2� 1 �� 1541
<br /> ���� �� �����
<br /> �..a�� ��a: ������-��� ����������� ���� �
<br /> termination o� any financing s��t�menfi an �i�e e�idenc�ng Lender"s securi��y in�erest in the Rent� and th� Pers�«af
<br /> Praperty. An�reconv�yance fee �•equired by�aw sf�all be paid by Trust�:-, i�pe�mi�:��ed by applicab�e [aw,
<br /> EV��V7� aF 17EF�ULT. Each a����e �ol[�wing, at Lender`s op�ion, �hall cans��tute an Event ❑f D�fauft und�r this Deed
<br /> o�Trust:
<br /> �'a}�meQ�t L�e�aul�. Trusfar fails to make any payment when due under�he Indebtedness.
<br /> (��her D�faulfs. Trus�:�r �ai[s to camply wi�h or ta perf�rm a«y a�h�r ��rm, ab[igatian, cavenan�c ar cond�tion
<br /> contained in tl�i� D��d of Trust or in any o� �he R�lated Documenfis ❑r �a comply with ar to perform any term,
<br /> obliga�ion, co�enant or candi�ion contained in any��ther ag�eem�n��e�:w��n Lender and Trustor.
<br /> Comp�xance D��aul�. Failure to comply witt� any afih�r �erm, abligation, ����nan� or condi�ion c�n�ained �n �h�s
<br /> D�ed of Trus�, �he Not�or in any o-F the Re�ated Dacumc��fis.
<br /> D��auf��� at}�er Paym�n�s. Failure a�Trus�or within�lhe time required �y�his Deed o�Trus�to malc� any p�yment
<br /> ��r�axes ar ir�surance f or any o�E�er payment necessary to pre�ent filing ❑f❑r to effect d�scharge of any lien.
<br /> Fa�s� �fia�emen�s. Any warrani;y, represen�ation ❑r s�atement mad� ar fiurnished �Q Lender by Trustor ar an
<br /> Trusto�`s behalf under this Deed o�Trust or the Relafied L�ocuments is f�[se ar ��isleading in any m�terial respect,
<br /> either n�w or at�he time made or fu�nish�d �r hecnme� �alse ❑r mi�le�ding at any time�f�ereafter,
<br /> Defe��:iv� Cal�atera��za�ian. Tf�is ❑�ed a� Trust or any o� the Related Documents ceases �co be �n iui� �orce �nd
<br /> ef�ec�l �including failure o� any callal��ra1 document �a create a �alid and �erfected securit� in�eres� or lien} a� any
<br /> �ime and far any rea�on.
<br /> Deafii� or�nso�WenGy. The dea�h of T�ustQr, �he inso�vency of Trus�lor, the appointm�n�l ofi a r�cei�er far any parfi af
<br /> Trustor's proper�y, any assignment ��r th� h�nefi� of creditors, any type of creditor wor�caul, or th�
<br /> commencemen�of any proceeding under any banlcruptcy or insol�ency laws by or agains�Trustor.
<br /> Cred��vr or For�ei�u��e Praceedings. Commen�ement af fareclosure �r far��Eture proceedings, wheth�r by �udicial
<br /> prflceeding, se[fwhelp, repossession or any other rr�e�had, by any cr�di�or of Trusfior�r by any g�vernmen�af agency
<br /> agains�t any p�aper�:y securing the �ndebtedness. This in�ludes a garnishment a� any of Trus�or's ac�ounts,
<br /> includ�ng dep�si� accaunts, with Lender. However, �his E��nt o� ae�Cault shal! no� app[y i� �here is a �ood fai�h
<br /> dispu�e by Trustor as to the �alidity or reasonableness o� fih� cCaim which is th� basis of the ��edi�ar or forfei�ure
<br /> pr�ceeding and if Trust�r gi�res Lende� wri�ten natice af the creditor or for�eiture proce�ding and deposi�s wi�h
<br /> L�nder m�nies or a surety bond for�he credi�or or ��rfeiture proceeding, in an amount det�rmined by Lender, in its
<br /> sale dis�retion, as being an adsquate reserWe❑r bond �or the dispute.
<br /> gre�ch of��her Agr�ement. Any brea�h by Trust�r under the terms of any other agreem�nt between T�ustor and
<br /> Lender tl�a� is nat remedied wi�}�in any grace period pr��ided �herein, including wi�hout �imitafiion any agreement
<br /> concernin� any ind�btedness or other oblEgati�n of Trus�or to Lender, whefiher existing now ar later.
<br /> E�ren�s �Of�ect�ng �uaran�or, Any o�f the pre�edi��g e�enfis occurs wi�h respect to any guarantor, endors�r, surety,
<br /> or accommoda�ion party of any of the �nde�tedness or any guarantflr, endarser, surefiy, or ac�omm�dation party
<br /> dies ❑r becames in�ompetent, or re�olces or disputes �h� Walidi�y ❑�, or fiabili�y under, any Guaranty �f the
<br /> �nd�bfiedness.
<br /> Adverse Chang�. A ma�erial adverse change occurs in Trus�or's iinan�ial condi�ion, or Lender believes �:he
<br /> prospect of paymen�❑r performance of the Indebtedness is impaired.
<br /> �nsecuriicy. Lend�r in�aad�ai�h believes �tself insecure.
<br /> Exis�ing [ndeb�edness. The payment of any installment of principal or any in�erest on �he Existing �nd�btedness is
<br /> not made within fih� time required by the promissory na�e eWid�ncing such indebtedness, ar a defaui�occurs under
<br /> the instrumen� securing such indebtedness and is no� cured during any app�icabl� grace period in such ins�rument,
<br /> or any sui�ar other a�tian is��mmenced fio foreciose any existing lien on�he Praperty.
<br /> Righ��o Cure. ��any default, ather�:han a d�fau�t in payment, is �urahfe and if TrustQr has not�een given a notice
<br /> of a brea�h af the same pro�isi�n af�his Deed o�Trust wi�hin �he preced�ng twelve �1�7 months, it may�e cured i�
<br /> Trus�or, af�er Lender sends wri�t�n no�ice t�Trust�r d�manding cure of such dei�auEt: {1} cures �he c�efaul-t Wvi�hin
<br /> fi�F�een �15y days; flr �27 i�the cure requires more fihan fitt�en {�5} days, immedia�ely ini�ia�es steps which Lender
<br /> deems in Lende�'s so[� discrstEon t❑ be su��icient to cure �he defauIt anci thereafter continu�s and campletes a�l
<br /> reasanable and necessary steps suf�icient t❑ praduce compliance as soon as reasanably prac�Ecal.
<br /> R[GHTS AND RE�V[EDIES aN DEFAULT. ff an E��nfi a� Default occurs under this Deed of Trust, at any time �i�ereafter,
<br /> Truste�or Lender may ex�r�ise any one or more ��the fol�owing rights and remedies:
<br /> A�celera�ian Upon ❑e�Fault; Addi�ional Remedzes. I€ any EW�nt o� Default occurs as per�he terms o��he N�te
<br /> se�ured hereby, L�nder may d��lare all Endebtedness secured by�his Deed af Trust to be due and payab�e and
<br /> the same shalf thereupan become due and payable without any p�esen�ment, demand, pratest or no�ice of any
<br /> I�ind. Thereaf�er, Lender may:
<br /> {a� Either in person or by agent, with or witi�aut bringing any act�on or proceediEig, ar by a re�eivez-
<br /> appoin�ed by a cour� and wifihout regard to �he adequacy of its securi�y, en�er upon and take passessian
<br /> af the Property, or any part there�f, in i�s own nams or in the name �f Trustee, and da any acis which it
<br />