2� 1 �� 1542
<br /> �n the Praper�y and rights under�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rum�n�; and �d��akes such ac�ion as Lend�r 7may
<br /> reas�nabl�requir��o assur��hat Lender's int�res���.�he Property and r�ghts under this Securi�y Ins�rurnent,
<br /> and B�rrov�er's ob�igat�on to pa�r the sums secured�y�his Secur�t��ns�rument, shall con��nue unchanged.
<br /> L.�nd�r may require�ha�Borrov�re�pa� such reins�atement sums and expenses in one or more�f the fal�owing
<br /> forms, as selected by Lender: �a}cash; �b}money arder; �c}c�rt�fied check, bank check, treasurer's check�r
<br /> �ash�er's check, pro��ded any such check�s drawn upan an ins��tution whfls�depos�ts are insur�d by a
<br /> federal. agency, instrume�.tali�y or entit�; or(d} E�ectron�c Funds Transfer. Up�n re�nstatemen�by B�rrower,
<br /> �his Se�uri�y �nstrumen�and obl�gati�ns s�cured hereby sha�1 remain fu11y�ffect���as �f n� acce�erat�on had
<br /> occurred. Hav�ev�r, �h�5 righ�to re�nsta�e sha��nat app�y �n the�ase�f acce�eration under Se�t�on �S.
<br /> Z4. Sale of Nate; Change vf Loan Ser�i�er; Notice vf Grie�ance. The N�te or a par�ia� �n�erest�n the
<br /> �V��e��og��h�r with�his Securi�y �nstrument}can be s��d�ne or more times without pri�r no�i�e�o
<br /> Borrower. A sale migh�result in a�hange in the en�i��r �knawn as�he "Loan Servicer"}�ha�collects Per�od�c
<br /> Payments due und�r the No�.e and�h�s Secur��y instrument and performs o�her mor�gage l�an servi��ng
<br /> obliga�ions under�he No�e, �h�s Se�ur��y Instrument, and Appl�cab��Law. There also mi�ht be one or more
<br /> cha�ges of the Loan Servicer unrela�ed to a sale of�he Note. �f t�ere is a change�f the Loan Servicer,
<br /> Borraw�r wi11 be gxven�vritten notice of the cha.nge whi�h w�ll s�ate the name and addr�ss�f the nev� Loan
<br /> S�r�icer, �he addr�ss�o wh�ch payments shou�d be made and an�ather infarmation R�SPA requires in
<br /> cann�ction w��h a no�i�e�f transfer of servicing. �f the Na�e�s sold and thereafter�he Loan is serv�ced by a
<br /> Loan�erviccr a�hcr than�he pur��aaser�f the Note, th�mor�gage loan�ervi�ing ob�i�;ation� to B�rro�ver will
<br /> rema�n with�he Loan Serv�i�er�r be transferr�d�o a success�r Loan Ser��cer and are not assumed by�h�
<br /> Na�e purchaser un�ess o�her�v�se pro��ded�y�he N�te purchaser.
<br /> Nei�her Borrower n�r L�nder may c�mmenc�,join, or be joined to any jud�cia� act�on�as exther an
<br /> ind���dualli�igant or�he member�f a class� tha�ari�es from th��t��r party's act�ons pursuant to th�s
<br /> Securi�� �ns�rum�nt or tha�alleges tha��he ath�r par��has brea�hed any pro�ision of, or an�du��r owed by
<br /> reason of, this Se�ur�ty�ns�rumen�, un�i�such Borr��ver ar�..ender has not�fi�d the a�her party �with such
<br /> no�ice g�ven in compl�ance�v�th�h�requirements of 5ec��on 15} af such alleged breac�.artd afrf�rd�d�he
<br /> ath�r par�y her�ta a r�as�nab�e period after�he g�v�ng�f such n���c�ta�ake carrect��e act��n. �f App�icab�e
<br /> Law pro��des a time peri�d wh�ch must e�apse b�fare�erta�n action can be taken, that�ime period v�i��be
<br /> deemed to be reasonab�e for purposes of th�s paragraph. The no��c�of acceleration and oppor�unity t��ur�
<br /> giv�n to Barrov��r pursuan�.ta S�ct�an 22 and�he nat�c�of accelera�i�n given�� Borrov�rer pursuant��
<br /> Secti�n I S shal�be deemed�o sa�isfy��e not�ce and opportun�ty�o take carrec�ive acti�n prov�sians of th�s
<br /> Se�t�on 2�.
<br /> 2�. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Sect�nn 2�: �a} "Ha.�ardous Substa�tces"are th�s�substances
<br /> defined as�ox�c or hazardous su�s�ances, poi�utants, or was�es by �n�xronmen�a� Law and�he fo��ow�ng
<br /> substances: gaso��ne, kerosene, a�her f�ammab�e or t�xic pe�rfl�eum produc�s, toxic pestic�des and herbicides,
<br /> vo�at��e solven�s, ma�er�a�s can�ain�ng asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioac��ve materials; �h)
<br /> ",�nvira�rrle�t�al Lavv"means federal laws and�av�s of the�urisdict��n where�he Proper�y�s �ocated that
<br /> r�ia�e to h�al�h, safety�r en�ironmen�al protec�ion; ��} ".Lnvironmenta� �reanr�p"includ�s any response
<br /> act�on, remedial a���on, or remo�al act�on, as def�ned in Env�r�nmen�al Law; and�d} an ".Environmen�al
<br /> Conditior�"means a�ondit�on�ha�can�ause, �antribute to, ar otherwise tri�ger an Enviran�mental��eanup.
<br /> Borrower sha�l n��cause�r permi�the pres�nc�, us�, d�sposa�, s�orage, or re�eas��f an.y Hazardous
<br /> Substances, or�hrea�en to r�lease any Hazardous Substanc�s, on or in�he Proper�y. Borrovwer sha��no�do,
<br /> nor allow anyane e�se ta do, anythin�aff�cting �he Proper�y �a} that�� in v�oiat�an of any Environmental
<br /> Law, �b}which crea�es an Environmental Condit�on, or�c}wh��h, due to�he presence, use, or relea�e�f a
<br /> �3azardous Subs�ance, �reates a condition�hat ad�ersely affec�s�he value of�he Prop�rty. The�receding two
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single family-Fannie MaelFreddie Ma�UNfFQRM�NSTRUMENT �arm 3n�8 714'[
<br /> VMP6�NE}�'[342)
<br /> VMP Q Pa e 13 vf 17
<br /> Wa[ters Klcawer Financial 5er�ic�s �
<br />