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2� 1 �� 1542 <br /> continue to pay to Lender the amoun�of the separa�e�y designat�d pa�men�s tha�vvere due vvhen�he <br /> insurance c�verage ceased�o be in effect. Lender w�I� accept, use and retain these paymen�s as a <br /> non-refun�iab�e��ss reser�e in l�eu�f Mor�gage Insurance. Such iass r�s�r�e shail be non-r�fundable, <br /> no�w�ths�and�ng�he fac��hat the Laan�s u�t�ma�el�pa�d �n fui�, and Lend�r sha�l no�be requ�red to pay <br /> Borrower an��nterest�r earn�ngs an such�oss reserve. Lender can n� �anger requ�re�oss reserve payments <br /> �f M�r�gage�nsuranc�co�erage tin�he amount ar�d fo�r the period that L�nder requires�provided by an <br /> �nsurer selected b�Lender again b�comes ava��ab�e, is obta�ned, and Lender requ�res separa�ely d�s�gna��d <br /> paymen�s�award�he premiums for Mor�gage �nsuranc�. If Lender r��uired Mor�gage�nsurance as a <br /> condition of ma�ing�he Laan and Borrow�r was requ�r���o make separate�y d�s��na�ed paymen�s �oward the <br /> pr�miums for Mor�gage�nsurance, Borrower shal�pay the premiums required�o maintain N�ar�gage <br /> �nsurance�n effect, or�o pr��ride a non-refundab�e loss r�ser�ve, unt�I L�ender's r�qu�r�men�for M�rtgage <br /> �nsurance ends in accordan�e w��h any written agreemen�be�ween Borrou�er a�d L�nd�r provid�ng for su��i <br /> �ermxna�i�n or un�x�termination i�required by Applica�le Lavw. Nathing in�h�s Sec�ian ].�affec�� <br /> Borr�v�er's obliga�ion�a pay in�eres�.at the ra�e provided in�he Note. <br /> Mortgage�nsurance r�imburses I.ender�or any en�i��r�hat purchases the No�e} f�r cer�a�n Iosses ��ma� �ncur <br /> if Borrow�r does no�r�pay the Laan as agreed. Borrower�s no�a�arty to�he Mor�gage�nsuran�e. <br /> Mor�gag�insurers e�a�ua�e�he�r to�ai risk an all such insurance in forc�fr�m tixne to t�me, and ma�en�er <br /> into agre�ments �v�th o�her part��s�hat share or modify th�ir risk, or reduce�osses. These agreemen�s are on <br /> �erms and condxtions�hat are sa�isfa�tor��o the mortgage�nsurer and the o�her par�y �or part�es� ta�hese <br /> agreements. Thes�agreemen�s may require th�mor�gage �nsur�r to make pa�ment�using any source of funds <br /> tha�the mor�gage insurer may have ava��a�le�which ma� �nciude funds ob�ained from Mortgage Insurar�c� <br /> �remiums}. <br /> As a resul�of these agreemen�s, Lender, ar�y purchaser of the Nate, another insur�r, any re�nsur�r, any o�her <br /> enti�y, or any af��iate of any�f th�forego�ng, may rece�ve �direct�y or ind�recti�} amoun�s tha�deri�e from <br /> �. �or m�gh�he charac�er�2ed as} a por�ian of Borr�wer's paymen�s f�r Mortgage�nsurance, in ex�hange for <br /> sharing or modify�ng�he mor�gag�insurer's risk, ar r�ducing�osse�. �f such agreemen�pr�v�des tha�an <br /> affil�ate of Lender ta��s a share flf�he�nsurer's risk in exchange for a share of th�prem�ums pa�d t�the <br /> �nsurer, the arrangemen�is often termed "�aptive reinsuran.c�." Fur�her: <br /> �a} Any such agreements wi��not affect the amounts that Borrawer has agreed to pay for Mnr�gage <br /> Insur�n�e, or any other terms of th�Loan. Such agr�e�ments wi�l not�ncrease the amount <br /> Borrower wxil owe for Nlortgage Insurance, and tbey wi�I not entit�e Barrower to any refund. <br /> �b� Any�uch agreem�.ents will not affe��the rights Borrovver ha�-if any -w�th respect to the <br /> Mortgage Insurance under the I3om�owners Protec�ion Act af 1�9$or any ather law. These r�gh�s <br /> may�nc�ude the right to rece�ve cer�axn di�closure�, to reques�and obtain cancellation of�he <br /> �Vlortgage Insurance, to have the Mortgage Insurance�ermina�ed au�ornatica�iy, andlar to rece�ve <br /> a refund of any Mor�gage Insurance prem�ums that were unearn��.a�the time of�uch <br /> cance�lat�on or term�na�ion. <br /> ��. Assignm�nt of Miscel�aneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. A�� Misce��aneous Proceeds are hereby assigned�o <br /> and sha��be pa�d�o Lfender. <br /> �f the Proper��is damaged, su�h Misce��an�ous Praceeds sha�� be applied�o res�oration or repa�r af the <br /> Property, if�he res��ra�ion nr repair is ecanomica��y feas�b�e and Lender'�se�uri�y �s no��essened. During <br /> such repa�r and restoration period, Lender shal�have the r�ght�a h��d such Mxsc���a�aeous Proceeds un�i� <br /> Lender has had an�pportu�i�y�o �nspec�such Frflperty ta ensure the w�rk has been comp�eted to Lender's <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Form 3�28 i 1�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�N��t13��1 <br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 9 of 17 <br />