, 2� 1 �� 1544
<br /> pro�id�d by law if Trustor is in default, In s�me instances, federal and state law wils require
<br /> Beneficiary to pro�id� Trustar with natice of the right t� cure, vr ather notices and may �stablish
<br /> time schedules for forec�osure actions. Ea�h Trustvr requests a copy af any natice of default and
<br /> any n�tice of safe ther�under be mailed to each Trustor at the address pra�ided in 5ection 1 abv��,
<br /> At the optian vf the Benefic�ary, all ❑r any part �f the agreed fees and charges, accrued interest
<br /> and prin�ipaE shall bec�me immediately due and payable, after gi�ing notice if requ�red by law,
<br /> upon the occurren�e vf a defau�t ❑r anytime thereafter.
<br /> If there is a default, Trustee shall, at the request of the Seneficiary, ad�ertise and sell the Pr�perty
<br /> as a whole vr in separate parcels at pub�i� au�t�an t�the highest bidder for cash and con�ey
<br /> abs�lute title free and Cl�ar of all right, title and �nterest of Trustor at such time and place as
<br /> Truste� designates. Trustee shalf gi�e notiee of sale including the time, terms and place of sale and
<br /> a description of the prvperty t❑ be svld as required by the applicable law �n �ffect at the time �f
<br /> the prapvsed sale.
<br /> L1pQn safe �f the Property and to the extent n�t prohibited by law, Trustee shall make and de�i�er a
<br /> deed to the Property svld which can�eys absoiute title to the purchaser, and aft�r first paying a�l
<br /> fees, charges and costs, shall pay to Beneficiary a11 moneys ad�anced for repairs, taxes, insurance,
<br /> liens, assessments and p�ior encumbrances and interest thereon, and the principai and interest on
<br /> the 5e�ured Deht, pay�ng the surplus, if any, t� Trustar. Beneficiary may purchase th� Property.
<br /> The recita�s in any deed of con�eyance shall be prima facie e�idence of the fa�ts set farth therein.
<br /> The acceptance k�y 6eneficiary of any sum in �ayment ar partial payment on the Secured Debt after
<br /> the ba�ance �s due or is accelerated o�after foreclasure prviceedings are filed shall not constitute a
<br /> wa��er of Beneficiary's right to require �omplete �ur� of any existing d�fauit. By not exercis�ng any
<br /> remedy on Trustor's d�fault, Beneficiary dves not wai�e Beneficiary's right to later consider the
<br /> e�ent a d�fau�t if it happens again.
<br /> Trustor breaches any cv�enant in this Security Instrument, Trustvr agrees t❑ pay a�l expenses
<br /> Beneficiary incurs in perf�rming such co�enants vr protecting its security interest in the Property.
<br /> Such expens�s inc�ude, but are nnt limited tn, fees �ncurred for inspecting, preser�ing, or otherwis�
<br /> pratecting the Prop�rty and B�nefi�iary's security interest. Thes� exp�nses are payable on d�mand
<br /> and will bear interest from the dat� af payment until paid in fuil at the highest rate vf inte�est in
<br /> effect as pro�ided �n th� terms af the Secured aebt. Trustor agrees to pay all costs and expenses
<br /> incurred by Beneficiary in collectEng, enfvrcing or pratecting Benefic�ary's rights and remedies und�r
<br /> this 5ecurity lnstrument. This amount may include, but is nat limited ta, Trustee's fees, court casts,
<br /> and oth�r legal expenses. To the extent p�rm�tt�d by the LJnited States Bankrupt�y Cade, Trustor
<br /> agr�es ta pay the reasonabCe attorn�ys' fees Beneficiary incurs to callect the 5ecured �ebt as
<br /> awarded by any Caurt �xercising jurisdiction under th� Bankruptcy Code. This 5ecurity Instrument
<br /> shall remain in effe�t until released. Trustor agrees ta pay far any recordatian costs af such release.
<br /> 11. ENVIR�NMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARD�US SUBSTAN�ES. As used �n this section (�}
<br /> En�iranmental Law means, without limitati�n, th� Camprehensi�e En�iranmentaf Response,
<br /> Compensativn and Liab�lity Act �CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9��� et seq.}, ar�d a!I ather federal, state and
<br /> Iocal laws, regulations, ordinances, court orders, attorney general vpini�ns or interpreti�e letters
<br /> concernEng the puk�lic health, safety, welfare, en�ironment vr a hazardous substanc�; and ��}
<br /> Hazardvus 5ubstance means any toxic, radivacti�e ar hazardvus material, waste, pollutant �r
<br /> cvntamEnant which has characteristics which render the substance dangervus nr patentially
<br /> dangerous to the public health, �afety, welfare or en�iranment. Th�term inc�udes, withaut
<br /> limitativn, any substances defined as "hazardous mater'ral," "taxic substances," "hazardous waste"
<br /> v� "hazardous substance" under any En�ironmental Law.
<br /> Trustor represents, warrants and agrees that:
<br /> A.Ex�ept as pre�iously disclased and acknowledged in wr�ting tv B�neficiary, no Hazardous
<br /> Substance is or wil� be �acated, stared or releas�d an or �n th� Praperty. This restriction d�es
<br /> not apply to sma�� quantities af Hazardvus Suk�stances that are generally recagnized ta be
<br /> appropriate far the normal use and mainter�ance of the Prop�rty.
<br /> B. Ex�ept as pre�iausly disclos�d and acknawledged in writing to B�neficiary, Trustar and e�ery
<br /> tenant ha�e been, are, and shall remain in full compliance with any applicable En�ironmenta! Law.
<br /> _1994 Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices-Bankers 5ysterns� Form U58�CP-DT-NE 9 Z 1�61�D�� (page 5 of 7}
<br />