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<br /> ���� �� �����
<br /> ���� ��o ��������� ��onti�u�d� ���� �
<br /> p�eemp��d�y f�d�r�l I�►�v,the l�ws o�the 5�ate o�N�b��sk�►�►i�hvu�reg�rd�v i�s con�lic�s o�law pavvisio�s. This
<br /> �3�ed a�Ts�us�h�s f���n acceg�ted�ay Le��Ier in#he St�te of Net�raska.
<br /> TIIf4'1�IS D�$�'l�ESS�FiC�. TEme is❑��he essen�e in�he perfarmance of this Deed v�Trust.
<br /> VVaave� o� Hvmest��d Ex�mp'�ion. Trustor hereby releases and wai�es a�� righ�s and benefits o� the homestead
<br /> exemption�aws af the State v�Nebraska as tv all [ndebtedness secured by�his Deed of Trust.
<br /> DEFINIT�D�S, The following words shaEE ha�e�he fvllawing meanings when used in this ❑e�d o�Trust:
<br /> ��ne�fci��y. Yhe ward "Bene�ic�ary�� means Fi�e Poin�s Bank. and its successors and assigns.
<br /> �orro�ver. The word "6vrro►►ver" means RICHARD ❑ JDHiVS�fV JR and CHR15TiNE L JC]HIVSDiV and includes all
<br /> ca-signers anal co-makers signing the Credi�Agreemen�and all the��successors and assigns.
<br /> C���i� Ag�e�m�n�. The wvrds "Credit Agreement" mean the credi� agreement da�ed March 7 5, 2��6, ���H�
<br /> ��'e�li� 9�It�0� �� $ �rom Trustor tv Lender, �ogether with aii renewals of, extensivns
<br /> af, mvdificatians❑f, refinancings ❑f, consvlidations❑�f, and subs�itutians fvr�he pramissory note or agreement.
<br /> ���c� o� T"rtes�. Th� words "Deed o� Trust" mean this Deed o� Trus� amang Trustor, Lender, and Trus�ee, and
<br /> includes wi�hout limitatian afl assignment and security interest pro�isions rela�ing t❑ the Persvna! Praperty and
<br /> Ren�s.
<br /> Environnne���l La►�s. The wvrds "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and all state, federal and local s�a�u�es,
<br /> regulations and ordinances rela�ing �o the pratection ❑f human heal�h ar the en�irvnment, inciuding wi�hout
<br /> lim��ativn the Gomprehensi�e En�ironmenta! Respanse, Cvmpensa�ivn, and Liability Ac� a� �98�, as amend�d, 42
<br /> U.S.C. Section 9���� et seq. {"CERCLA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization I�ct o� i 98�. Pub. L.
<br /> IVo. 99-499 �"SARA"�,the Hazardaus Materials Transpo�tation Act, 49 U.S.C. Section 18�'�,et seq.,the R�saurce
<br /> Conser�atian and Recv�e�y A�t, 42 U.S.C. 5ection 5901, e� seq., or❑�her applicable state or federa! laws, rules,
<br /> vr reguiations adopted pursuant�hereto.
<br /> E�e��o�D�fi�ul�. The words "E�ent n�F Default" mean any o�f�he e�ents o�defaul�set�vrth in this ❑eed❑�Trus��n
<br /> �he e�ents af de�aul-�se���vn o��his Deed�t Trus�.
<br /> E�cis�ing I�dl�btea�n�ss. The words "Exist�ng Indebtedness" mean #he Endebtedness described in the Exis�ing Liens
<br /> p�o�isian❑f this ❑�ed of Trust.
<br /> l�npro�emen�s. The word "lmpro�ements" means all existing and �uture impro�ements, buildings, s��uc�u�es,
<br /> mobiEe homes affiixed on the Rea! Property, �acilities, add�tians, �ep�acemen�s and o�her constru��i�n an the Real
<br /> Property. , .... . _. , �.�_...., . . _ .
<br /> [ndebt�dness. The word "ind�btedness" means all principai, interest, and other,ama,unts; costs and�expenses
<br /> payable under the Credit Agreement ❑r Related Documents, �oge�her with a1i rene��aEs;_ofi, e�tensivns o�,
<br /> modif�cations o�, �onsalidations v� and subs�i�utions ��r �he Credit� Agreement or Rela�ed�..Dacumen�� and any
<br /> amaunts expended or ad�anced by Lende�- to discharge Trustor's �bliga�ions or expenses incurred by Trus�ee vr
<br /> Lender t❑ en�orc� Trus��r's ❑bliga�ivns unde� this �eed of Trus�, together wi�h in�eres� on su�h amaun�s as
<br /> prv�ided En this ❑eed o�Trust.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Pvin�s 6ank. its sucGessors and assigns. The word� "successvrs or
<br /> assigns" mean any persan or company that acquir�s any in��rest in the Credit Agreement.
<br /> P�rsvn�l Pro�e���. The words "P�rsonal Property" mean alI equipment. fixtures, and a�her articies af pe�sonal
<br /> proper�y now or he�eaf�er o�vn�d by Trustor, and now v�- hereafter a�tached ❑r affixed tv the Real Proper�y;
<br /> togethe� with all ac�essions, par�s. and additEons ��, af[ replacements v�. and all subs�i�utions for. any o� such
<br /> property; and tagether with aEl proceeds tinc�uding withou� fimitation a�! insu�ance proceeds and refunds vfi
<br /> premiums� �rom any sale or o�her disposition a��he Praperty.
<br /> �rop��y. The ward "Praperty" means coliecti�ely the Real Property and the Persona[ Praperty.
<br /> R��I P�vp�rty. The ►nrords "ReaE Prvperty" mean the real property. interests and rights. as #urther des�ribed in this
<br /> Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Rela�ec� Documen�s. The ►nrords "Related Documen�s" mean alf promissary no�es, c�edit agreements, loan
<br /> agreemen�s, snvirvnmental agreemen�s, guaran�ies. security agreements, mor'�gages, deeds of �rust, security
<br /> deeds, collateral mor�gages, and al! a�her ins�rumen�s, agreements and documen�s, ►nrhe�her n�w or hereafi�er
<br /> existing, executed in Gvnnectian with the Indeb�edness.
<br /> Re��s. The word "Rents" means aEl present and �uture rents, revenues, incame, issues, royalties, pro�its, and
<br /> other bene���s deri�ed frvm the Property.
<br /> Ta�us���, The ward "Trustee" means Fi�e Pnints Bank, whose address is P.D Bflx �5�7, Gran� Island, iVE
<br /> �880�--�5Q7 and any substi�ute or successor�rus�ees.
<br /> T�us�op. The wvrd "Trustor" means RICHARD ❑J�HIVSOIV JR and CHR15TiiVE L J�HIV50N.
<br />