2� 1 �� 14�2
<br /> �ec��on 5 tha�repazr or r�tora.t�a��s���econom�ca.���r fea.sr�Ie, �orro�er s�a.��pro�p���repazr�he Pra�er�y ��
<br /> dam�.�ed �o �vo�r� �r�her de��r�oration o�- �.arnage_ �f �x�suran�� a�- cond�r�a�iafl proce�tis are p�� in
<br /> co�n��i�n �vv��h dam.�ge ta, a� th� ta�tin� a�, t�e �PFa�ez�, Bo�r��rer �hall �e �r�spons���� f�r ��a�g or
<br /> xes�oring�he�roper�y anly Yf T ender�.as�rel.eased pro�eeds fa�r s�.ch pur�os�s. T�emder�ay d�sburse p��ce�
<br /> � far the rep�.zrs an� re��o�a.�o� i� a s�.��� �aymen� ar in a sene� �f pr��e�s pa�Zne��s as �.e �or� zs
<br /> comp�eted_ ��the ir��rax�.ce or cond�a�.an pra�eed.� a�e no� suf�cient �� re�a.�r or res���e �he l�ro�er�r,
<br /> �3flrr���r is n��ze�.ze�ed���c�rro�ve�s obl�gat��n f�r�e compl��.a�a�suc�i r��a7.r�r res��ra��a�_
<br /> �end�r�r i�s���n�n�ay ma�e r�sona��e entr�es�.po�a��i�spec�z�ns af�e����ert�r. ��x��.as reasanab��
<br /> cause, L��.d�t- r�.�.y �nsp�c� �e �.n��rzflr of t�.e �mprave���s o� �he Prop�r�_ �er��.er sha.I.� gi�re �arra�e�-
<br /> no��ce at t�.e t�me af or pri�r to such a,��n�erior���c��on.spec���g suc��easo�a.��e cause. ,
<br /> S. �vx-ro�ver}s �oa�.�.������i��s �o�r���r sha��. be in defau.�t�.f, a�.rin� �he��ar� app�ica�.on pr��ess,
<br /> Barrov�rer or a.n�r �erso�s ar ���.�e� ac�.n� a� �he dire��o�. af�orr��ver or �i� �3o�rower's �aowl�d�e ar
<br /> �onsen� �ave �aa��ri.a��y �'als�, m�s�ea��n�, ar �.�.ac�ura�e �forma�an �r sta.�em���s �a L�ader �or fa�.�ed. ��
<br /> pro�r��.e�.ender vv��.h�n.a��ria� i�.forr�.a��on} zn�o�.�c�on�i�h�.�Loan. �I�Iateri� re�re�en�t�ons �nc��de, b�.�
<br /> are ��� ��.��#�d�Q, repr�senta�o�s concern�.x�.� ]Bor�-o�v�r�� �ccu�anc� of the�'ro�e�ty as ��rro����s pr�.czpa�
<br /> r���.en�e.
<br /> �. ��v��c��x� o����.�.e�-�� �����s�����P�-����r �d����it�L nd��-t]E�.s S e����-�s�.�e�f4 If�a}
<br /> Bo�-ra�re� fa.��.s t� perf�rm ��ie �o��nax�ts a�.�a�r�emen.�s ����a�.ned �.�. �.h�s ��c�z�.t� �s�m.ent, {b� �ie�� �.� a
<br /> ���a� pr�c�edina �.at �..��� 5��.��a�t�y affect I,en�e�s i�.��rest �a. th� �'roper� ar�.dl��r �z���s u��.er �s
<br /> Security Instr�rn�n� �suc� as a px-ace�din� �. �anl�rup�c�, p�o�ate, f�r �o�d�m:�at�,oz� or �orfe�ture, for
<br /> en�ax�ce�.��t �� a ��en �rhic�. rn�a� a�.�. �riarity �v�r �i� Security �n��men� or �a en�'orce �a�s a�-
<br /> r�au�at:�an�s}, ar �c� �3arra�xrer has aba�c���ed t�� P��pe�, �.en �end.er ma� d� ar�ci �a�r ��� �hat���r is
<br /> �-ea��nab���r appra�r�a�e��protec�Le�de�°s in��r��t in�e Prop�r�y a�.d xib�.�s u�c��r�s �e�ur��y�s�.men�,
<br /> in�I�d�n� p�at�c�n� andlar as�es�ing the va�.ue of th� Prape�y, a�.d. �ecurirz� andl�r re�a.�� the �'r�g�r�y-
<br /> Le��.er`s act��ns car� i�.cl�.d�, �u�are�at I����d to: �a��ay�.r��any s�.ns��cu�-e���a��en�rh�c�ha� pz�.or��
<br /> ov�� �h�.s Securzty instrume�.�; �b� appear�z�.� In �o�.rt�; ar�d (c� pa�g �easonab�e a�.t�zxa.e�s` �ees �a p�o�ect ��s
<br /> �.n�e�est in �he Fr�p er�y anc��� �-igh.�s ��e�- �h%s 5 ecuz�ty Inst�--umen�, in.���.c�i�.� ��s secu�ed �a sifiza r� rn a
<br /> ba�k�uptcy �roce��.i�.�. Secu�i.n��he�rape�r �.��u�es; �ut xs not��mit�d to, �n�erzn� ��PFo�e�rty t� �a��
<br /> repa�s, chaan�e ��c�s, r���.a�e a���a��u� daars an��ri�.ao�s, dra�.n�ra�e�-f.�ax�p�p�s, e��min�.te�u��d�� ��
<br /> ��.her c�d��v���a�io�s or a�.a��erau� ct��dit�ans, a.�.d��.�e�.�.���.�s��c� on o�off_ �L��ou��.�Ge�c�e�-may�a�e
<br /> a�#�o�.u�.dez�.��ect�on 9, L�nder dQe�nflt ha�re to d� so a�.c��s�at un�.�r an�r d��y Q�-obli�at�.on�� dQ s�. I�
<br /> is a�rree��i.at i�en�c�er�.x�cu.rs no Ixa����.�r���n���a�.x�.�a�.�r�r a��ae���s�.��or�.��d�.nder�.�.s S��.on�.
<br /> Anv ama�n�s d�s�ursed b��e�.der uxz��r ��.s S�a�9 sha1� ��o�.e add��.�na� de�t af B�rro�er secur�d
<br /> by�his 5ecu�t�Ix�.s�men�_ T`�es�amou.n�s s�����r xn�erest �t t�.e��t��ate fra�a�he�e of c�isbur�se�en�
<br /> an�s1aa��be pay��e,�.vi�z s�ch in�eres�,�z�a�.z�o�ic��-om�Ger�d�to B��ro���'rec�u�st���pa��n�.
<br /> If�s Securi.t�r Ins�men��s on a�eas�ha�d, B��r�u���'sha1�campl��r���.�X�h.e�r��r�.�r��.� o��.e].�ase. I�
<br /> �3�rro�rer��quir�s�ee����e t��`c�.�Pr�p�r�y, �h��ease�.o�.�a�.d�he fee�x��e sha1�n��mer�e unless L,ender a�ree�
<br /> �t��.he m��g�er��urrzt�n�-
<br /> �.0. IV.�c���a�� �.s�'�.x���. ���.ender r�u�red N��r��a.�� �sura�ce as � �or�d.�.t�on af�a���� �e �oar�,
<br /> �3ar��wer sha���ay�e p�-e�niums req€�ir�d�o �aY�t.air��h�NI��t�a.�e�n.st�an.ce ��.ef�ect. If, for any rea.s�r�, fhe
<br /> 11iIor�a�e Inst�.x-ance �ave�age r�qui�-�c�. b� �e�c�e�- Geases �o be avai�.able from �he �Qr��a�e �ns�rer �iat
<br /> �revio�s�y pr�vi.ded sue� �su�ar�e� aIl� �flrro��r �va.� req�xred tfl ma�e sep�ra�el� �.es��a��d. pa�rm.en�s
<br /> ���vard the �remuum� ��r 11�or��a�� �.sura�ce, Borro�rer s�all pa��he pre�n�ums r�qu�red to �b�a.�. �overa�e
<br /> s�.bsta�.t�a���u�va�e�.��a�.e�Ilart�a�e]�n.s�z-a�aG��xe�ia�.s��r in�ffec�, a�a c�s�subst�.�za.��y�u��ra�e�t�o�e
<br /> cost t4 �3flrro��r of�e Mor�ga�e �rxs�ra�.c�pre�i�us�.�r �n��ec�, �ro� a�al�er�a��a�aa��a�� �su�e� se��cted
<br /> by�e�der. �f su�s��ial�� �qu��rale�.�h���gabe �a.s��ance �ov�rage �s not a�rai�a�O�e, ��r�a��r s�al� �ont�n.ue
<br /> �a pay to Len�er th�ama�.n�fl���s�p�a.���y e��s��a�e�pa�.en�s t�a��re�e due�r�.e�.t�.e��.suran.c��o�rera��
<br /> c�a.s�d �o be in effect� Ler�der v►����. accep�, �.se ar�.d re�a� �.e�e paym���s �.s a no�-re�.da��e �c�s� �res��ve i�.
<br /> ��eu of�Ior�ba�e rnsura�ce. �uG�.Ioss reser`re s�.a�������-r�fu�dab�e, n��r�#�ista�d.ing t��fa���iat�.e Loan.
<br /> �s ulti�.at��y�a�d i� �u��, ax�.d�e�c�er sha�.I�.a��� req��red �� pa��arra�v�r �y ir�t�res� �r ear�.i�gs o�s�ch
<br /> �.fl ss res�re_ Len�er c� n� �ong�r re�u��e la�s r�s�r�r� �a�a��t� af �o��ag� I�.su�an�e c��re�e ��n. �e
<br /> arn.flu�� agd for t�.e perr�od �ha� Lender req�i�-es� prov�de�. b� a� i.�s�r�z se��ct�d b� Le�d�r a�ain �ec�m�s
<br /> ava��ab�e, �s ob�a�ned, and Lend�r r�qu�.�es �e�axa�e�� c�es��a�e�paym�e�ats�otivard��.�premiums �or Nlort�a��
<br /> Yrzsuranc�_ If Lender �e��ure� Mo��a�� Yus�ran�e as a cond���.on of maki.x�� t�e I�an �.xa.� Borro�er :�as
<br /> ��c�uir�a�o mak�separa��Iy�iesignat�d�aa�.�nts to�a�-d�.e p��xx�..ium�s for�Ilg��e�surance, �c��ra�r�r s�Za��
<br /> �iEBR�S��Singie �amily-Far�r����aelF��ddi��ac���F�F��MS��L����1�'
<br /> ��r���28'���'�
<br /> f
<br /> Laser Farms ln�.��d}4�-�'r3�� y
<br /> LFI�FN MA3Q28 9I'i'� .����7 of�� �n i�a�s: __,._,�___ �.
<br />