� 2� 1 �� 1491
<br /> Transfer�f the Pr�per�y ar a Benefici�l Int�r�st in Bvrrv�ver.�f a�l�r any par�of the Praperty or any�nterest
<br /> in it is sold �r transferred �or �f a beneficia� interes� in Borrovver is sold �r �ransferred and B�rr�w�r �s no� a
<br /> natura� person� ,vc�ithaut Lender's pr�ar wri�t�n consen�, Lender may, at its opti�n, require imm�dia�e paymer�t in
<br /> fu�I of aIl sums secured by th�s Securi� Instru.ment. HoWever, �his ap�ion shall no� be exercised by L�nder �f
<br /> exerc�se is prQhi�aite�by,federal law as of the date flf thxs Secur��y Instrumen�.
<br /> �f Lender exercises th�s ap�.ion, Lender sha�� gi�r� B arro�rer n��ice of accelerat�on. The noti�e sha11 provide a
<br /> perio� of not less than the minimum nurnber af days es�abli�hed by Applicable Lavtr fram the da�e the notice �s
<br /> �le��vered ar ma��ed �vzthzn vvhich Barravver mus� pay a�l sums secur�d by this Se�urity �ns�rwmer��. �f Borro�ver
<br /> fails to pay these sums pr�or to the exp�ra�ion of this p�r�od, Lender xrnay �nvoke any r�medies permi�ted by this
<br /> S�curi�y Instrumen�wi.thout further no�ice or demand fln Borrower.
<br /> Bflrrower's Right to Reinstate. �f Barrovver meets cer�ain cand�tions, Borrawer sha�� have �he r�g�� to have
<br /> enf�rcement of this SeGurity�ns�-ument discon��nued a�any t�me prior to the earl�er af: �a} 5 days (or such other
<br /> period as Applicable Lavv may specify for reinstaternen��before sale af the Proper�y pursuan�to any pa�ver of sale
<br /> canta�ned in �his S�curity �nstru.men�; or �b} entry of a judgment e�forcing �h�s Security �ns�rument. Those
<br /> conditions ar� �ha�Borrovver: �a} pays Lender ail sums which then w�u�d be due under�his Secu.rity �ns�ru.ment
<br /> and the Con�ract as if n�acce��ration ha�i occurred;�b} cures�.ny defau�t of an�flther cavenan�s or agre�ments; �c}
<br /> pays a��expenses incurred in�nforcing�h�s 5ecur��y�nstrumex�t, including,but nQt�imited to,reasnnable at�orneys'
<br /> fees �a �he ex�en�pern�.t�ed by�avv; and �d� takes such a�tion as L�nder may reasonahly require to assure tha��he
<br /> li�n of�his Security I�.stru.men�,Lender's rights in t�e Prop�rty ar�d Borrower's vbligatian��pay the sums secured
<br /> by this 5ecurity�nstrument shall continue unchanged. Upan rei.nsta�ement by Borrotiver, �his 5ecurx�r �ns�rument
<br /> and the obligations secured hereby sha11 remain fully effective �s if no accelera�ion had Q�curred. However, this
<br /> righ�t�reins�ate sha11 not apply in the case of accelera�ifln under�he sec�ian titled Transfer af the�'roperty flr a
<br /> Beneficfa�Interest�n�3arrower.
<br /> Hazardous Substances.Borra,tnrer sha��na�cause�r permit the presen�e,use, disposal, s�orage, or re�ease ❑f any
<br /> Hazardous Su�bstances on or in�he Property.Borro�ver sha1�no�da,nflr a11oW anyane else�o do,anything affecting
<br /> �he Praperty that is in vialati�n af any Er�viron.men�al Law. The p�ec�d�ng tw� s�n�ences sha1� nat app�y ta �he
<br /> presence,use,ar storage�on the Proper�y�f sm.a1�quan�t��ies of Hazardous S�bs�a.nces�hat are generally recogn�zed
<br /> t�b�apprapri.a�e ta normal re�idential uses and�o�.aintenanc�of�he Propert�r.
<br /> B�rro�wer shal�pr�mpt�y give Lender wri�t�n notice of any inv�s�igation,claim, demand, Iav�rsuif or ather action by
<br /> any gavernmenta� or regulatory agency or private party invo�ving the Prap�rfiy and any Hazardous Substance or
<br /> Environmenta� Lav�r af v�rh�ch Borrower has actua� kn�vv��dge, �f I3�rrflWer �earns, ar is n�tzfi�d by any
<br /> governmen�a� or regu�atory authar�ty, �hat any rem��al or ather r�mediation of any Hazardous Su�bs�ance affecting
<br /> �he Property is necessary, B�rravver shall pramp��y �ake a�I necess�.ry �emedial a�tians in ac�ordan�e wi�h
<br /> Eriv�ranmen�a.l Lav�.
<br /> As used�n�his paragraph, "Hazard�us 5ubs�ances" are th�se �ubstances def ne�i as toxic or hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Enviranmenta� Lavv and �he fallovving subs�ar�ces: gasoiine, k�r�sene, o�h�r flan�nab�e or toxic pe�roleum
<br /> prvducts, �oxic pesticides and herbicides, vola�ile so�ven�s, rnateria�s con�a�ning asbes�as flr f�rrr�ald�hyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive mater�a�s. As used in�h�s paragraph, "�nvironmenta�Law" xa�eans federal lav�rs and�avvs Qf the sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska�ha�rela�e to health,saf�ty or env�ronmenta�pratectiQn.
<br /> A��eieration; Remedies. Lender shall give not��e �o Borrower privr �o a�cel�rat�.on fo�low�ng Borr��er's
<br /> breach of any covenant or agr�ement xn this Sec�rity InStru�m�nt or the��ntra��under wh�.ch ac�e�era�ion
<br /> is permitted �but no�prior to ac���erat�vn under th� se�t��n ti�Ied Trar�sfer af the 1'r�perty or a Ber�eficia�
<br /> Interest in Borrawer, um�ess Applicable La� pr�vides o�h�rw�se�. The no��ce shall specify: �a� th� d�fauit;
<br /> ��} the ac�ion requ�red to cure the d�fault; {�} a date, r�ot �ess than the m�n�mum nur�ber of days
<br /> established by Applicable Lavv from the datt the notice is given �o B�rrow�r,by which the defau�t mu5t be
<br /> cured; and �d} �hat failure to cure the defauit on or befQre the date specxf�ed in �he n�tice rnay re�u�t �n
<br /> accelera��on of the sums secured by this S�curi�y Instrument and sale nf the Prnperty. To the extent
<br /> permitted by law, the �at��e shal�further�nfvrn�B�rrow�r of�he right to reinsta�e af�er accelera�ion and
<br /> the r�ght to bring a c�urt ac��on to asser�the non�ex�stenc�of a defau�t vr an�other defense flf Barr�wer to
<br /> acce�eration and saie.If the default is nvt cured �n or b�for� the date spec�fied in �he not�ce,Lernder at its
<br /> op��an may require xmmediate payment �n ful� vf a�� sums secured by th�s 5ecurity In�trurnent v�xthout
<br /> further demand and may inv�ke the po�ver of sale and ar�y �ther remedies permitted by Ap���cabl� Law.
<br /> T� the extent permitted by lavv, Lender shall be ent�t�ed to cflllec� all �xpenses incurred in pursu��g the
<br /> remedies prvvi�ed�n th�s Sec��on,�nc�uding,but not Iimited to, reasonable a�tflrneys' fees anc�co�t��f t���e
<br /> ev�denc�.
<br /> If the power of Sale�s xnv�ked, TrustQe shall re��rd a nflti�e �f defau�t in each �flunty�n wh�ch any part�f
<br /> �he Property is lo�ated and sha�l maii�opies of su�h n�ti�e in �he manner pres�r�bed by Applxcable La�to
<br /> BorrQwer and to the other persons pre5cribed by Appli�able Law. After th� tfine required �y A.ppl�cable
<br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e public nfltice �f sal� to �he persons and �n �he manner pr�s�raibed �y App��cable
<br /> Law. Trustee,w��hout demand �n BorrQwer, shal� se�l the Pr�per�y at public auc�fon t�the high�st�bfdder
<br /> at the�ime and p�ace and under�he terxr�s designa�ed in�h�noti�e of sale in one or more parc�ls and�n any
<br /> vrder Trustee de�ermine5. Trustee �na� p�stpane sale of �ll ar any parcel of the Property by �ublic
<br /> announcernent a�the t�me and place af any�revi�usly sch�duled Sale.Lender ar�ts designee r�ay purchase
<br /> the Property at any sale,
<br /> Upan reee�pt of payment�f the pric� bid, Tru���e shall deliver t� the�urcha�er Trustee's deed conveying
<br /> �he PrQperty. The reci�a�.s�n �he Trustee's d�ed �hall be pr��cna facie evidence�f the truth of the 5�atements
<br /> ��Q44-20i 5�om�Iiance Systems,Inc.SCS�-05EB-2015.l 1.3.1a98
<br /> Cvnsumer ReaI Estate-Security Instrument DL2�36 Page 4 vf 5 www.compliancesystems.�vm
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