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2� 1 �� 1397 <br /> v�E� oF YRus-r <br /> tContinued� Page 2 <br /> r���ese or threatened releese of any Hazardous Subs#ance by any person vn, under, about ar fram the Praperty; <br /> �2y Trustor has no know�edge of, vr reason to belie�e that there has been, except as pre�i�usly disclosed to and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing. �a} eny breaGh vr �iolativn vf any En�ironm�ntal Laws, {by any use, <br /> generation, manufactura, s�orage, treatment, disposa�, release vr threa�ened releas� af any Haz�rdaus 5ubstance <br /> on, under, abaut or �rom the Property by any prior owners vr v�cupants o# the Property, ❑r �c� any ac#ua� or <br /> threetened litigat�on or claims af any kind by any persvn relating to such matters; and t3f Except as pre�iously <br /> discivs�d t❑and acknvwledged by Lender in writin�, �a� ne�the�Trustoc nvr any tenant,contractar,agent ar othe� <br /> authvriz�d user o#the Praperty shall use, genara#e, manufacture, stare, tre�t, dispose af�r refeasg any Hazardous <br /> SubstanCe on, under, abaut or�ram the Praperty; end th1 any such acti�fty shali be conducted in comp�iance w�th <br /> a�� applicable federal, state, and lo�a[ laws, regulations and ordinances, including withvut limit�tion all <br /> En�ironmentel Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender and its egents to enter upon th� Property to make such <br /> inspecti�ns and tests, at Trust�r's expense� es Lender may deem appropriate ta determine oampl�ance of the <br /> Property with this sect�an ofi the Deed ❑f Trust. A►ny inspections or tests made by Lender shalll be fvr Lendsr's <br /> purposes�nly and shal�not be canstrued tQ cre�te any responsibi�ity or liability an the part of Lender ta Trus�tor ar <br /> tv any o�her persan. The represen��tions and warranties cont�insd herein are based vn Trustvr's due diligenc� in <br /> in�estigating the Property fvr Ha�ardous Suhstances. Trustor hereby �1 y releases and wai�es eny future claims <br /> against Lender for indernnity or contributian in the e►►ent Trustor hecames liable f�r cleanup or ather �osts under <br /> eny such iaws; and t�y agrses to indemnify, defend, �nd hold harmless Lender agains#any and a11 claims, losses, <br /> �i�bi�ittes, damages, �enelties, and expenses whia�Lender may direct�y ar ind�rect�y sust�tn or suffer resulting from <br /> a breach of this sectian of th� Deed of Trus� or �s a c�nsequence ❑f any use, genera�ivn, manu#acture, storag�, <br /> dis�asal, release❑r threatened re�ease vccurring prior to T�ustor's ownership o�intere�t in the Property, whether ar <br /> not #he same was ❑r should ha�e been known to Trustar. The pro�isions of #his �ectian of the C3�ed of Trust, <br /> �ncluding#he obligativn to indemnify and defehd, sh�ll sur�i�e the payment vf the Inc�abtedness�nd the satisfactivn <br /> end recvn�eyance o�rhe lien o##his Deed a�Trust and sha11 not be affected by Lender's acquisitian af any interest <br /> in the Proper#y, whether hy foreclosure or otherwise. <br /> Nu�sance, 1111aste. Trustor sha11 not cause. �onduct ar permit any nuisan�e nor �vmmit, perm+t, vr suffer any <br /> stfiipping af ar waste on or ta the Prvperty ar any partion o#the Prvpe�ty. Without lrmiting the genera�ity o� the <br /> f�ragoing, Trustar wi11 not remo�e, or grant to any other party the r�ght ta rema�e, any#imber, minerals tincluding <br /> oil and gasf� caal. Giay.s�ar�a,saii,gra�ei nr rock praducts without Lender's prior written�onsent. <br /> I�s�nv�al of Impro�ements. Trust�r shall nat d�moli�h or remo�e�ny lmpro�em�r�tg#�om the FteB! P��perty withau� <br /> Lender's prior written consent. As a conditian to the remaval of an��mpro�emen�s� Lender may r�quire T�ustor to <br /> r�tske arrangements satis�Fsctory #a Lender ta replace such lmprv�gmants with Impr��ements vf at least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> L��tdar's Right ta Enter. Lendsr and Lender's egents and representati�es may enter upon the �teal Property at all <br /> reesonable times ta attend tv Lender's interssts and to inspect the Real Property #or purpvses of Trustor's <br /> compiian�e with the te�ms end G�nditiQns af this Deed af Trust. <br /> ��mpliance wrth �o�ernmet�ta! Rsqu�rements. T�ustor shell promp#�y c�mply with all lews, ordinances, and <br /> re9ul�#ions, naw or hereaft�r in ef#e�t, af all go�ernmental authorities app�icahle to the use ar occupancy of the <br /> PraQerty, including withvut timitation, the Americans W�th Disebilities Ac#. Trustor may contes�in good faith any <br /> suc� law, ardinanGe, or regulation and w�th�aid campliance during eny praceeding. inc�ud�ng appropriate appeais, <br /> so Iang as Trustor has nnti�ied Lender in writing pr��r to doing so and s�long as, in Lender's svle opinion, Lender's <br /> interests in the Prvperty �re not jeopardized. Lender may require T�ustor to pa�t adequate security or a surety <br /> bond� reasonably satisfactory to Lender,to pratect Lender's tnterest. <br /> Duty to Pr�tect, Trustor sgrees neither t� abendon vr lea�e unattended the Prvperty. Trustiar shall da aEl other <br /> acts, in additian to those acts set forth aha�e in this ssc#ion, which fram the character and use af the Property are <br /> reesonably necessary t�protect and preser�e the Praperty. <br /> ; <br /> DUE�N SALE-C�NSEi1�T B�LEIV�ER. Lender may, at Lgnder's opti�n,de�lare �mmed�ately due and payab�e a!I sums <br /> secured by this Deed of Trust upon the safe vr transfer, wi�hout Lender's prior written cvnsent, ❑f all or any part flf the <br /> Rea� Property, or any interest in the Real Property. A "sale or trans#er" means the Cvn�eyance of Real Prop�rty ar any <br /> r�ght. title �r interest in the Real Property; whether legal, �eneficE�[ ar equitable; whether �olun#ary or in�oluntary; <br /> whethe� by outr�ght sals� deed, installment sale cantract, land con�ract� cvntract fvr deed. leasehold inte�est with a <br /> term greater than three t3) yea�s, lease-aption contract, or by sate. 85Signmen�, or transfer vf any benefic�al in�erest �n <br /> or to any lend trust hofding tit�e to the Reai Property� or by any other method o#c�n�eyen�e of an interest �n the Rea! <br /> P�operty. Howe�er, this optfon sha11 not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited hy faderal 1aw ar by <br /> Nebreska lew. <br /> TAXES AND L�ENS. The foflnwing prfl�isions relating to the taxes and �iens ❑n the Property are part a#this Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Payn�tent. Trustor shall pey when due tand in all e�ents privr to del�nquencyy a�i�axes, specia!taxes, assessments, <br /> cha�rges �'rnc�uding water end sewerf� fiines and imp�sitians le�ied against ar on account af the Property, and sha�� <br /> pey when due a�� claims for wafik dflne on ❑r for ser�ices rendered ❑c material furnish�d ta the Property. Trustvr <br /> shall rnaintain the Prvper#y�ree o'F a11 liens having prioriiy o►►er ar equa�to the interest of Lender under this Deed af <br /> Trus#. sxcept fvr the �ien vf tax�s and assessmen#s not due and except as otherwise pro�ided in th�s Deed ❑f <br /> Trust. <br /> Right to Cvntest. Trustor m�y withhald payment af any tax, assessment, or claim in connectEon w�th a gvad faith <br /> disputs o�er the ahligatian to lvng as Lender's interest in the Praperty�s not jeopardized. lf a lien arises or <br /> is f�#ed as a resuft of nvnpayment. Trustar sh�l� within fifteen ��5; days aft�r the Ifen arises v�, if a �ien is �iled, <br /> within fifteen �15� days afte� Trustor has notice of the filing� secure the discharge of the �ien, or i� cequested by <br /> Lsnder,dep�sit with L�nder cgsh or a sufficient corporate surety h�nd or other security s�tisfa�tory ta Lender in an <br /> emount suffiGient tn discharge the lien plus any casts �nd attorneys' fees, ar ather charges that cauld accrue as a <br /> �esult�f a foreclosure or sale under the lien. 1n any contest.Trustor sha11 defend itself and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any ad�erse�udgment bef{are snfarcement��ainst the Property. Trustor sha��name Lender as an�dditiona�obli�ee <br /> under�ny surety bvnd furnished in the contest proceedings. <br /> EWidence of Paymant. Tfustor shaf� upon d�m�nd#urnish to Lender satisfa�tary e�rdence❑�payment of#he taxes <br /> or�ssessments and shall autharize the appropriete ga�ernment�l official ta deli�er to Lender at any#�me a written <br /> statement of the taxes and assessments aga�nst the Property. <br /> Na�cs of C�nstructian. Trustar sha11 noti�y Lender et leas#fifteen ��5� days befvre any w�rk is Gommenced. any <br /> ser��ces are furnish�d� or any materials are supplied to#he Property� if any mechanic's lien, ma�erialmen's 1ien, or <br /> ath�r lien could be asserted on account of the work, sen�ices, or materials. Trustor wiii upan request a# Lender <br /> �umish to Lender ad�ance assurances satis#actnry to Lender that Trustor can and wiil pay the cost vf such <br /> impro►►ements, <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The fallow�ng pro�isions relat�ng to insuring#he Property are a part of this ❑eed of <br /> Trusi. <br /> Maintenance vf insurance, Trus#ar shafl pro�ure snd maintain poli�ies of fire fnsurance ►nrith st�ndard extended <br /> cv�erage endo�sements on a replacement basia f�r th� �u11 tnsurable �alue co�ering all Impro�ements ❑n the f�ea� <br />