2� 1 �� 1544
<br /> 2. C�NVEYANCE. For gaod and �aluable cor�sideration, th� receipt and suffiCiency af which is
<br /> acknowfedged, and to secure the Se�ured Debt �defin�d be�aw} and Trustvr's perf�rmance under
<br /> this Security Instrum�nt, Trustor �rre�ocably grants, con�eys and sells to Trustee, in trust for the
<br /> benefit vf B�neficiary, with power vf sale, the following descr�bed prvp�rty:
<br /> Se�atfached Exh�bit"A"
<br /> � The praperty Es located in .����.�.����............................. at ..............,....,.........,................
<br /> t�ounty}
<br /> 3�4 S MAIN ST,,,CRAND,ISLAND................................................... Nebraska 588�,�,-84C5,.....
<br /> ..................,..
<br /> tAddress} �City) �ZIP Cade}
<br /> Tvg�ther with all right�, easements, appurtenances, rayalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, al�
<br /> water and riparian rights, ditches, and water st�ck and all existing and future impr��ements,
<br /> structures, fixtures, and replacements that may now, or at any time in the future, be part af the
<br /> real estate described abo�e �all referred to as "Prvperty"}.
<br /> 3. MA�IMUM DBLI�ATI�N LIMIT. The tota� principal amount secured hy this Security Inst�ument
<br /> at any vne time shal� not ex�eed $ ..��4,���r��.........................•.•...... . Th�s limitatian ❑f amaunt
<br /> d�es nvt inc�ude interest and other fees and charg�s �al�d�y made pursuant to this SecurEty
<br /> Instrument. Also, this limitatior� does not apply to ad�ances mad� under the terms af this Security
<br /> lnstrum�nt to pratect Benefieiary's security and to perfvrm any of the cQ�enants cantained in this
<br /> Security I nstrument.
<br /> 4. SE�URED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVAN�ES. The term "Secured Debt" is defined as folEows:
<br /> A, Debt incurred under the terms of all pramiss�ry note�s}, c�ntract�s}, guaranty�ies} or oth�r
<br /> ��idence af debt described k�elow and a�l their extensions, r�newa[s, mvdificatians flr
<br /> substitutions. �I'au rnust specif�cally identif�r the debt�s} secured and you should include the f�nal matur�ity
<br /> date of such debt�s}.)
<br /> Barr�wer�s}: WARREN MATHEWS
<br /> Prin�ipallMaximum Line Amount: 1�fl,�D�.��
<br /> Maturity Date: �211812�4G
<br /> N�te Date: ��1�712��6
<br /> B. AI! future ad�an�es from Beneficiary to T�ustar o�- other future obligat��ns vf Trustvr to
<br /> Beneficiary under any promissory n�te, contract, guaranty, or other e�idence of debt executed
<br /> by Trustor in fa�or vf Beneficiary after this Security Instrument whether vr not this Security
<br /> �nstrument is specifica�ly referenced. If more thar► �ne person signs this Security Instrument,
<br /> ea�h Trust�r agrees that this Secur�ty Instrum�nt will se�ure a!I future ad�ances and future
<br /> abligati�ns that are gi��n to or �ncurred hy any orte ar more Trustor, ❑r any one or more
<br /> Trustvr and others. All future ad�ances and vther future obligativns are secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument e�en thaugh all or part may nat yet be ad�anc�d. At� future ad�anc�s and
<br /> other future abligations are s�cured as if made vn the date of this 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> Nothing in this 5ecurity Instrument shall canstitute a commitment to make addit�onal ar future
<br /> Ioans vr ad�ances in any amount. Any such commitment must be agreed ta in a separat�
<br /> writing
<br /> �,All othe� �bligati�ns Trustar owes ta Beneficiary, wh�ch may later arise, to the �xtent not
<br /> prohibited t�y law, fncluding, but n�t limited t�, liabilities for o�erdrafts re�ating ta any deposit
<br /> account agreement k�etween Trustvr and Beneficiary.
<br /> D.All additional sums ad�anced and expenses incurred by Ben�ficiary for insuring, preser�ing or
<br /> otherwise protecting the Property and its �aiue and any vther sums ad�anced and expenses
<br /> inCurred by Benefic�ary under th�terms af this 5ecurity lnstrum�nt.
<br /> (page 2 of 7�
<br /> _1994 Wolters ECluwer Financial Ser�ices-Bankers Systems� Farm L15BOCP-DT-NE 11/16/201�
<br />