2� 1 �� 14�3
<br /> ❑EED �� TRUST
<br /> ��ont�nued� Page �
<br /> cantral af the Praperty; ��} use,❑p�ra�e or manage the Praperty;and �3} callect the Rents firom�he Praperty.
<br /> Duty to IVlaintain, Trustor shal� main�ain �he Property in tenantable conditian and prompt�y per�orm all repairs,
<br /> replacements,and maintenance necessary�v preserve its�alue.
<br /> Cvmpliance Vlfith En�ironmental Laws. Trus�vr represents and warrants to Lender that: �'�} During the period vf
<br /> Trustor's❑wnership of the Property,there has been na use,generation, manu�a�ture,stvrage,�reatment,disposal,
<br /> release or threatened release ❑f any Hazardous 5ubstance by any �erson on, under, ahoufi �r frvrn #he Proper�y;
<br /> ��} Trustor has na knowledge��, or reason tv belie�e that�here has been, �xcept as pre�iously disclased to and
<br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing, ta} any breach �r �iolat�on ❑f any En�ironmental Laws, tb} any use,
<br /> generation, manufacture, stvrage, treatment, disposaf, relea�e or threaten�d release a� any Hazardous Subsfanee
<br /> �n, under, about nr from the Proper�y by any pri�r owners o�- ocGupanfs afi the Properly, o�r �c} any ac�ual ❑r
<br /> threatened litiga��an or claims of any kind by any person relating to such matters; and �3} Except as pre�iously
<br /> d�sclvsed to and acknawledged t�y Lender in writing, �a} neither T�rustvr nor any tenant,cvntractor,agent or other
<br /> authorized user o��he Property shall use, generate, manu�ac�ure, sfore, treat, dispose❑f or release any Hazardous
<br /> 5ubstance on,under, about ar firom�he Proper�y;and �b} any such acti�ity sha[l be canducted in compliance with
<br /> all applicable federal, state, and ioca� laws, r�gulati�ns and ❑rdinances, including without limita�ion all
<br /> EnvirvnmentaF Laws. Trustar authorizes Lender and its ag�n�s t� enter upon the Property to make such
<br /> inspectians and tests, at Trus#o�'s expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine carnplian�e af the
<br /> Pr�perty with thi� sectian af the Deed afi T�us�. Any inspec�ions ��- tes�s made by Lender shail be�or L�nder's
<br /> purposes❑nly and shall nvt be�vns�rued to cr�ate any responsib�i�ty ar liabilify an�he part of Lender�0 1'rus�ar or
<br /> tv any o�her person. The represen�ations and warranties contained herein are based on Trustar's due diligence in
<br /> investiga�ing the Property�or Hazardous Substances. Trustar hereby {1� ��leases and wai�es any fu�ure claims
<br /> against Lender�or indemnity vr�vn�ribution in the e�en� Trustar becvmes �iab[e�vr c�eanup or other c�s�s unde�
<br /> any such laws; and ��} agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any and a�l claims, �osses,
<br /> liabifit3es, damages, penalt�es, and expenses which Lender may directly or indirec�ly sustain ar suf�e�resulting frvm
<br /> a breach af thi� sec#ion of�he Dee� of Trust ar as a c�nsequence af any use, generatian, manufa�ture, s#orage,
<br /> dispasal, release❑r threatened release occur�ing p�-ior�o Trustor's ownershEp or in�eres�in the Pr�perty,whether or
<br /> nat the same was or shoufd ha�e b�en known to Trustor. The p�ovisions of this s�ction ❑f the �eed of Trust,
<br /> including the obliga�ion to indemn��y and defend,sha��survive the paymen�o��he fndebtedness and the satisfaction
<br /> and recon�eyance v�the lien ofi this Deed o�Trust and shalf nvt be affeGted by Lender's acquisition v�any in�erest
<br /> in�he Pt�operty,whe�her by fareclosure or atherwise.
<br /> Nuisance, Waste. Trus�or shal� not cause, con�uct or permit any nuisanoe nar cammi�, permit, or suffer any
<br /> stripping nf❑r was�e an or�v the Prope�iy or any parkivn o��he Property. Wifhout Eimifing the generality�f the
<br /> for�going, Trus�v�will n�t remo�e, �r grant tv any ather party the right ta r�mo�e, any timber, minera�s{inc�uding
<br /> aif and gas}, caal, clay,scvria, soil, gra�el��rock produc�s wi�h�ut Lender's privr written �ansent.
<br /> Rema�al af CmproWemen�s. Trust�r shall not demolish or remo�e any Impravements from the Rea�Prvperty►nrithout
<br /> Lender's priar writfien cansent. As a canditivn to the remo�al o�any Improvements, Lender may require Trusf�r to
<br /> make arrangernents sa�isfactory to Lender tv replace such Impra�emen�s with Imprv�em�nts vf at least equal
<br /> �a�ue.
<br /> Lender's F�ight#a Enter. Lender and Lend�r's agents and �epresentati�es may enter upon th� Real Property at alI
<br /> reasonable ti�rnes tv attend to Len�e�'s �nterests and tti irtspe�t the Real Psoper�y for purposes of Trustor's
<br /> compEiance w ith the terms and cond�tivns v��h is Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Cvmplian�e with Ga�ernmental Requirements. Trustar sha[[ pramptly comply with all [aws, ordinances, and
<br /> regulafions, nQw �r he�-eafter in effect, of al[ gn�ernmental autharities app[i�abl� to the use ❑r ❑ccupancy vf the
<br /> Property, including wi�hnut limifation, the Americans V1Jith Disabilities Acf. T�us�ar may con�est in good fa[�h any
<br /> such faw, �rd�nance, ar regulation and wi�hho�d cvmp[�ance dursng any proceeding, inc�uding apprvpriate appea[s,
<br /> so lang as Trustor has notified Len�er in writ�ng priar#o dving s❑and sv long as, in Lender's sol�opini�n, L�nd�r's
<br /> �nterests in the Property are not jeQpardized. Lender may require Trustvr to past adequate secu�-ity or a surety
<br /> bflnd, reasvnably satis�actory to Lender,t❑ protect Lender's interest.
<br /> Duty ta Prvte�t. Trustar agrees neither to abandqn ar lea�e unattended the Property. Trustor shall do all athe�
<br /> ac�s, in additian to those ac�s set forth abo�e in this sec�ivn,which from�he character and use❑f the P�-operty are
<br /> reasonably necessary tv pratect and preserve the Praperty.
<br /> T►�7CES AND LIENS. The following prv�isions relating tv the taxes and Iiens on the Property are par� vf this Deed a�
<br /> T�ust:
<br /> Paymer�t. T�-ust4�shall pay when due�and in a�l events prsor'�o delinquency}all taxes,specia!ta�ces,assessments,
<br /> charges �in�luding water and sewer}, fines and �mpositions levied agains�ar on a�Goun�of the Properiy, and shall
<br /> pay when due aIl claims for work dane�n or for services rendered❑r material furnished tv the Prope�ty. Trustor
<br /> shall maintain�he Prvperty free a�al! liens ha�ing priori�y oW�r ar equal ta the interes#❑f Lender under this Deed�f
<br /> Trust, except far the lien o� �axes and assessmen�s not due and except as a�herwise pro�ided En this Deed af
<br /> Tru s�.
<br /> Right to Contest. Trustor may vuEthhvld paymen�Qf any tax, assessment, vr claim in conn�cfii�n with a good faith
<br /> dispute o�er th��bligativn to pay, so lnng as Lender's interest in the Praperty is no#jeopardi�ed, If a lien arises or
<br /> is filed as a resul�❑f nonpaymen�, Tn.rstar shall within fifteen �'15� days after�h� fien arises or, if a lien �s filed,
<br /> within fifiteen �"i 5} days af�er Trustvr has noti�e of#he filing, secure the discharge of�he fien, ❑r i� requested by
<br /> Lender,dspasi�with Lender cash ar a sufficien�corp�ra�e surety bvnd ar ofiher se�urity safisfac�ary to Lender in an
<br /> amaunt suffi�ient to discharge�he lien plus any�asts and attorneys'fees, ar ather charges that cvu�d accrue as a
<br /> resu�t af a farecl�sure ar sale unde�-�he lien. ln any con�es�, Trus��r shall defend i�self and Lender and shai[satisfy
<br /> any ad�erse judgment�aefare enf�rcement against the Property. Trust�r sha([ name Lender as an add't�ianal�h��gee
<br /> under any su�ety band furnished in the cvntest prviceedin�s.
<br /> E�idence v�Payment. Trusto�shaSl upon demand fumish �v Lender satisfactoty e�idence v#payment of the i�axeS
<br /> ar assessments and shat[ au�hori�e the appr�priate gv�ernmen�al a�fi�ial to deli�er to Lender at any tim� a written
<br /> stafiemen#of�he taxes and a�sessments aga�ns�the Praperty.
<br /> Notice o�Canstructian. Trustar shall natify Lender at�east fifteen �'�5} days before any work is commenced, any
<br /> senrices are�urnished, ❑r any materials are supplied�o the Praperty, if any mechanic's [ien, materialmen's lien, ar
<br /> o�her Cien �auld be asserked on accoun�of the w�rk, services, ar materials. Trusto�wili upvn reque$t of Lender
<br /> furnish �a Lender ad�anc� assurances satisfactory t� Lender �hat Trust�r �an and will pay the cvst of such
<br /> impra�ements.
<br /> PROPERTY�AIVIAGE 1N5URAN�E. The�o�lowing pro��s�ons re�ating ta insuring the P�vperty are a part af this Deed vf
<br /> Tru st.
<br /> Il�laintenance of Insuran�e. Trust�r shall pracu�e and maintain palicies of fire insurance wi�h sfandard extended
<br /> cv�erage endvrsements on a fair �alue �aas�s for �he full insurable �alue ca�ering all lmpro�emen�s on the Real
<br /> Prvperty in an amoun� sufficient ta a�v�d applica�ion of any coinsurance clause, and with a standard mortgagee
<br /> c�ause in fa�ar❑f Lender. Trustor shal[also procure and maintain comprehensive general lialai[��y insuran�e in such
<br /> �overage amounts as Lender may reques� with Trustee and Lender being named as additional insureds in sueh
<br /> liability insurance pa[icies. Additivna[ly, Trustor shall maintain su�h other insurance, including but not limited tv
<br />