2� 1 �� 15� 1
<br /> QEED �� TRUST
<br /> �Gantinu�d� ��gs 7
<br /> Amendments. T'his d�ed o�Trus�, tagether with any Related Dacum�nts, �onsti#ut�s the�ntire und��rstar�ding and
<br /> agreement of the parties as to the mat#ers sst forth in this Deed vf Trust. N❑ a�teration af or amendment to#his
<br /> C]�ed o�Trust s�hall be efif�cti�e unless gi�en in writing and signed by th� party or parties sought to be Charged or
<br /> bound by the alte�ation or emendment.
<br /> Annusl Repflrts. If the Property is us�d for purp�ses other th�n Trustor's residencs, 7rustvr shall �urn�sh to
<br /> Lender, upvn request, a certifisd statement of net apera�ing in�vme recei��d fro�n th� Prope�ty during Trustor's
<br /> pr��ivus fiscal y�a� in such farm and detail as Lender shall require. "Net vperating income" shal� mean all cash
<br /> rec�ipts from the Property less all cash exp�nditure�m�de+n�onnection with the flperation of the Property.
<br /> Ceptian Hsadings. Caption headings in this Deed ❑f Trust ar� for can�enienc� purpases �nly and are not tv be
<br /> used t❑ int�rpr�t❑r define the pra�isians o�this Deed af Trust.
<br /> IVler�e�r. There shall be no mer�er v�#he interest ar estate created bY this Deed of Tru�t with any�the�int�rest Qr
<br /> e�tate in the Property at any time heid by or f�r#he benefit o�L�nder�n any capacity, withaut the written consent
<br /> vf Lender.
<br /> Gv�arnina L�w. Th�s Deed vf Trust will be governed by federal law applicahle to Lender and, ta th� extent nat
<br /> pr�empte�d by f�deral�ew.the lews arf the Sta#e of Nebr�ka withvut regard to i�con�licts of law pro�isivns. Thia
<br /> aead of Trust has been a�c�pted by Lander in the�#�te vf Nebr�ska.
<br /> Ghoi�e of Venue. �� there is a lawsui�, Trustor agrees upon Ler�der's reques� ta submit to the �urisdic�ion af the
<br /> courts of Hall County, State of Nearaska.
<br /> Joint and Ss�aral Liabiiirty. All vhlig��ions of Borrower and T�ustor under this Deed of Trust shall be jvint and
<br /> se�eral, and all ref�r�nce�tv Trustor sha�!m�an each �nd��ery Trust�r, and ali references ta Bvrrower shall me�n
<br /> e�eh and e�ery Bvrrower. This m�ans that each Trustor si�ning heiaw is responsible far a!I obligations in this Deed
<br /> of Trust.
<br /> No Wai�er by Lender. Lend�r shall na�t b�deemed tv ha�e wai�ed any rights und�r this Deed vf Trust unless such
<br /> wai�er is g�ven in writing and signed by Lend�r. Na delay or�mission on the part v�L�nder in e�cercising any right
<br /> shalf opsrate as a wai►►er of such right or any other right. A wai�er by L�nder af e pra�isi�n of this Deed af Trust
<br /> shall nat prejudi�e ar Gonstitute a wai�er of Lender's right atherwise to demand strict cvmpliance with that
<br /> pro►►ision or any vther pro�isiQn of this Deed vf Trust. No prior wai�er �Y Lender� nQr any course air de�ling
<br /> b�tween Lender and Trustvr, shall cvnstitute a wai►►er o�an� of L�nder's rights or of any r�f Trustor's �bligati�ns
<br /> as �v any �uture transactivns. Whene�er the consent af Lender is requir�d under th�s Deed of Trust, the granting
<br /> af �uch cansent by Lender in any inst�nce shall not canst+tute continuing �ons�n� to subs�quent ins#an�es where
<br /> such c�ns�nt is required and in al�cases such consent may b�gr�nted�r withhefd in the sal�discreti�n af�ender.
<br /> 5��sr�bility. If a court af competent jurisdiction finds �ny prv�ision vf this Deed of Trust ta b� illegal, in�alid, ar
<br /> unenfQrc�able as tv �ny persvn�r circumstance, that finding shall not make ihe offending prvvision i�legal, in�alid,
<br /> or unenforceahle as ta any ather person or circumstance, if feasible, #he offending pra�ision shall be Gonsidered
<br /> m�dified sa th�t it bec�me� legal� �a�id and enfares�b�e. If the offend'+ng pro�ision cannvt be s❑ modified, it sh���
<br /> he considered de�e�ed from this Deed of Trust. Unless otherwise required hy law, the illegalit�, in�alidity. ar
<br /> unen�arceability vf any pro�isian of th�s De�:d�f Trust shall nat effect the legality, �alidity or enfvrceahi�ity ❑f any
<br /> other pro�ision of th�s Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Su��gssvrs and Assigns. Subject to any iimitatinns stated in th�s Deed af Trust vr� transfer of Trustar's tnt�rest,
<br /> this Deed of Trus# shall he bin�fing upvn and inure to the benefit of the perties, their successars and assi�ns. If
<br /> ownership crf the Prcaperty becomes v�sted ;n a person ather than Trustor� Lender� w�t�vut notice tQ Trus�ar, rnay
<br /> deal wi#h Trustvr's successars w�th re#erence tv this Qeed❑f Trust and the lndebtedness by way of f�rb�arance vr
<br /> extensivn without releasing Trustor fr�m the obligations❑f this D�ed of Trust❑r liability under the Indebtednes�.
<br /> Time is vf the Essence. Time is af the essence in the performance❑f this Qeed af Trust.
<br /> Wai�e Jury. All parties #o this Deed Qf Trust hereby wai��the right tv any jury trial tn any ection, proceeding, or
<br /> caunterclaim br�ught hy any party against any other p�rty.
<br /> Wa�i�er of Homeste�d Exemption. TrustQr hereby releases �nd wai�es �fl rights and b�nefits of the homestead
<br /> exemptivn laws of the S�ate of Nebraska as to all Indehtedn�ss secured hy this De�d of Trust.
<br /> DEFiNITlONS. The fallorrving �apitali��d �rva�rds and terms shall h��e the f�llowing m��nings when used in this ❑eed of
<br /> Trust. LJn�ess specificaf�y stated to th� cvntrary, all r�feren�es to dvllar a�m�un#s shall mean arnaunts in lawful money
<br /> ❑f the unit�d Stat�s a# America. Wards and terms use� in #he singular shall +nciud� the plural, and th� p�lura! sh�il
<br /> include the singular, as �he context may require. Wvrds and t�rms not otherwise de�+ned in this i]eed af Trust shall
<br /> ha�e the meanin�s attributed tv suGh terms in th�L�nifvrm Commercial Coda:
<br /> Banefi�iary. The word "Benefi�ia�y" means Ex�hange Ban�C,and�ts�uc�essars and�ssigns.
<br /> Borrawer. The word "Borrower" me�ns RH�A�S ENT'ERP�ilSES iNC and in�ludes all cv-sRgners and ca-makers
<br /> s+�ning the Nate and all their suc�essors and assigns,
<br /> Deec� �f Trust. The words "Deed o# Trust" mean this Dee�! of Trust among Trustvr, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes without limitatian a�� ass+�nment �nd security interest prv�isions ref�ting ta the Persanal Property and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> Default. The ward "C3efault" means th�Default set#vrth in this aeed Qf Trust in th�se�t��n titled "De#ault".
<br /> - ..._���... ,, ,..<.. _ . ,.�
<br /> En�ironme�ntal Laws. The words "En�irvnmenta! Laws" mean any and �I� ��sta�e. #ederal and Iv�al statutes,
<br /> regulations and ordinances relating tv th� prQteGtion of human�has�th vF the �nviranment, incl�ding without
<br /> limitatian the Cvmprehens+�e En�i�anmental R�spanse, Compensation� and Liability AcX c�f�198D, as amended, 4�
<br /> U.S.C. Section 95�"I� e#seq. �"CERCLA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reautharizatian Act of 198F, Pub. L.
<br /> Na. 9J-�9� �"SARA"f, the Hazardous Materials Transportation A�t,49 U.S.C, Section ?8��, et seq., the Resflurce
<br /> Conser�atian and Recv�gry Act, 42 U.S.C, 5e�tion 59��, et seq., or ather app��cable state or iederal laws, rules,
<br /> ar regulatians adopted pursuant thereto.
<br /> E�ent of De#ault. The wQrds "Event of❑efault" mean any of the events❑f default set#arth in this Qeed of Trust in
<br /> the e�ents of de�auft section of this Deed afi Trust,
<br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" means th�guaranty fram guarantor, �nd�rser, surety� or ac�ommodation party to
<br /> Lender, including wi�hout limitation a guarenty of all or par#of th� hla#�.
<br /> Hatardvus Sub�tan��s. �'h� words "Ha��rdaus 5ubstences" mean materials that, because ❑� their quantity,
<br /> concentrativn vr physical, chemieal ar infectivus chara�t�ristiGs, m�y cause ❑r pose a present�r potential hazard
<br /> t❑ human h�alth or the en�iranment when improperly used, treat�d, stored. disposed of, generated, manufactured,
<br /> transported or otherwise handled. The wvrds "Hazardaus 5uhstenGes" ar� used in the+r very hroadest sense and
<br /> include without limitativn any and all hazardous or tox�c substance�s, ma#erials or wasre as de�ined �y or I'rsted
<br /> under the En�ironmental Laws. The term "Haz��'doue Substanc�s" alsa includes� wfthout limitation, p�etroleum and
<br /> petraleum by-products or any fraGtiQn ther��f and esbestos.
<br /> Imp�rv�ements. The ►�vord "Impro�ements" means r'� ex+sting and future impra���m�nts, huildings, struc�ures,
<br /> mo�il� homes affixe�l on th� f�ea� Prvpesty, facilfti�s� :dditivns, r�piacements and other canstru�tion ❑n the Real
<br />