br /> �.T`rustor shall im�m�diately notify �3en�fi�iary zf a releas� or threat�n�d r��ease �f a Hazardous Substan�e
<br /> oc�urs on, under ar about th�Property �r there �s a�xoXa��on nf any Envir�nm�ntal Lav��ancerz�ing the
<br /> Prop�rty. �n su�h an ev�nt, Trus�or s�.a1l �ake a�I n�cessary remedial action in a���rdance w�th any
<br /> �nv�r�n7m.�nta� Law.
<br /> I3.7Crus�or shall imm�dia�e�y na��fy �enefi�iary in wr�ting as soon as Trustor has reason ta be�z��� th�re is
<br /> any pending or �hrea�ened in�es�xga�ion, claim, or proceeding relatzng �� �he re��as� or threatened
<br /> release of any �-Iazardous Substance or the��olat�on of any �nvironnzental I.,aw.
<br /> 1�. �� � ,ATI�I�. Trustor �vz�� g��� �enefzc�ar� pronZpt notz�e of any p�nding or threat�ned action, by
<br /> prxvate �r pub�zc �nt�t�es to purchase or take any or al.l af th� Prflp�rty th�ough condem.na�xon, em�nent
<br /> domain, or any other rneans. Trustor authorzzes �enef�cxary �o xntervene in 'Trustor's name in any of the
<br /> above descrzbed act�ons �r c�axms. �'rustar assigns ta �en�ficiary �he pro��eds of any award ar claixn for
<br /> damages conn�ct�d with a cand�mna�ion or other tak.i.ng of a.�� or any part af th� Prap�rty. Such proc�eds
<br /> sha11 be cansidered paym�nts a.�d v�rill b� app�ied as pravided in �his Security Instrumen�. Thi� asszgnment of
<br /> proceeds is s�.�ject to th� t�rms �f any pr�or mortgage, deed �f trust, securzty agreem�n� ar other ��en
<br /> do�ument.
<br /> Seeurity Instrument-Consumer-NE R�-�T-N� ZI112�13
<br /> VMP�Bankers 5yst�ms;"' VMP-C165{NE} �13a2).n�
<br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices�1 994,2�11 Page 4 a#�
<br />