2� 1 �� 1539
<br /> Transfer of the Pr�per�y vr a Benef�c�a�In�erest in B�rrower.�f ai1 or any par�of the Proper�y or ar�y interes�
<br /> in i� xs sold ar transferred €or �f a ben�f c�a� interest i� Borr�u�er is sold or transferred and BorrovveX� is no� a
<br /> natural persan} �vi�hflu� Lender's prior�rri�ten consen�, Lender may, at �ts option, require imrnediate paymen� in
<br /> full �f a�l sums s�cured by �his 5ecuritiy Instru.men�. Ho�we��r, �his opt�on shall nat be ex�rcised �y Lender �f
<br /> � exercise is prohibi�ed by federa�Ia�v as�f the date af this 5e�urity Ins�rument.
<br /> Yf Len�ier exerc�ses th�s �pt�n�x, L�nder shall give Barrovver :no�ice of acceleratian. The nvtice sha11 �provide a
<br /> per�od af�.ot less than the minimt�m number of days establzshed�y Applicable Lavv fr�m �he date �he n��ice �s
<br /> delivered or mai�ed within wh�ch �arravver must pay a1� sum:� secured by this Secur�ty �nstrument. �f Borrotiver
<br /> faiTs to pay�hese sums pri�r to �he expira�ion af th�s per�od, �.�ender m�y �nvoke any remedies permitt�d by �his
<br /> Securi�y Ins�rument without fur�her notice ar demand�n Borro��ver.
<br /> Borrower's Right to Rein�tate. If Borrawer meets certain r�nditions, Borro�ver shall have �he right �o have
<br /> er�far�emen�of�his 5ecurity Instrument discont�nued a�any time prior ta the earizer of: �a} S days �or such o�her
<br /> per�od as Appl�cable La�v may specify far r�instatement}befor�sal��f the Property pursuan�to any pQwer flf sale
<br /> contained in �his S�cu.rity �ns�rument; �r �b� en�ry of a jud.gment enforcing �his Security �ns�rume���. Those
<br /> cond���ons are tha�Bar�ower: �a� pays Lend�r al� sums wh.�ch �h�n vv�uld be due under�his �ecur�ty���strument
<br /> and�he�antrac�as if nfl acce�era�ion had occurred; ��}ct�res ar�y defaul�of any o�her co�enan�s or agreements; �c}
<br /> pays aIl expenses incurred in enfnrcing�his Securi�y Zns�rument,includ�ng,bu�nti�limited�a,reasonable attorneys'
<br /> fees to the e�ten�permi�ted by laW; and �d} �akes such ac�ion��s L�nder may reasonably require ta assure that�he
<br /> �xen af�his Secur��y Ins�rumen�,Lender's r�ghts in t�xe Property and Borrov�er's�b�iga�i�n ta pay the surrns�ecured
<br /> by this S��uri�y Ins�rumen� sha�� continue unchanged. Upan r��ins�a�ernen�by Borrower, this Securzt� I�trument
<br /> and �he obl�gat�ons secured hereby sha�1 remain fu.I�y effective as �f no acceleratifln had occurred. Hawever, th�s
<br /> r�ght�o reinsta�e shall not apply�n�he�ase of a�cel�rat�on un��r�he sec�ion titled Transfer�f the Property�r a
<br /> Benef�cia�Interest�n Barroyver.
<br /> Hazardous Substances.Borr�v�rer sha��n�t cause or permit�he pres�nce,use, dispo�a�, storage, �r rele�se af an�
<br /> Hazardous 5ubs�ances on or in the Prnper�y.Borrower sha��n��:da,nor a11o�anyone else�o do,a�.yth�n�;affecting
<br /> the Pr�per�y�ha� is in v�o�ation �f a�.y En�rironmental Lavv. The preceding tv�o sen�ences shal� not app�y �o the
<br /> presence,use,�r s�flrage on the Praperty flf small quant�ties�f I�azardous 5ubstances�hat are general�y recogn�zed
<br /> to be appropria�e��nflrmal reside�.�ial uses and to main�enance of�he Proper�y.
<br /> Borr�wer sha��promp�ly give Lender written natice of any investiga�ion,cla�m, demand,Ia�rsuit ar a�her ac�ion by
<br /> any gover�amen�a� �r regula�ory agency ar private party inval�tring �he �'roperty and any Hazaxdaus Su�as�anCe or
<br /> E�vironmenta� La�v of vvhich BarroWer has actual knowledge. �f BorroWer Iearns, or is notif e� by any
<br /> governmental ar regulatory au�hority,tha�any r�moval ar othe��remedia�i�n of any Hazardous Substance affec��ng
<br /> the Praper�y rs necessary, Borro�ver shal� promp��y take a�� ne�essary remedia� act�ons in ac�ord�.nce vv��h
<br /> Enviranmental Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardaus Substances" are thase subs�ances def�aed as�ox�c or hazard�us �ubs�ances
<br /> by Environmen�al Law and the fol�ovving substances: gasoline, ker�sene, �ther flamma�ale or toxic ��etroleum
<br /> produc�s, �axic pesticides and herbicides, volatile so�ven�s, rr.�a�erials con�a�ning asbes��s flr f�rma�de�.yde, and
<br /> ra�.iaac��ve ma�er�als.As used in this paragraph, "Envir�nmental Law" means federal lavvs and lav�s�f the state of
<br /> Nebraska that re�ate�a hea��h,safety or en�irorimen�al pro�ec�ic�n.
<br /> Ac�eleration; Rem�d�es. Lender shall give noti�� t� Borr4wex prior �o acce�eratxon follow�n.g Barr�wer's
<br /> breach of any��venant or agreenaent in this Secur�ty Ins�rument or th�C�ntrac�under which ac�elera�ion
<br /> is perm�tted �but no�prior to acceleration under the sect�o�� ti��ed Transfer of the Froperty or a�enef�cial
<br /> Interest in Borrower, un�ess Applicab�e I�aw provf des oth�rvvise). The notice shall specify: �a� the defaul�;
<br /> tb} the actian required ta cure the default; �c� a da��, n�� less than �he minimum number of days
<br /> established by App�xcab�e Law from�he date the��t�ce�s�ivem to Borrawer,by which the defau�t must be
<br /> cured; and �d} that fafiure to cur� the defauit on or �efQre �he date specf�ed in t�ie notice may r�sult in
<br /> aCce��ra��on of the sums secured by th�s Secur�ty Instrument and saie vf the �roperty. To the extent
<br /> permit�ed by law, th� not�ce 5ha�1 fur�her inf�rm B�rrowe�r vf�he right to r�ins�ate aft�r a�celerat��n and
<br /> fhe r�ght to br�ng a court actiQn�o asser�the�on-existence of�defau��or an�ather defen�e of Barrovv�r to
<br /> acce�erat�on and sale.If the default is no� �ured on or befa�re the date speci�ed in �he not�ce,Len�der at its
<br /> vpt�on may requ�re �mmedia�e pay�nent in fu�l nf all surrns secured by thi5 Security Ins�rum�nt without
<br /> further dernand and may inv�ke the pov�ver �f sa�e and an;y other remedies pernu�ted by App�icable Law.
<br /> To the ex�ent �ermitted by �av�v, Lender shall he entitled �o co�lect all expense5 incurred �n pur�uzng the
<br /> remedies provided in this Sec�ior�,including,but not lima�.te+��o, reasona�le attorneys+ fees and costs of ti��e
<br /> eviden�e.
<br /> If the pvwer of sai�is invoked, Trustee shall record a not�ce of default in each county in wh�ch an.y part af
<br /> _ the Property�s la�ated and shall mail copie�of such no�i�e�n the manner prescribed by Appii�ab�e Law to
<br /> Borrower and to the �ther per�ons pres�ribed by Appl��alb�e Lavv. After the �ime required by Appli�able
<br /> Law, Truste� sha�l g�ve pub�ic notice vf�a�e tn �he persor.�s and �n the manner pres�ribed by A�pl�cable
<br /> L�vv. TruStee,vv�thout demand on Borraw�r, sha�l 5e1�the:�roperty at public aucti�n to the h�ghest bxddQr
<br /> a�the time and place and under�he terms designa�ed in�he n��Y�e of sale in one flr mvre par�els and in any
<br /> order �'rustee determines. Trustee may pastpone saie of: all or any parcei of the Property �y pubiic
<br /> announcement a�the tim� and p�ace af a�y prev�ously s�heduled sale.Lender nr its designee may�purchase
<br /> �h�Property at any sale.
<br /> Upvn receipt vf payment�f the pr�ce bid, Trustee sha�l de�iv�r t� the purchaser Trustee's dQed con�eyxng
<br /> the Property. The reci�als in �he Trustee�s deed shall be prnma fac�e evidence of the�ruth of the statements
<br /> �2D�4-261 S Com�liance Sysiems,�n�.8C54-d415-2415.1 t.3,t�98
<br /> Cansumer ReaI Estate-Security Instrument DL2�35 Pa�e 4 af 5 www.c�Fnpfiancesystems.�orr3
<br />