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<br /> ��Dnt�nUed} Page 4
<br /> Trustvr which Trustor is authori��d or required�o deduc�€rom payments on the Indeb�edness secured by this type
<br /> v�i7eed of Trust; �3} a�ax on this type of aeed vf T�ust cha�geable agains�the Lender or th�holder�f th� N�#e;
<br /> and �4} a specifi��ax on al1 or any p�r�ivn of the Indebtedness❑r on payments v�prin��pai and in�erest made by
<br /> Trusfar.
<br /> Suhs�quent Tax�s. !f any �ax to wh�ch this sectian applies is enacted subsequen� tv the date of this Deed of
<br /> Trust, this e�ent shall ha�e the same efFect as an Even� �f aefault, and Lender may exerc�se any or al[ o� its
<br /> a�aila�le remedies fvr an E�ent of Default as pro�ided below unl�ss Trus�or either (1} pays the tax befvre i�
<br /> becomes delinquent,ar (2} cantests the tax as p�a�ided abo�e in the Taxe.s and Liens sec�ion and deposits wi�h
<br /> Lender cash or a sufficient corparVate surety bond o�v�her security satisfact�ry fi�Lender.
<br /> SECURITIC AGRE�NiEN�; FyNANGING STATEMENTS. The foll�wing provisions reiating to this Deed �fi Trust as a
<br /> security agreemen#are a part of this Deed❑f Trust:
<br /> Secu�-ity Agr�ement. This instrument shalC canstitute a S�curity Agreement to the extent any v� the Property
<br /> cvnsti�u�es fixtures, and Lender shali ha�e a�l af the righ�s of a secured party under the UnEf�rm CommercEal Cade
<br /> as amended from time to time.
<br /> Security lnteres�. Upon request by Lender, Trustar sha�f take whate�er action is requested by Lende�to perFect
<br /> and cvntinue Lender's securi�y int�rest in �he Rents and Pe�-sona� Properfy. In addition ta recording �his Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust in the real prvperty re�ords, �ende� may, at any time and wi�hout fur�her au�horization �rom Trustvr, file
<br /> executed counte�rpa�s, �vpies �r reprvduc�ions of this Deed ❑f Trust as a �inancing statement. Trus�ar shal�
<br /> reimburse Lend�r for all expenses incurred in perfecting or cantinuing this security interest. Upon default, Trustor
<br /> shall nvt remo�e, se�er or detach the Persanal Prvperky from the Pr�perty. Upon defau[�, Trustor shail assemble
<br /> any Personal Proper�y n�t affixed t�the Property in a manner and at a place reasanably canvenient ta Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailalal� ta Lender within thre� �3} days after receipt vf wr�tten demand €rom Lender to the
<br /> extent permitted by applicable[aw.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing ad�resses of Trustor �debtor} and L�nde� �secur�d party} from which sn�armatsvn
<br /> concerning �he securi�y inferest granted by this ❑eed of 7rust may be obtained �each as required hy #he Unifarm
<br /> Cvmmer�ial Code}are as s�ated on the�irst page vf this ❑eed vf Trust.
<br /> F�RTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. Th� following pro�Esions relating #o fu�her assurances and
<br /> atto�-ney-in-fact are a par�v'F�his ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> F u rth e r A s s u ra n ce s. At any�i me, and�rv m ti me t�ti me, upon req uest vf Lende�r, Trustor wi 1 f make, ex�cute�nd
<br /> def i�er, ar wi�I cause ta be made, executed ar del iver�i,to Lender or to Lenders designee,and when requested by
<br /> Lender, cause tQ be f led, r-eaorded, refiled, ot-rer�ecord�d, as tne case may be, a�such tsmes and 3n such offic�s
<br /> and places as L�nder may deem appropriate, any and all su�h mortgages, deeds af trust, security deeds, security
<br /> agreements, financing statements, cantinuativn sta�ements, instruments of further assuran�e, certifi�ates, and
<br /> other documents as may, in the svle opini�n of Lender, b�n?���?ry vr desirable in order to efFec�ua#e, c�amplete,
<br /> perfe�t, oantinue, or preserv�e �"l} Trustor's obligativns under the �ote, �his Deed vf Trust, and th� Related
<br /> Docurr�nts, and (2} the iiens and security int�rests creat�d by this D�eed v�F Trust as first and prior liens on the
<br /> Property,whether now vwned vr hereaf�er aoquired by Trustor. Unless prohibited by!aw or Lender agre�.s to the
<br /> cvnt�ary in writing, Trustvr shall reirr�urse Lender f�r all cas�s and e�enses incurred in connection with the
<br /> rr�atters referred t�in th�s Ra�-�graph.
<br /> A�torney-in-Fact. If Trustor fails to do any of the things referred to in the preced�ng paragraph, Lender may dv sv
<br /> for and in the name of Trustvr and at Trustvrs expense. �or su�h purpases,Trustor hereby i�~re�ocably appoin�s
<br /> Lende�as Trusto�'s attorney-i n--�a�t fa�the purpose o�maki ng,executi ng, del i�eri ng,fi 1 i ng, recordi ng, and dvi ng al l
<br /> o�h�r things as may be nec�ssary ar desira�ie, �n Lender's sole opinion, to ac�vmplish �he matters referred to in
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. !f Trustor pays al�the lndebtedness, inc�uding without[imifiatian all�uture ad�ances, when due,
<br /> and atherwise pe�forrns a!I �he ob�iga�ians impvsed upon Trusto� under this D�ed af�rust, L�nder shall execu�e and
<br /> deliver to Trustee a request far fulf �-econ��yance and shal� execute and deli�er tv Trustvr suitable s�atements af
<br /> termi nation of any fi nanci ng statemen� an fi le evidenci ng Lend�r's secu rity i nterest i n �he Ren�s and the Personal
<br /> Property. Any recan�eyance fee required by Iaw shall be paid by Trustor, ifi perrnitted by applicable law.
<br /> EVENTS DF DEFAULT. Ea�h ❑f the f�llaw[ng, a� Lender`s option, shall cans�itute an Event of Default under this Deed
<br /> of T�ust:
<br /> Payment�efau�#. Tn.,stnr fails t❑ make any payment when due under the Indebtedness.
<br /> Other Defaults. Tn,�star fails to comply wi�h ❑r to perFvrm any other term, obligatian, covenant ar condi#�an
<br /> con�ained in this aeed ❑f Trust ❑r sn any af the Rela�ed Documents or ta c�mply with ar ta perfvrm any term,
<br /> abligation, co�enant vr conditivn cvn�ained in any o�her agreement between Lender and Trustvr.
<br /> Camp[�ance Defaut�. Failure to comply with any other term, v�ligativn, covenan� or condition contained in this
<br /> Deed of Trust,the Note ar in any of�he Re�ated Qocumen�s.
<br /> Default on�ther Payments. FaElure of Trustar wi�hin the time requEr�d by this Deed of Trust to make any payment
<br /> fvr taxes ar insurance,or any�ther payment necessary to pre�ent filing a�'�r to effect discharge of any[ien.
<br /> Defau�� in Fa►►or o�Third Parties. ShQuld Gran#vr de�auEt under any loan, ext�nsivn of credit, securi�y agreement,
<br /> purchase ar sa[es agreement, or any qther agreement, in fa�or❑�any vther creditvr or pe�son that may mater�ally
<br /> a�fec� any ❑f Gran�o�'s pr�perty ar Grantor's abi[i�y t❑ repay fihe Indebtedness or Gran�or's ability ta perfvrm
<br /> Grantvr's obligatians under this Deed❑f Trust vr any o�the Rela�ed Dvcumenfs.
<br /> False 5tatemen�s. Any warranty, �epresentatian ❑r s�a�ement made �r furnished ta Lender by Trus�vr �r on
<br /> Trustv�'s behalf under this Deed�fi Trust or#he Re[ated Documents is false ar misl�ading in any material respe�t,
<br /> either naw or at the�ime made ar�urn�shed❑r becomes fa[se vr mEsleading at any time thereaft�r.
<br /> I3efecti�e Gvllateratizatian. This Deed vf Trust or any of the Refated Documents �eases ta be �n fu[[ ��rce and
<br /> ef�ect �including failure of any colla�eral dacument to create a�alid and per�ected security �nteres��r lien} a#any
<br /> time and for any reasvn.
<br /> 1Death or Insvl�ency. The death of Trustor,the insalvency of Trustar,the appointment�f a r�c�iver fo�any part ofi
<br /> Trustor's pr��erty, any assignment fiar the benefit of creditors, any type qf �r�ditar workout, or the
<br /> commencem�nt of any pro�eeding under any bankruptcy�r insolvency iaws by or against Trustor.
<br /> Credit�r or For�eii�ure Proceedings. �ammencemen� v�fa�e�lasure or forfeiture proceedings, �rvhe�her by judicial
<br /> proceeding, se[f-help, repvssession or any a�her meth�d, by any creditor of Trustor ar by any go�ernmental agency
<br /> against any prop�rty securing the lndebtedness. This in�[udes a garnishment of any of Trustor'S aCCaUn�S,
<br /> inc[uding deposit accvunts, with Lend�r. H�wever, this E�en� ❑� �efault sha�l nat app�y if there is a good �aith
<br /> disput� by Trustar as to the �a[idity vr reasvnabEeness vf the cla�m which is #he basis of fihe credi�or vr�orfeiture
<br /> proceeding and if Trus�ar gi�es Lender wri�ten no�ice af the creditvr or fvrfeiture prv�eeding and depasits wi�h
<br /> Lender monies ar a surety bond�or�he creditvr or forfeiture procee�ing, in an amounf determined by Lender, in its
<br /> sale discre#ion,as being an adequate reselve or bvnd for the dispute.
<br /> Br�ach of�ther Agre�ment. Any br�ach by Trustor under the terms of any other agreement between Tn.�stor and
<br />