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- 2� 1 �� 1592 <br /> The proper�y is located in ...Ha 11................................................ a� ....................................... <br /> �County} <br /> .35��..W..94th..�t........................... .Hastings........................ ., Nebraska ,.G89�.�-.............. <br /> ....... .. ....... ... ........... . . ...... . <br /> �Address} �CitY} CZIP Cade� <br /> Tob�ther vvi�h ai1 rights, easem�nts, appurt�nan.ces, r�yal�zes, mineral ribh�s, ai� and gas righ�s, a11 water and <br /> ripa�ian rzghts, ditches, and water stock and a.I.I exis�ing and future improvements, �tru�tures, fixtures, and <br /> replacements tha�may now, or at any�ime in the future, b�par� af�he rea� estate described abav� (all referred <br /> to as "�rap�rty„}. <br /> 3. IIVIi� ��I.�I�A.TI�I�I I�I 'T. 'The tatal prin��pal. amouzat secured by thi� 5e�urity �nstrument at any <br /> �n�time sha�.� not ex�eed$ ,.15'0', o�o..�o.............'.........., . '�hzs X��m.ztatzon of amount does no� in�Iude <br /> int�rest and o�her fees and charges �alzdly �� pursuax�.t to thi� Se�urity Ins�rument. Also, this Iimitat�on <br /> do�s r�ot app�y to advances mad�und�r th�t�x�zzzs �f thzs S�curzty Instrument �o protect Benefi�iary's security <br /> and to perform any of the covenazZt� contained 'zn this Secur�ty Irzstrurx�ent. <br /> �. SE� I���'I` 'I` .�.I3V.��ES. The tenm "Secured l�e�t" xs defzned as follo�ws: <br /> A.�ebt �ncurr�d under th� terms of a.I.� pr�mzssory no���s}, contrac��s}, buaranty�zes} or ��her ev�dence of <br /> d�bt described b�Iow and aI1 their ex�ensions, renewals, mod�fzcatzons or sub�titutzans, �he� <br /> referencing the debts below it is s�r�ggestecl �hat �ou include i�ems such as bor�rowers' narnes, no�e <br /> amounts, interest rates, mc�turity dates, et�c.� <br /> Note Dated March D4, �D15 In The Amoun� af $15�, ��� ,U4 <br /> Ac�ruing At a Fixed Rate With A Matur.�ty Date �f Nlarch D4� 2�17 <br /> Said. Lflan In,The �iTam���} af Ca�ey S RzcF�.t�r <br /> And Jessie Richt�r <br /> �. A�I fu�ure ad�ances froxn �enefic�ary t� T`rustar or other future obli�a�ians af Trust�r to Beneficiary <br /> under any promissary note, contract, guaranty, or other eviden�e �f deb� executed by Trust�r in favor <br /> af �en�ficiary after thxs S�curzty Z�.strurn�nt wh�ther or nat this Secu.r��y �nstrun-�.ent �s specif�cally <br /> referenced. If mar� than one p�rsan szgns thzs S��urzty Instrumen�, each Trust�r agrees this <br /> �ecurity Ins�rument w�11 secure a11 future ad�an.ces and future obligatians that are biven �o ar �n�urred <br /> by any one ar more 'Trustor, or any an� or more Trustor and flthers. future ad�ances and oth�r <br /> futur� obligatians are secured by �his 5ecurity Ins�rument even �h.ough aJ.l or par� may not yet be <br /> ad�anced. A�� future adwan��s and oth�r future abliaa�ions ar� secured as zf �m.ade on the date of this <br /> Se�urzty �nstrument. Noth�ng in thi� Security �ns�rum�nt sha1� constztute a commi�ment ta make <br /> additional or future �aans or advan��s in any an�aun�. Any such cammitment znus� be agreed ta in a <br /> �eparate vvrit�ng. <br /> �.All obligations Trustor ov�es to ��n�f�ciary, Whxch may �a��r arise, to the ext�nt n�t prahxbzted by �aw, <br /> zncluding, but nat limited t�, Iiabi�i�ies far o�erdraf�s re�at�ng ta azZy dep�sit account agr��ment <br /> betwe�n T`rustor and�eneficiary. <br /> I7.Al1 addit�ona]. sum�.s advan�ed and expenses incurred by B�neficiary f�r xn�urxng, pr�serving ar <br /> ❑therwise pro��ctzng the Prflper�y and its va�ue a�ad any o�her �ums ad�an�ed a�.d expenses �ncurred by <br /> �enefic�ary under the�erms �f this Se�urity �nstrument. <br /> This Secur�ty Instrurnent v�ill na� secure any o�her debt if�enefx�iary fail� ta give any required na�ice af the <br /> ribh�af resc�ssza�.. <br /> 5. PA �S. Trustar agrees �hat a�1 payments under the 5ecured �ebt w�ll be paid when due and ir� <br /> accordan�e with the terms �f�he S ecur�d I7 ebt and�his S ecurity Instrument. <br /> 6. � 'I'Y �k`'I`I'I`I.aE. Tx�.s�or warran�ts that Trustor zs ar wi��be lavvfully seized af the estate con�ey�d <br /> by thzs Securzty �nstrum�n� and has the right to zrre�ocably �rant, convey, and s�II the Praper�y to Trust�e, �n <br /> �rust, wi�h pawer of sal.e. Trustor �.so warran�s that the �raperty is unezacuznber�d, except for encumbrances <br /> af recard. <br /> 7. � �1� SE� 'TY I�I'I'E STS. �zth r�gard to a�.y other zn.or�gag�, deed of trust, s��uri�y agr�ement or <br /> other�xen dacumen���.a�created a pr�ar se�urzty znter�s�or�ncuzn.branc�on�he]Property, Trus�or agrees: <br /> A.To make aI1 paymen�s wh�n due ar�d to perforzn or�on�ply with a1�co��nants. <br /> B. 'To prampt�y de�z�er to]�enef�ciary any notices that Trustor r�ce�v�s frflm�h�holder. <br /> �.Not �o al�aw any modif�cat�on or extens�an of, n�r to requ�st any future advances under any note or <br /> agreement secured by the l�en do�um�.en�w�thou�]Benef�c�ary's przor�r���en cans�nt. <br /> �. �I� IVIS A� I�S�T` �T`I�`I�E. T`rustor will pay aIl tax�s, ass�ssment�, Iiens, encunlbran�es, �ease payrnents, <br /> ground rents, utilities, and other �harges re�at�ng �o �he Praper�y when du�. Be�ef�ciary may r�quire Trus�or <br /> ta pra�ide to �en�fzczary copies af aI� notices that such amaunts are due and the rec�ipts evidenc�ng Trustor's <br /> payment. Trustor will defend �i�Ie ta �he �r�perty against any ��aims that would ixnpair the l�en of �his <br /> Security Instrunzent. Trustor agrees to assxgn to �enefi�iary, as request�d by Benefxciary, any rzghts, c�axms <br /> or defenses Trus��r may have against parties wha supp�v �abar or mat�rzal.s tfl maxntaxn or �mprove the <br /> Proper�y. <br /> Se�urity lnstrument-Cansumer-NE RE-C3T-N� 2I112013 <br /> VMP�Bank�rs SystemsT"" VMP-C�65{N�} {1342�.�4 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financiai 5er�i�es m1994,�a1 1 Pag��af 6 <br />