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i <br /> 2� 1 �� 1519 <br /> DEED �F T�UST <br /> Laan No: ��'I�94�'i 7 �Cnntinued� Pag� $ <br /> r�parts, and appraisal �ees, �i��e insurance, and fiees �or the Trustee, �❑ the ex�en� pe�mitted by applicable law. <br /> Trusfivr also wi�� pay any�ourt costs, in addition t❑ all ❑ther sums proWided by law. <br /> Righ�s a�Trustee. Trustee shall ha�e all ❑fi the rights and du�ies of Lender as set farth in this sectian. <br /> .P�IIVERS AND �BLIGATIONS �F TRUSTEE. Th� fallvwing pro�isions relating t��he powers and obligations of Trustee <br /> are part of this Deed af Trust: . <br /> Pawers of Trustee. In addi�i�n to all powers af Trustee arising as a mat�er❑f law, Trustee shall have�he power to <br /> �ake the -Fol�awing actions with r�spe�t t❑ the Prvper�y up�n the written reques�of Lender and Trustor: �a} jain in <br /> preparing and filing a map or pla� of the Real Prop�rty, including the dedication o� streets or other r�ghts �o �he <br />� pub(ic; �h} jvin in gran�ing any easement or crea�ing any res�rictian an the Real Property; and �cy join �n any <br />� <br /> subordinatian or a�her agreement a��ecting this Deed ot Trust�r�he in�eres�of Lender und�r this Deed ofi Trus�. <br />; Trus�ee. Trustee shall meet all qualifica�i�ns required for Trust�e under applicabie Iaw. [n addition to the rights <br />� and remedies set �orth abv�e, with respect to all or any part of th� Property, the Trustee shall ha�e the right to <br /> foreclose by no�ice and safe, and Lender sha�i haW� �he right �o �oreclose by judicial fareclosure, �n efther cas� in <br /> accordance wi�h and to the full extent pro�ided by applicable law. <br /> Succ�sso�r Trustee. Lender, at Lend�r's optian, may fram time t❑ �ime appoint a successor Trus�ee�❑ any Trus�ee <br /> appoin�ed under fihis Deed ��Trus-k hy an instrument execu�ed and acknow�edged by and recorded in the <br /> office of the recorder ofi HALL C�un�y, State of Nebraska. The Enstrument shall cantain, in addition ta all ❑�her <br /> mafifiers required by state law, �he names of the original Lender, Trustee, and Trus�or, the book and page {or <br /> camputer system referen�e} wh�re this Deed of Trust is recarded, and the name and address o� the suc��ssor <br /> trustee, and the instrument shall be exe�u��d and acknowled�ed by all the bene#ic�ar3es under this Deed of Trust or <br />; their successvrs in interes�t. The su��essor trus�ee, without conWeyance of�he Property, shall succeed to all the <br /> ti�le, power, and duties conferred upon the Trus�ee in this ❑eed ❑�Trust and by applicable law. This prv�edure for <br /> subs�itu�ian o�Trustee shai! go�ern�❑�he ex�lusion af all o�her pro��sions for substitution. <br /> N�TI�ES. Any no�ice required �a be gi�en under thfs Deed af Trus�, in�fuding wi�hout limita�ian any notice of d�fiauit <br /> and any notice of sale shall he given in writing, and shall be ef�Fecti�e when actually deli�ered, when actually recei�ed <br /> by�elefacsimile �unless otherwise required by law}, vuhen depvsited with a na�ionally recognized a�ernight cvurier, or, Ff <br /> mailed, when deposi�ed in�he Uni�ed S�a�es mail, as �First c�ass, certi�ied ❑r registered mail postag� prepaid, directed �❑ <br /> �he addresses shown near the beginning of this ❑eed vf�rust. A�I copies o� na�E�es ❑t foreclosure from the holder of <br /> any lien which has pri�rity o�er fihis Deed o� Trust shall be sent ta Lender's address, as shown near the beginning ❑f <br /> this Deed af Trust. Any par#y may change Ets address for natices under this ❑eed ❑� Trus� �y gi�ing forma� written <br /> notice t❑ the ❑�her parties, specifying that the purpose of the notice is t❑ change the party's address. For notice <br /> purposes, Trustor agrees �o keep Lender inform�d at all times ❑f Trustor's currenfi address. Unless o�herwise pro�ided <br /> ❑r r�quired hy [aw, if�here is more than ❑ne Trustor, any natice given by Lender�❑ any Trustor is deemed to b� notice <br /> gi��n ta a��Trustors. <br /> M15CELLANE�US PR�V151�NS. The following misce��anevus pro�isians are a part o�this Deed ofi Trus�: <br /> Amendm�n�s. This Deed of Trust, together wi�h any Relat�d ❑ocumen-ts, cons�i�utes�he entire unde�standing and <br /> agreemen� ❑fi the parties as �o the mat�ers set forth in �his ❑eed of Trus�. Na al�era�ian af or amendment to this <br /> Deed of Trust shai� b� e-�-�ecti�e unless gi�en in writing and signed by the party �r parties s�ugh�t� be charged or <br /> b�und by�he alteration or amendment. <br />: Annual Repor#s. If #he Property is used tor purposes oth�r than Trustar's residence, Trustor shall furn�sh t❑ <br /> Lender, upon request, a cer�i�€�d sta��ment of net ❑perating in�vme r�cei�ed fram �he Prvperty during Trustor's <br />; pre�ious �tsca[ y�ar in such form and de�ail as Lender sha�� require. "Net �perating income" shall mean all cash <br /> r�ceip�s from fihe Property less a�l cash expenditures rnade in cnnnectian wi#h the�peratian of�he Property. <br /> Cap#ion HeadEngs. CaptEon headings in this D��d of Trust are for �on�en�ence purpvses only and are nat to be <br /> used�o �nterpret or define the pra�isians af this ❑e�d o-�Trusfi. <br /> Merger. There shall be na m�rger v�the in�erest❑r estate crea�red by this Deed of Trust with any ❑ther interest or <br /> es-tate in the Pr�perty at any time held by ❑r-�or the kaenefit ot Lender in any capacity, wi�haut�he wri�ten consen� <br /> ❑f Lender.� <br /> �overning Law. This Deed of Trust will be g��rerned by federai law appli�abie to Lender and, to the ex�ent no�k <br /> preemp�ed by federal law,the laws vf the Sfia�e of Nebraska wi�hout regard to i#s conflicts of lav►r pro�isions. This <br /> De�d of Trust has been ac�epted�y Lender in the State of Nehraska. <br /> Choice of Venue. Ifi there is a lawsui�, Trustar agrees upan Lender`s request ta suhmi� to th� jurisdiction ot the <br /> �our�s of Hall County, S�a�e o�Nebraska. <br /> Joint and 5�veral Liability. All �bligations of Trustar under this Deed o-� Trus�t sha�( be jnint and se�eraf, and aI� <br /> re�erenc�s �o Trustar sha�i mean each and e�ery Trus�or. This means that �ach Trustor signing belvw is <br /> responsibl�for all abligations in�his [7eed of Trust. <br /> No V1laiver by Lender. Lender shalj nat be deemed to ha�e wai�ed any rights under this Deed ❑�Trust unless su�h <br /> wa��er �s giWen in wri�ing and signed by Lender, No de�ay ar omission on the part a-� Lender in exercising any right <br /> sha�I operate as a wai�er af suCh right or any a-�her right. A wai�er by Lender of a prnvision ❑f this ❑�ed of Trus� <br />