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2� 1 �� 1542 <br /> �'LAl�Tl�T�I� tTl�TIT I��V�L�PII��l�T�` RID��. <br /> �H�S PLANNED UNIT DEVEL�PMENT R1DER is made this �.Zth day of <br /> Ma r�h 2�16 , and is incorp�rated intv and sna�i be <br /> deemed to amend and sup�l�m�r�t the Mvrtgage, Dee�l of Trust, vr Secur�ty De�d �the <br /> "Security lnstrument"} of the same dat�, gi�en by the unders�gned �th� "Bvrrower"} to <br /> secure Borrower's Note to Home F�d�ral Savi n�s and Loan Assn of Grand I sl and <br /> �the "Lende�"} af the same date and co�ering the Pr�perty d�scrib�d in the Secur�ty <br /> Inst�-ument and Ivcated at: �5�1 St�gecoa�h Rd <br /> �rand Island, NE �88D1 <br /> �Prap�rty Address� <br /> The Property inc�u�es, but �s not limited to, a �arce� �f �and impro�ed with a dwe[ling, <br /> to�ether with ather such par�e�s and c�rtain common areas and facilit��s, as des�ribed in <br /> Dec�arati�n of C�venants, �ond�tions and Restrictians of th� n�rein named <br /> homeo�ners ass�c�ation and any amen��nents her�to. <br /> �the "Dec�arat�an='}. The Property is a part �f a planned unit de�e�opm�r�t knawr� as <br /> Caa�h P�ac� <br /> [Name vf P[anned Unit De�e�opment) <br /> tthe "PUD"}. Tne Property a�sv inc�ud�s B�rr�wer's inte�-�st in the home�wners associat�on or <br /> equi�alent entity own�ng vr rnanaging the camman areas and fa��lities vf the PUD {the <br /> "Dwners Assac�ation"} and the uses, benefits and praceeds af Bor�ower's interest. <br /> PUD CDVENANTS. �n additi�n to the c��enants and a�reements made in the Secur�ty <br /> [n��r�m�nt, B�rrvw�r an� ��nd�r f�rrth�r ����nant �nd a�r�� �� f+�l�Qw�: <br /> A. PUD ��ligat�ons. Bvrrower sha11 perform all of Borrawer's ob��gations under th� PUD's <br /> Constituent Da�uments. The rrCflnstituent D�cuments" are the �i} Declarat�on; ���� art�c�es �f <br /> incv�poratian, trust instrument or any equivalent dacument wh�c� creates th� {�wn�rs <br /> Assvciation; and �iii} any by-faws or ather �u[es or �egulat�ans of th� C�wners Assnciat�an. <br /> Borrawer sha�! promptly pay, when due, a�l dues and assessments imposed pursuant to the <br /> Cvnstitu�nt Documents. <br /> N�ULTISTATE PUD RID�R - Single Family - Fannie N�a�lFreddie Mac UN�F�RM 1NSTRUMENT <br /> Form 3�a� 't 14� �.a. <br /> W��te�s �Ciuwer Fi�ancial Ser�ices Page � of 3 �nitials: <br /> ��� <br /> VMP�-7R ��8� 1} <br />